List of pictures day 2 (Saturday)
- View inside island
- Proud island representatives
- The Quest bar with Meta
- Construction of the demon door, Wing and Profezzorn
- Wing is finishing the door
- The door in is right
- Welcome to Elkos, the sign
- Milamber grasping
- The Screaming Horse
- Arkon meeting Petno as father Nicholas
- Arkon meeting Petno as father Nicholas
- The Screaming Horse
- Father Nicholas (Petno) is holding his speach
- Inside the museum, Arkon, Hal and Ugh
- Inside the library, Ugh and Elessar
- Inside the museum, Arkon and Ugh
- Inside the museum, Magfr, Hal and Arkon
- Wing is happyu outside the M-verkstaden
- Strange corridor
- More running
- Interesting perspective of the ventilation system
- Busterbunny interrogating Profezzorn
- Profezzorn is trying hypnoses
- Neutron sneaking around
- Running running
- Ugh, Hal and Arkon meeting the priest
- Neutron leaving
- Helenette
- Cleonn leaving on his bike
- Cleonn arriving with his bike
- Lythende and MacBeth discussing plans
- Do I dare go in here
- Hidden camera shot
- The priest is holding a session
- Behold this sceptre
- M-verkstaden
- Its almost halv past nine and still no clue
- Arkon copying the map
- The audience at the mass
- The preacher
- More preaching
- Some of the audience is more careful
- The finally
- Running running
- Running running
- Is someone peeking around the corner?
- At safe distance
- Following directions
- The master of ceremonies
- Elessar, Profezzorn, Gwendolyn and Wing planning
- The mass begins
- The mass
- The mass, its getting darker
- And darker
- Its better to be in the back
- Really dark
- Profezzorn, Busterbunny, Wing, Helenette and Arkon taking a pause
- Busterbunny waving and Petno
- Profezzorn, Helenette, Busterbunny and Petno
- ?, Hal, Lythende, Profezzorn and Helenette
- Elessar, Meta and Profezzorn
- Arkon, Lythende, Marblecat, Auronthos and Hal
- Busterbunny, Helenette and Petno
- Wing and Arkon
- Helenette, Profezzorn and Busterbunny
- Auronthos, Neutron, Helenette and ?
- Neutron and Hades running
- Calle Englund
- Oros hiding
- Nydahl pinballing
- Milamber at 1 o'clock
- Wing and Mirar
The matching picture
- Mass
- Profezzorn saying something
- Profezzorn saying something else
- Arkon and Ugh arriving
- Ugh, Arkon and Hal leaving
- Ugh, Arkon and Hal watching the door closely
- Arkon, Wing (the door) and Ugh
- Arkon, Wing, Ugh and Hal
- Wing (the door), Ugh, Arkon and Hal
- Mentar, Neutron and Lila at the door
Wing can be seen as the door.
- Hades, Petno and Magfr
- The door
- Behind the door
- The dark dungeons
- ?, Helenette and MacBeth in the dungeons
- Someone percing the dark
- The dark cave
- ? and ?, did you find anything?
- Dungeons
- Dungeons
- Exchanging of ideas
- The library, before
- Strange mechanism controlling the demon door
- Neotron
- Neutron taking of the magical amulet and Hal
- Petno and Neutron
- Neutron, Helenette, Arkon and Meta
- Petno, Neutron and Mentar
- Profezzorn and Neutron
- Neutron hypnothysing Profezzorn
- Meta in the bar selling Dr Pepper
- Wing taking a nap/The king dying
- The library again. Now shining
- Arkon, Busterbunny, Petno and Mentar
- Busterbunny, Hal, Petno and Mentar
- Profezzorn, Wing, Helenette and ?
- Petno, Auronthos, Profezzorn, Klopf and ?
- Helenette, Neutron, Jojina, Busterbunny, Cleonn, Taran, MacBeth
- Profezzorn, Helenette, Petno and Busterbunny
- Profezzorn and Wing. Who is strangling/tickling who?
- Profezzorn, Wing and Petno
- Wing, Profezzorn and Petno
- Petno, Profezzorn, Arkon and Hal
- On their way to the quest
- Arkon and Hal considering the plan
- Arkon and Hal collecting parts of the map
- Petno, Neutron, Arkon, Hal and Wing (dead)
- Profezzorn, Arkon, Meutron and Hal
- Petno and Wing. This is the big ressurection scene
- Arkon and Hal
- Arkon, Neutron and Hal, fighting
- Neutron and Hal, fighting
- Hal, Arkon and Neutron
- Island
- The corridor
- Profezzorn, Gwendolyn (hidden) and Wing
- Magfr
- Elessar fighting lightning
- Meta and Elessar
- Milamber, Profezzorn, ?, Gwendolyn and Wing. Wing is happy
- Profezzorn
The matching picture
- Petno
- Planning the quest while eating, Profezzorn, Elessar, Milamber, Petno and Wing
- Lobo, leaving
- The menu
Comments by Linus.