get_dir() - returns information pertaining to a filesystem directory
string *get_dir(string dir, int default: F_CONST0);
If called with a single argument (the name of a directory), get_dir()
will returns an array of strings with each element corresponding to
the name of a file in the directory. If called with two arguments
with the second argument equal to -1, get_dir will return an array of
arrays with the sub-arrays having the following form:
({ filename, last_time_file_touched, size_of_file })
Where filename is a string and last_time_file_touched is an integer
number of seconds since January 1, 1970. The size_of_file element is
the same value that is returned by file_size(3): the size of the file
in bytes, or -2 if it's a directory. Note that get_dir can handle a
limited set of wildcards consisting of '?' and '*'.