The Druidic Owls

As a Druid you can summon an owl from the forest. The owl will be your companion on your travels, or it can be your eyes and report what it sees if you leave it somewhere.

Command Description
summon owl First available when you power tree is rowan. Costs 30 sp. An owl will join you from the forest.
call owl Call your owl to your side. You can also call an owl originally summoned by you and then later sent to another druid.
locate owl Tells you where your owl is. Costs 10 sp.
say owl, your name is <name> Rename your owl.
say owl, <cmd>
hoot owl, <cmd>
Instruct your owl to do a basic command.
(NOTE! You must have a comma AND space after 'owl'.)

  • say owl, give money to me
  • say owl, drop all
  • say owl, east
  • say owl, say Hi!
Using 'hoot' instead of say makes the order 'silent' for the spectators.
say owl, be silent Command your owl to stop spamming
say owl, <who> is a friend Commands the owl to treat <who> as a friend. This means the owl will not attack <who> if attacks the monster the owl is watching. An owl will never forget a friend
say owl, friends The owl will tell you the name of its friends.
say owl, watch <who> Command your owl to watch your enemy while you go for refreshments. From oak tree level, the owl will follow the oen it's watching, if he decides to leave his original location.
say owl, stop watch Command your owl to stop watching.
say owl, un-/follow Command your owl to stop/start follow you around
say owl, leave Command you owl to return to the forest
say owl, fly to <who> Send your owl to another druid, who will become its new owner
say owl, do <cmd1>,<cmd2>,... Available from oak level. Give your owl a series of commands to perform. (max 8)
say owl, start report Your owl will stay here and report all that happen here to you.
say owl, stop report Your owl stops reporting.
say owl, watch report