These are the few scraps of the ancient Silaan language still known to the immortals of the Simyarin. As brave Simyarin explore and find long-forgotten texts and writings, they are added to this compilation of knowledge. And beware - although but a part of the whole language, this list is still quite long. Signed, Leowon the chronicler of Simyar-Lome. E- (prefix) : 'Almost'; also 'Quite' A- (prefix) : 'Death'; also 'Not' I- (prefix) : 'In' -og (suffix) : 'Ancient, from olden times, elderly' Na- (prefix) : 'Empty'; also as negation -ar (suffix) : 'Many, several'; Plural suffix -ma (suffix) : 'Most'; (superlative) -lar (suffix) : 'More'; (comparative) -il (suffix) : '-ish, -ian'; (used to adjectivize words) -ith (suffix) : '-ish, -ian'; (elderly; used to adjectivize words) Ell- (prefix) : 'All, everyone' Lin- (prefix) : 'Beautiful' Tur- (prefix) : 'Evil, terrible'; (q.v. Turugh, 'Evil' (the noun)) -men (suffix) : 'Without' Medhas : '(Mountain-) Pass'; (q.v. Charnagh Medh, 'Cleft, ravine') Lain : '(Very Good) Friend'; (a strong expression, often used between brothers of blood) Falath : '(to) Fall' -in : 'A'; (Ex Ikilin, 'A bay') Ten : 'About' Tirluth : 'Again' Unni : 'Again, once more' Bard : 'Aid, support' Nirna : 'Aim' Eri : 'Alas' Sinar : 'Amplify, raise'; (also 'Improve, raise') Li : 'And'; (At more than two iterations Eli, 'And also') Mathmon : 'Answer' Shilil : 'Around, near' Penth : 'As to, to'; sometimes also 'Because of' Ostaryn : 'Middle, average, medium' Ilal : 'Balance'; (q.v. Iliar, 'Between') Yril : 'Basic' Ikil : 'Bay' Ullos : 'Be'; (pres Ull-, 'am, are, is') Waine : 'Beauty, loveliness' Ralluth : 'Become' Dilai : 'Beg, pray, ask for' Anna : 'Begin, start' Sidron : 'Behind'; also 'Beyond' Cromo : 'Bite' Unno : 'Black' Sel : 'Body'; (q.v. Sel-Dum, 'Brain') Brithil : 'Brief' Char : 'Burned'; also '(a) Burn'; (q.v. Charaeth, 'Smoulder, glow, smoke') Halfendar : 'Busy, occupied'; also 'Stressed' Ellos : 'But then' Calca : 'But' Callan : 'Call (for)' Ulno : 'Calm, rest' Valtema : 'Care' Carra : 'Cave, grotto' Malwar : 'Celebrate'; (q.v. Mal, 'Laugh, laughter, merriment') Vondar : 'Challenge'; (q.v. Voldar, 'Defy') Coth : 'Chaos'; (In reality the name of The Fallen God, Coth. The word came with time to stand for 'The uttermost evil'; summarizing every evil a Silaan could possibly imagine) Mandi : 'Children, descendants, heirs' Mistwar : 'Citadell'; sometimes also 'Tower' Dhal : 'City' Panak : 'Club' Culdo : 'Cold'; (q.v. Culdos, 'Ice') Dimloth : 'Coming, impending, arising' Oi- : 'Common, ordinary' Nareth : 'Constant'; (q.v. Anareth, 'Change'; Anarethil, Changing) Asrukh : 'Corrupt, decay, wither' Binarith : 'Crown' Crintha : 'Cruelty'; (q.v. Crintha, 'Cruel') Eril : 'Cry, call, shout' Adaril : 'Cut, slash, sever'; also 'Cleave'; (q.v. Adarach, 'Ruin, disrupt, destroy') Trankor : 'Damage, hurt' Dun : 'Dark'; also 'Black, terrible, horrible' Pel : 'Daughter of'; (Ex Daina pel Atemma, 'Daina, daughter of Atemma') Birith : 'Day' Vannyin : 'Decided, settled, determined' Falanque : 'Deed'; (Carrying a positive meaning) Irith : 'Deep'; (q.v. Irithur, 'Bottomless') Yenwe : 'Different, other, apart' Ulan : 'Dig'; (q.v. Ulandhel, 'Mine, quarry') Nom : 'Divinity' Vennur : 'Do' Unthos : 'Doom, destiny, fate' Allalyn : 'Draught, drink' Varein : 'Dream, vision'; (q.v. Vari, 'Imagine') Ethion : 'East'; (q.v. Charnagh Esh, 'East') Tinna : 'Empress' Ennon : 'End, finish' Carrath : 'Enemy'; (lit. 'He who lurks in a cave') Manar : 'Enlightenment, elucidation, information' Antar : 'Equal' Perendi : 'Eternal, neverchanging'; (q.v. Peren, 'Always'; and Perendith, 'Forever') Cail : 'Fair, lovely' Rincal : 'Fall back, retreat, retire' Uine : 'Far, afar, from afar' Yenwar : 'Farewell'; (Only used at more permanent partings) Evare : 'Fast, dextrous' Dal : 'Father of' Anath : 'Father' Calagun : 'Fear, anguish ' Crantur : 'Feast upon' Yinno : 'Fill'; also 'Fulfill' Faeth : 'Fire, flames' Qill : 'Flow' Iqual : 'Flower' Forwin : 'Follow' Pen : 'For' An : 'For'; (In the meaning 'Long for') Kalla : 'Forest, wood'; (q.v. Cirian Cella, 'Forest') Dindar : 'Forget' Minthos : 'Forsaken, abandoned, expelled'; (q.v. Aminthos, 'Together') Khal : 'Fort, castle'; (q.v. Charnagh Kh, 'Fort') Lair : 'Friend'; (Common polite phrase) Pan- : 'From'; (In the meaning 'Come from, originate from') Oiannon : 'Full, complete, total, whole' Suth : 'Futile, pointless, unnecessary' Filondrin : 'Garden' Dak : 'Gate' Mintar : 'Gather, bring' Dan : 'Give'; (q.v. Adan, 'Take'; ) Dunda : 'Gloom, dimness, dusk' Mallon : 'Glory, splendour' Kolinn : 'Goal, aim, destination' Fulca : 'Goblet, cup' Mirith : 'Gone' Pel-Tennu : 'Gone, passed-by, lost' Halath : 'Greet'; (q.v. Halathin (mask), 'I greet you' (mask)) Erugrith : 'Grim, fell, grave, serious, horrible' Gingol : 'Hall' Celba : 'Hammer, pound'; (q.v. Celban, 'Forge, forging') Muri : 'Hand' Balish : 'Harmless, unimportant, insignificant' Telmar : 'Have'; (pres Te, 'Have, has') Dima : 'He' Telar : 'Heart' Lina : 'Here' Brand : 'Hero' Sithren : 'Hide, conceal '; (q.v. Sithren, 'Hidden, concealed') Linte : 'Hip' Dum : 'Hold, grasp, possess, keep, control' (A word with many meanings. q.v. Nadum, 'lose, drop, misplace') Lome : 'Home' Allonde : 'Hope, to hope' Belar : 'Horse'; (lit. 'The Equine race') Bann : 'Host, army'; (q.v. Bannon, 'Battle') Pannion : 'House, abode' Brinth : 'Hurt, pain' Mima : 'I' Tain : 'If' Elain : 'Island' Farn : 'Item, thing' Berillon : 'Jewelry'; (q.v. Bersil, 'Jewel'; and Bern, 'Gem') Silda : 'Kind, kindred, kin'; (Ex Niynwe silda Berylith, 'Niynwe, kin of Berylith') Baldon : 'Knee' Penna : 'Know'; also 'Be able to do' Gith : 'Land' Nagh : 'Land, area'; (q.v. Charnagh Naur, 'Land') Tor : 'Large mountain range' Dhair : 'Large, big'; (q.v. Adhair, 'Small, little') Tharon : 'Last' Menni : 'Leave'; (q.v. Amenni, 'Come') Finthos : 'Legend, myth, saga, story' Tek : 'Lesser mountain range' Ondin : 'Let us'; Lintamel : 'Lick' Gil : 'Life, living'; (q.v. Nagil, 'Death'; Gilcar, 'Health, well-being') Linwe : 'Light, shimmer' Linda : 'Lips' Rantar : 'Listen, to hear' Tin : 'Locked' Amyl : 'Loneliness' Avenuine : 'Long ago' Eperen : 'Long, for long' Sintar : 'Lord, master, sir' Luine : 'Lost, forlorn, gone'; (q.v. Luin, 'Lost, astray') Valdaron : 'Love, to love'; (q.v. Valdanir, 'Beloved' (mask) and Valdara, 'Beloved' (fem)) Simyar : 'Magic, magical'; (From Simya, 'The ageless Queen of Magic') Manda : 'Maiden'; (In elderly writings also in the meaning 'Pure') Bain : 'Man' Olme : 'Many, numerous' -di : 'Many, several'; Plural suffix Relad : 'Map' Dosmo : 'Mark'; (q.v. Dosmoth, 'Scare') Olmath : 'May'; (q.v. Olmelin forwinnolon, 'May light follow you on your ways') Ullai : 'May, let us hope that'; (expresses a wish for something to happen) Cillon : 'Meet, encounter' Carren : 'Mighty, strong' Analad : 'Mortal' Del : 'Mother of' Annath : 'Mother' Tal : 'Mountain' Car : 'Much' Talfin : 'Name, to be named' Hamwe : 'Necessary, essential' Nendo : 'Need ; sometimes also used as 'Crave' Yillon : 'New'; also 'New-born' Tinel : 'Next'; Gon : 'North' Nilad : 'North' Aqi : 'Now, presently' -Im- : 'Of'; As a rule possessive (Ex Gith-Im-Imyar, 'Land of Happiness') Can : 'On, at' Qunda : 'Only' Abardi : 'Opponent' Pallalin : 'Origin'; (q.v. Pallalar, 'Create, make') Imbe : 'Other' Imbar : 'Others' Athlan : 'Out'; also 'Outdoors' Mantir : 'Outcome' Cintar : 'Paradise, a Realm of Happiness' Runlar : 'Part' Ganiquelli : 'Pass'; (About time) Winth : 'Path' Mingon : 'Peace, serenity'; (q.v. Mingon, 'Calm'; and Turmingon, 'War') Ysara : 'Perfect'; (q.v. Ysarith, 'Perfection') Dhelen : 'Place' Anfael : 'Plain, field' Lind : 'Plain, wasteland' Ennith : 'Portal' Mimor : 'Power, might' Oroth : 'Price, Cost' Hima : 'Protect'; (q.v. Himarith, 'Armour, Protection') Doril : 'Realm, Kingdom' Gal : 'Red' (q.v. Galquenno, 'Blood') Quilasse : 'Remember'; (q.v. Aquilasse, 'Unknowing, ignorant') Yinde : 'Result' Ruach : 'Roar'; (Often in the meaning 'Waterfall, Rapids') Rech : 'Rock, cliff' Rynn : 'Rose'; (the flower) Linad : 'Row'; also 'Line' Gollion : 'Run' Qualith : 'Quick, rapid' Tiarn : 'Safe, secure' Aimbe : 'Same, similar' Tellan : 'Say' Wanda : 'See, behold'; (q.v. Wand, eye) Tilondo : 'Seek'; (In early writings also 'Find') Eanna : 'Self, oneself' Malma : 'Send, convey'; (q.v. Malmain, 'Messenger') Maranque : 'Shake, tremble' Dhana : 'She' Londe : 'Shine, beam, shimmer, glow' Andar : 'Shore, coast'; (q.v. Charnagh Andr, 'Coast') Sintha : 'Silent' Nirningith : 'Silver-blue flower; (After the Nirningith of legend) Panth : 'Since, as' Tanir : 'Sit' Salante : 'Slender, slim, lean' Talha : 'So, thus' Nandor : 'Someone, anyone' Pal : 'Son of' Rinda : 'Song, tale, poem, story' Dain : 'South' Pandril : 'Sparkle, glisten, glitter' Mana : 'Speak' Pilion : 'Spear'; also 'Mountaintop' Barak : 'Splinter, shatter, crush, smash, break'; (violently) Atantar : 'Stall, hinder' Ganda : 'Stand' Paine : 'Star'; (q.v. irregular adjective Pain, 'Twinkle') Iarfael : 'Halt, Stop, Cease'; (identical imperative form) Ilasse : 'Store, save' Tilla : 'Stream, brook'; (q.v. Pal-tilla, 'Spring, well') Rannek : 'Strike' Umlos : 'Sure, given'; (In elder writings also 'Predestined') Rianna : 'Sweetness'; (Mainly used as a word of affection) Ril : 'Sword'; (q.v. Rilingon, 'Melee, battle'; Annaril, 'Attack, charge, assault') Sinatir : 'Tall, high'; also 'Lordly, noble, grand, majestic' Thrin : 'Tarn, pond, lake' Melith : 'Thanks'; also 'Thank you' Alad : 'The People'; (The Silaans' name for themselves; used in the meaning 'We, us') Amman : 'The World'; (Silaan name for Thon) Palla : 'The first'; (Only in solemn expressions like Pallalome, 'The first home') Kandor : 'The ground' Aven : 'Then'; Past tense Dina : 'There'; (q.v. Adinan, 'Center'; and Adinaril, 'Central') Dhim : 'They' Tema : 'Think, believe'; (q.v. Temat, 'Knowlegde'; and Otemi, 'Plan, strategy') Tantar : 'Thirst'; (q.v. Tantalim, 'Thirsting') Alai : 'This, That' Windar : 'Throw'; also 'Fling' Quellith : 'Time' Lish : 'Touch, caress' Ta : 'Toward, towards'; sometimes also in the meaning 'Against' Adanan : 'Trade, to trade' Qualinde : 'Travel, journey' Goan : 'Turn' Tepan : 'Twin, twins' Gur : 'Tyranny'; (q.v. Gurna, 'Force (someone to do something)') Vinn : 'Until, up to'; (q.v. Vinn Tinel, 'Until next', a parting phrase) Nirfael : 'Unyielding, unmoving, immovable'; (q.v. Anirfael, 'Yield, give in') Tinque : 'Up' Suldo : 'Valour, valiance, bravery, courage' Shilith : 'Veil, shroud, drape' Dinak : 'Village'; (q.v. Cirian Dik, 'Village, hamlet') Gan : 'Walk' Gannagh : 'Wander' Wandael : 'Watcher'; (lit. 'The one who sees') Aquenno : 'Water' Avan : 'Wave'; (q.v. Avanar, 'Waves') Fombrith : 'Wavefoam, Wavecrest' Lonn : 'Way, path'; (q.v. Alonn, 'Border'; and Allon, 'Barrier') Mhim : 'We' Tianan : 'Weapon, arm' Dasha : 'West' Renos : 'Which' Uncar : 'While' Shande : 'Whine, whistle,' Smiar : 'Whip' Wirn : 'Whirl'; (Also Wirnakil, 'Whirlpool, Maelstrom, Vortex) Quanta : 'Why' Ullon : 'Will' Minar : 'Wisdom'; (q.v. Aminar, 'Confused, bewildered, puzzled') Teri : 'With' Bailan : 'Woman' May : 'Wound' Arakil : 'Wrath, fury, rage, storm'; (q.v. Arak, 'Wind') Vandar : 'Year' Forinn : 'Yet, still' Thim : 'You' (plural) Thana : 'You'; (feminine) Tina : 'You'; (masculine) Dilaron : 'Young' Ith : 'as, like'