.\"send a message to all objects in a room .TH tell_room 3 .SH SYNOPSIS void tell_room(mixed ob, string str); .SH DESCRIPTION Send a message `str' to object all objects in the room `ob'. `ob' can also be the name of the room (string). .PP If the message depends on the reciever an array of two messages or a message containing words intended for 'value by function call' can be used. For information on reciever dependant messages pxref{Meeting Players}. .PP If third argumnet "ex_ob" specified, messages is sent to all except "ex_ob". If 'ex_ob' is not an object, but an array of objects, all those objects are excluded, they do not get the message. (This is not true for the efun. There may be an lfun that defines this.) .SH SEE ALSO message(3), write(3), shout(3), say(3), tell_object(3).