List of pictures day 3 (Sunday)

A little help reading the texts:
excavator on wheels
If you can identify anyone that I have not been able to identify, please send me a note and I will fix it.
  1. Sky picture with crane
  2. Q-house from above
  3. Sunday morning at the working lot outside Q-house
  4. Another picture of the Q-house from above
  5. The Q-house in the middle. You can see the welcoming open door.
  6. SKI from above
  7. The beautiful location of the campus
  8. A 5 element multiband yagi on 20, 15 and 10 meters. Over that you can se a 14 element yagi for 2 meters. And beneath delta loops for 80 and 40 meter. The dish is the Rydnet Microwave link.
  9. Parked hjullaster from above
  10. A-huset from above
  11. The kårhuset Kårallen. (behind the trees)
  12. Folkhögskolan from above
  13. Another picture of the Q-housse from above
  14. A close up on the hjullastaren
  15. Even closer. It's a Volvo BM
  16. Close shot of the cabin of the hjullastaren. Nobody is in there
  17. Close shot of the skopan of the hjullaataren
  18. Hjullastaren shot from a different angle. You can see one of cranes in the background.
  19. ? probably Lila, taking a picture of the crowd
  20. The whole crowd on the stairs Bottom row from the left: Klopf, Demos, Pell, Helenette, Cleonn, Hal, Sharilla Second row: Marblecat, Auronthas, Neutron, Ugh, Aronsson, Linus, Gwendolyn Third row: Ppannion, Perle, Arkon, Lythande, Elessar, Meta
  21. Everybody is watching Lila Same crowd as the picture before but Lila is walking in the front.
  22. A shot of the picture taking Taking pictures: Hal (in front of the crowd) and Swampnose (to the right).
  23. The photographer is quickly taking a few shots while accelerating towards the ground with approcimately 9.8 m/s²
  24. Wing taking a picture of the crowd on the stairs
  25. The crowd again Bottom row from the left: Wing, Klopf, Demos, Pell, Helenette, Cleonn, Lila, Sharilla and Swampnose. Second row: Marblecat, Auronthas, Neutron, Ugh, Aronsson, Linus, Gwendolyn Third row: Ppannion, Perle, Arkon, Lythande, Elessar, Meta, Hal
  26. Another shot of the same crowd
  27. People discussing in the nice weather From the left: Hal, Helenette, Lythande and Cleonn
  28. Close shot of Gwendolyn
  29. Lets go that way. No, lets go this way Lythande going his own way. Demos and Perle going opposite directions and Sharilla watching the crash. Behind Lythande you can see the "Noppes bil".
  30. Hal and Swampnose discussing what film would be best today
  31. A beautiful picture of Pell In the rear: Swampnose and Lythande
  32. Discussions on the stairs From the left: Ppannion, Elessar (hidden), Meta, Wing and Helenette
  33. An interesting card game From the left: Lythande, Perle, Demos, Ugh, Arkon and Neutron.
  34. A hole in the ground If you would count them we would know how many holes it takes to fill the Q-huset.
  35. Relaxing in the sun From the left: Demos, Ugh, Lila, Arkon and Neutron
  36. The chef is prepaing chives. For chives I used the dictionary.
  37. Helenette and Lythande relaxing in the sun
  38. Ppannion relaxing in the sun You can see the legs fo Elessar and Meta.
  39. Meta, Helenette, Lythande and Macbeth relaxing in the sun
  40. Hal and Ppannion discussing
  41. Wing, still with the camera
  42. Awaiting lunch. In the front Elessar and Linus.
  43. Lunch the last day From the left: Lila, Demos, Arkon, Ugh, Neutron and Macbeth.
  44. Lythande, Perle and Hal waiting for lunch
  45. Yet another sky shot. This time of a crane.
  46. Cleonn and Taren testing for beer
  47. Elessar is sad. Somebody just told her we would take a picture of her Ppannion to the right.
  48. Pell just arrived From the left: Ugh, Neutron, Mentar, Macbeth, Pell and Linus.
  49. Wing is taking Macbeths picture. Macbeth doesn't want to. From the left: Demos, Wing, Ugh (bowing), Arkon (rubbing his eyes), Neutron, Macbeth, Mentar and Linus.
  50. Gwendolyn, in a mirror maze
  51. Vikingmud is eating From the left: Taran, Gwendolyn, Auronthas, Marblecat, Klopf, Aronsson On the other table: Cleonn, Perle an Hal.
  52. Macbeth would like some salt From the left: Hal, Linus, Mats, Macbeth and Arkon. On the other table: Elessar and Meta.
  53. We are done From the left: Perle, Hal, Helenette, ?, Elessar, Cleonn, Lythande, ?
  54. The germans are saying goodbye From the left: Busterbunny, Lythande, Arkon, Ppannion, Wing, Lila, Demos, Perle and Linus
  55. The germans are saying goodbye.
  56. A hole in the ground This will be the entry of next years real life quest.
  57. Some discussions before lunch From the left: Mentar, Mats, Hades, ?, Elessar, ? and ?.
  58. Restoring the tables afterwards. From the left: Aronsson, ?, Elessar?, ? and Meta.
  59. More cleaning up and fixing. Here the bar.
  60. Cleonn is busy wipeing the tables You can see: Helenette (sitting) and Gwendolyn (turning his head) in the back.
  61. Helenette is finishing her lunch
  62. Swampnose? and Sharilla? are worshiping the weather.
  63. ? arriving on a motorcycle
  64. Ture and Aronsson are making coffee in the Q-house kitchen
  65. The main corridor of the Q-house.
  66. Ronin (alias Legolas, alias Nordgrimm) in the Q-house (at the robert console)
  67. Another view from above
  68. Ture in his normal habitad (at the rune console) You can see that he just consumed a Billys pan pizza and a Festis apelsin.
  69. Linus in his normal habitad (at some terminal)
  70. Padrone drinking coffee Observe that Spock is on the coffee-cup.
  71. Cardell i concentrating on levitating the terminal
  72. Martin and Cardell reading a newspaper
  73. Ture, now located at the ruben console He is not really hacking, rather reading comic strips.
  74. Magnus, ? and Cardell (alias Teapot) in the Ctrl-C room
  75. The poster as it looks on a door in the Q-house
  76. Cleonn is hurrying, here he is in the Q-house
  77. Ppannion is contemplating the Kårhuset In the rear you can see Arkon, Demos, Neutron, Ugh and Lila.
  78. Another picture from above
  79. The crowd just after listening to the summations of the Workshops From the left: Lila, Pell, Sharilla, Lythande, Perle, Hal, Klopf, Helenette, Ppannion, Marblecat and Auronthas.
  80. The same crowd more to the left From the left: Lpd, Aronsson, Linus, Meta, Elessar, Lila, Pell, Sharilla and Lythande.
  81. The crowd some minutes sooner. Helenette is forcing Gwendolyn to write in her book. From the left: Auronthas?, Meta, Gwendolyn, Elessar, Helenette, Pell, Lila, Demos, Sharilla and Swampnose.
  82. Linus is speaking about social aspects in the mud From the left: Helenette, Pell, Meta, Demos, Elessar, Lila, Perle, Sharilla, Swampnose, ?, ?, Marblecat, Lythande, Hal, Arkon, Linus, ? and Ppannion.
  83. Linus is talking some more From the left: Lpd, Aronsson, Linus, Meta, Elessar, Lila, Gwendolyn, Sharilla, Swampnose, Auronthas, Lythande, Helenette, Pell, Hal, Demos and Arkon.
  84. Linus is watching his papers. From the left: Swampnose, Sharilla, Lila, Linus and ?.
  85. Linus is thinking about what to say From the left: Hal, Lythande, Swampnose, Sharilla, Linus and Lila. You can see Elessars backpack to the right.
  86. Hal and Swampnose are taking a group picture
  87. Lpd is on his way
  88. Macbeth, just after the group picture In the back: Meta and Helenette.
  89. Johan is way down there
  90. Gwendolyn is taking Elessars picture
  91. Gwendolyn is taking a picture of the photograph
  92. Elessar is considering this tiny amulett she has found in the trash
  93. Meta and Elessar (taking a picture)
  94. The fights are very friendly From the left: Ppannion, Elessar (holding the camera), Gwendolyn and Meta.
  95. Johan again. This picture is taken while the photographer is falling down.
  96. The Q-house from half way up
  97. Another half way up picture
  98. Kårallen from above
  99. Kårallen from above, finally centered properly
  100. Johan again
  101. Folkhögskolan
  102. The antenna tower at Linköping university
  103. B-huset
  104. B-huset roof
  105. Camping area from above
  106. Q-house from above
  107. Hjullastaren from above
  108. The hole again
  109. The local golf coarse from above
  110. Q-house again, with the E++ clearly seen