.\"remove a (key, value) pair from a mapping based on the key .TH map_delete 3 .SH NAME map_delete() - remove a (key, value) pair from a mapping based on the key .SH SYNOPSIS void map_delete(mapping m, mixed element) .SH DESCRIPTION map_delete removes the (key, value) from the mapping m that has key equal to element. .PP For example, given: .IP .nf mapping names; names = ([]); names["truilkan"] = "john"; names["wayfarer"] = "erik"; names["jacques"] = "dwayne"; .PP Then: .IP map_delete(names,"truilkan"); .PP causes the mapping 'names' to be equal to: .IP (["wayfarer" : "erik", "jacques" : "dwayne"]) .PP .fi keys(names) will not contain "truilkan" after map_delete(names,"truilkan") is called [unless ("truilkan", *) is subsequently added back to the mapping].