The problem is that almost anyone can become a wizard
and get the
powers of snooping or in some other way seeing/logging what other
players do.
These powers can easily be used to follow a players proceedings in the mud and to find what the player is missing for clues and or what he really is using in the solving of a quest, a problem.
Since it is a very simple tool it can easily be used to herass a player or it could be used to watch what a player is talking about.
Since there is a lot of freedom for wizards and because of the basic concepts of the world it is very hard to technically stop the wizards from doing some logging or watching.
Is snooping really legal? We concluded that we don't really know exactly what the law is and anyway since muds are distributed over several countries, what country's laws should be used?
Possible solutions to consider were suggested:
and tell
from the snooping}
ing or tell
ing other players. Most private
conversations are held with say
and tell
so by removing
that possibility we remove most of the problem.
This is not satisfactury of coarse since any wizard can make an object
that logs or tells him what the player he is interested in is
ing or tell
If everybody have a suitable moral code there won't be a problem with this.
Since feelings are not shown upon the faces of the persons but has to pass your brain to be converted in a suitable action via your fingers we can make a few observations:
This is not a problem as such but an interesting observation.
Do the MUDders have a life? This is a question that is very hard to answer. We just made some observations.
The help it can offer is a small, simple social scene where they can act without the extra stress of being watched.
It should be mentioned that the persons that really could be helped this way are rare.