List of pictures day 2 (Saturday)

  1. View inside island
  2. Proud island representatives
  3. The Quest bar with Meta
  4. Construction of the demon door, Wing and Profezzorn
  5. Wing is finishing the door
  6. The door in is right
  7. Welcome to Elkos, the sign
  8. Milamber grasping
  9. The Screaming Horse
  10. Arkon meeting Petno as father Nicholas
  11. Arkon meeting Petno as father Nicholas
  12. The Screaming Horse
  13. Father Nicholas (Petno) is holding his speach
  14. Inside the museum, Arkon, Hal and Ugh
  15. Inside the library, Ugh and Elessar
  16. Inside the museum, Arkon and Ugh
  17. Inside the museum, Magfr, Hal and Arkon
  18. Wing is happyu outside the M-verkstaden
  19. Strange corridor
  20. More running
  21. Interesting perspective of the ventilation system
  22. Busterbunny interrogating Profezzorn
  23. Profezzorn is trying hypnoses
  24. Neutron sneaking around
  25. Running running
  26. Ugh, Hal and Arkon meeting the priest
  27. Neutron leaving
  28. Helenette
  29. Cleonn leaving on his bike
  30. Cleonn arriving with his bike
  31. Lythende and MacBeth discussing plans
  32. Do I dare go in here
  33. Hidden camera shot
  34. The priest is holding a session
  35. Behold this sceptre
  36. M-verkstaden
  37. Its almost halv past nine and still no clue
  38. Arkon copying the map
  39. The audience at the mass
  40. The preacher
  41. More preaching
  42. Some of the audience is more careful
  43. The finally
  44. Running running
  45. Running running
  46. Is someone peeking around the corner?
  47. At safe distance
  48. Following directions
  49. The master of ceremonies
  50. Elessar, Profezzorn, Gwendolyn and Wing planning
  51. The mass begins
  52. The mass
  53. The mass, its getting darker
  54. And darker
  55. Its better to be in the back
  56. Really dark
  57. Profezzorn, Busterbunny, Wing, Helenette and Arkon taking a pause
  58. Busterbunny waving and Petno
  59. Profezzorn, Helenette, Busterbunny and Petno
  60. ?, Hal, Lythende, Profezzorn and Helenette
  61. Elessar, Meta and Profezzorn
  62. Arkon, Lythende, Marblecat, Auronthos and Hal
  63. Busterbunny, Helenette and Petno
  64. Wing and Arkon
  65. Helenette, Profezzorn and Busterbunny
  66. Auronthos, Neutron, Helenette and ?
  67. Neutron and Hades running
  68. Calle Englund
  69. Oros hiding
  70. Nydahl pinballing
  71. Milamber at 1 o'clock
  72. Wing and Mirar The matching picture
  73. Mass
  74. Profezzorn saying something
  75. Profezzorn saying something else
  76. Arkon and Ugh arriving
  77. Ugh, Arkon and Hal leaving
  78. Ugh, Arkon and Hal watching the door closely
  79. Arkon, Wing (the door) and Ugh
  80. Arkon, Wing, Ugh and Hal
  81. Wing (the door), Ugh, Arkon and Hal
  82. Mentar, Neutron and Lila at the door Wing can be seen as the door.
  83. Hades, Petno and Magfr
  84. The door
  85. Behind the door
  86. The dark dungeons
  87. ?, Helenette and MacBeth in the dungeons
  88. Someone percing the dark
  89. The dark cave
  90. ? and ?, did you find anything?
  91. Dungeons
  92. Dungeons
  93. Exchanging of ideas
  94. The library, before
  95. Strange mechanism controlling the demon door
  96. Neotron
  97. Neutron taking of the magical amulet and Hal
  98. Petno and Neutron
  99. Neutron, Helenette, Arkon and Meta
  100. Petno, Neutron and Mentar
  101. Profezzorn and Neutron
  102. Neutron hypnothysing Profezzorn
  103. Meta in the bar selling Dr Pepper
  104. Wing taking a nap/The king dying
  105. The library again. Now shining
  106. Arkon, Busterbunny, Petno and Mentar
  107. Busterbunny, Hal, Petno and Mentar
  108. Profezzorn, Wing, Helenette and ?
  109. Petno, Auronthos, Profezzorn, Klopf and ?
  110. Helenette, Neutron, Jojina, Busterbunny, Cleonn, Taran, MacBeth
  111. Profezzorn, Helenette, Petno and Busterbunny
  112. Profezzorn and Wing. Who is strangling/tickling who?
  113. Profezzorn, Wing and Petno
  114. Wing, Profezzorn and Petno
  115. Petno, Profezzorn, Arkon and Hal
  116. On their way to the quest
  117. Arkon and Hal considering the plan
  118. Arkon and Hal collecting parts of the map
  119. Petno, Neutron, Arkon, Hal and Wing (dead)
  120. Profezzorn, Arkon, Meutron and Hal
  121. Petno and Wing. This is the big ressurection scene
  122. Arkon and Hal
  123. Arkon, Neutron and Hal, fighting
  124. Neutron and Hal, fighting
  125. Hal, Arkon and Neutron
  126. Island
  127. The corridor
  128. Profezzorn, Gwendolyn (hidden) and Wing
  129. Magfr
  130. Elessar fighting lightning
  131. Meta and Elessar
  132. Milamber, Profezzorn, ?, Gwendolyn and Wing. Wing is happy
  133. Profezzorn The matching picture
  134. Petno
  135. Planning the quest while eating, Profezzorn, Elessar, Milamber, Petno and Wing
  136. Lobo, leaving
  137. The menu
Comments by Linus.