List of pictures day 1 (Friday)

  1. Milamber och Cleon frying pancakes
  2. Auronthas, Aronsson och Wing are eating
  3. Lythende, Perle and Demos
  4. Mentar, Hal, Linus, St (hidden), Arkon and Ugh. In the background: Demos
  5. Demos and Pell
  6. Lobo
  7. Meta and Mats
  8. Swampnose preparing the dishes
  9. Lobo, closeup
  10. Lpd
  11. Neutron in the middle of a discussion
  12. Annabell och Busterbunny outside Gasquen. Wings arm can also be seen
  13. Distributed muds. Demos is describing the now famous Dragon/adventurer problem
  14. Demos is very proud his drawings are so succesful
  15. Closeup on the black board showing the distributed muds and the dragon and the adventurer problem
  16. Demos is explaining the load_linked and store_conditional
  17. Demos, "My keyboard is exactly this wide."
  18. Aronson, Wing, Helenette and Cleonn in Q
  19. Demos, three servers talking to each other.
  20. Demos, the circles are objects. This picture is taken exactly 22 seconds before he drops the chalk
  21. Demos, this is a beatiful dragon
  22. The early arrivals in A1 First row from the left: Meta, Elessar, Cleonn, Busterbunny, Helenette and Mats. Second row: Linus, Lobo, Slater, Auronthas and Marblecat.
  23. Aronsson photographing
  24. The early arrivals, more to the right Front row from the left: Elessar, Cleonn, Busterbunny, Helenette and Mats. Second row: Lobo, Slater, Auronthas and Marblecat. This picture is taken exactly 57 seconds before Busterbunny spills his pepsi all over himself.
  25. Early arrivals, more to the left Front row from the left: Meta and Elessar (drinking). Second row: Milamber turned, Linus, Lobo and slater. Third row: Aronsson, St and Oros (hidden).
  26. All there listening to the opening statement Second row: Linus Third row from the left: Aronsson and St Fourth row: Jojina, Hal, Lythende, Perle, Ugh, Mentar,
  27. Elessar is doing her introduction Front row from the left: Meta (turned), Elessar (standing), Cleonn and Helenette Second row: Linus, Milamber, Lobo, Slater Third row: Aronsson (half), St, Oros Fourth row: Mentar, Neutron, Annabell and Demos
  28. Cleonn doing his introduction Front row from the left: Meta, Elessar, Cleonn (standing), Busterbunny (hidden), Helenette, Pell and MacBeth (reading) Second row: Lobo, Slater, Auronthas, Marblecat and Mats Fourth row: Demos
  29. Cleonn doing his introduction II Front row from the left: Metas hands, Cleonn, Busterbunny, Helenette, Pell and MacBeth (still reading). Second row: Milamber, Lobo, Slater, Auronthas, Marblecat Third row: St and Oros Fourth row: Jojina, Hal, Lythende, Perle, Ugh, Mentar and Neutron
  30. Someone has said something funny Front row from the left: Busterbunny, Helenette, Pell and MacBeth (still reading). Second row: Milamber, Lobo, Slater, Auronthas, Marblecat, Mats Third row: St, Oros Fourth row: Jojina, Hal, Lythende, Perle, Ugh, Mentar, Neutron, Annabell and Demos
  31. Cleonn doing his introduction III Front row from the left: Metas hands, Cleonn, Busterbunny, Helenette, Pell and MacBeth (still reading). Second row: Milamber, Lobo, Slater, Auronthas, Marblecat Third row: St and Oros Fourth row: Jojina, Hal, Lythende, Perle, Ugh, Mentar and Neutron
  32. Greating some late arrivals Late arrivals: Arkon, Swampnose and Sharilla
  33. Pell testing the OH-equipment
  34. Pell is talking about the history of Lysator
  35. Overhead shown by Pell. Real computers and old time hackers.
  36. Overhead shown by Pell. Changing disk pack
  37. Overhead shown by Pell. The microcomputer is threatening the big ones
  38. Overhead shown by Pell. Showing newspaper article of the Lysator computer Lys-16. On the picture, in the back Robert Forscheimer the way he looked in the 70:ties.
  39. Mats starting his nannymud history presentation
  40. Mats is taking his breath
  41. Mats has written down the early nannymud history
  42. Cleonn is cooking (or frying)
  43. Slater is in pain. Perhaps someone mentioned Pepsi?
  44. The crowd before the first meal From the left: Macbeth, Helenette, Hal, Ugh, Elessar (handing out poisened apples), Perle and Lobo (with his back turned).
  45. The crowd before the first meal From the left: Mats, Pell, Demos, MacBeth, Helenette, Hal and Elessar.
  46. Slater and Cleonn frying pancakes
  47. Cleonn is frying
  48. The crowd in Gasquen From the left: Busterbunny, Mats and Linus.
  49. Nobody did really believe the apples were poisonous From the left: Meta, Elessar and Aronsson
  50. Aronsson, Meta and Lobo eating
  51. Discussions From the left: Swampnose, ?, Annabell, Lythende and Jojina
  52. The dragon himself, Wing
  53. Table used for preparing the pancakes, afterwards
  54. Slater, extreme closeup
  55. Cleonn. This is a really sad picture. Just look at his "please feed me"-eyes.
  56. One of the tables On the left from the front: Swampnose, Lythende On the right from the rear: Pell, Busterbunny is full, ? and Elessar
  57. Discussions after the meal From the left: Marblecat (half of him), Meta, Neutron, Mats, Mentar, Wing (with his back turned) and Auronthas
  58. Same discussion, another point of view From the left: Pell, Aronsson, Lythende, Helenette, Meta, Mats, Auronthas, Jojina, Marblecat and Lobo.
  59. Another table, another discussion From the left: Neutron, Mentar, Linus, Arkon, Demos, Lythende and Ugh.
  60. Pell is juggling
  61. Lobo and Linus in discussion in Q
  62. Cleonn is trying some newly learned spells
Comments are made by Linus.