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Subject: 1.5Even though ignoring is often the best approach to bad net-behaviour, there are certain types of posting that warrant, or sometimes even require, actions to be taken. This does not mean flaming the person into a crisp, though; the best way is to mail a message to the username 'postmaster' at the same main domain as the crook's address shows.Complaining to a person's postmaster;
- how, when and why?
posts something you strongly disapprove of, send a polite
complaint to the address postmaster@nsdap.org
, who may or
may not do something about it. Remember to include in your mail the
original article that caused you to complain and its headers so that
the postmaster can check if it really was posted from that site.
To: postmaster@somesite.net Cc: crook@somewhere.somesite.net Subject: Net-abuse from your site Dear Sir, Your user John Spam (crook@somewhere.somesite.net) has posted a [insert your favourite form of net-abuse] to the newsgroup soc. culture.nordic, an act widely recognized as a breach of netiquette. Please warn him not to do this again, and if he has done so before, consider removing his access to the Usenet. Thank you. Sincerely, Joe Netter [the posted article follows]: <...>Of course, the poster's address may be forged;
However, these actions should be left only to the worst offenders, because postmasters have a lot of work to do and if they get loads of unwarranted complaints they may lose their willingness to co-operate. Do not mail complaints simply because someone has called you an airhead in the heat of an argument. Use your common sense. Or you could go by this list of common types of articles that warrant a complaint:
MISPLACED ADS. See section 1.3.8 above; most ads, such as the the infamous Green Card Lotteries and Long-distance Phonecalls, are out of place in soc. culture.nordic. There's a struggle going on between the established Usenet culture and certain advertisers who don't give a dingo's kidneys about Usenet discussions, and only see the net as a virgin marketing medium ready and waiting to be raped with junk mail. If you want the Usenet to remain a discussion forum and not turn into a playground for the likes of Canter & Spam, it's almost your duty as a good netizen to react against this abuse of the net. The more people do it, the more effective it will be in uprooting the Evil.
MAKE MONEY FAST. There are lots of chainletters circulating the net; the one known by this name is the most common. People are supposed to send 5$ to the person on the top of a list of names, add their own name on the bottom, redistribute the letter, and then suddenly receive $50,000 some weeks later. I guess it never occurs to the people who buy into this thing to actually ask where the money is supposed to come from (except from gullible suckers like themselves). Anyway, chainletters are not only a totally pointless waste of good bandwidth but also illegal in most countries.
SPAM. Named in reference to a classic Monty Python sketch, spam means multiple postings of a single article. Posting a couple of copies of an article is acceptable in some cases; with spamming, we mean hundreds if not thousands of copies posted to almost all newsgroup of the net with the use of a posting script. It takes a lot of net resources, costs a lot of people large sums of money, and is very annoying to the readers. This is an extremely bad thing to do and those who have done it, often (but not always) to advertise some product, have experienced the hatred of hundreds of thousands enraged netters phoning them in the middle of the night, subscribing them to hundreds of magazines, mailbombing their systems, overloading their fax-machines, complaining to their employers and so forth. The least thing that happens to spammers is they will be plugged off the Internet, but a persistent spammer may be in for the ride of his life. Although cancel-bots such as the CancelMoose[tm] nowadays pretty effeciently deal with most spams, it is still recommended to mail the postmaster to convince him to remove the spammer's net access.
VELVEETA. Similar to spam, but instead of posting separate articles to a lot of unrelated newsgroups, the script has been set to cross-post to a lot of unrelated newsgroups. Takes less net-resources and is less of an annoyance, but is nevertheless abuse of the net as they're nearly always untopical to the newsgroups they're posted to and generate massive threads. It's also often used as a sort of a surrogate spam by obsessed advertisers, hoping that the cancelbots won't be able to sniff a velveeta. Never follow-up to one of these because your article will then show in all the newsgroups included and you'll be, as it were, participating in the velveeta. Complaining isn't as important as with spams, but it often makes sense if, for example, the article is not only a velveeta but also a misplaced ad.
FASCIST PROPAGANDA. S.c.n gets more than its share of this form of net-abuse, probably because neo-nazi twits think "aryan" Scandinavians are somehow more prone to buy into their ideas. It's illegal in some countries (such as Germany), but falls under freedom of speech in others. In the net, you should again use your judgment; if someone's merely expressing what you perceive as fascist or racist views in a discussion you should probably ignore it completely, or reply only in email if you feel you must reply. Absolute freedom of speech is what the Net is built on, and that unique tradition should be respected. Besides, here all extremist political views fall neatly into their place in the kooky club with the general discord, noise and weirdness, without ever attracting the undeserved attention that makes them potentially dangerous in traditional media. You can afford to ignore it or simply laugh; that's how the net has been successfully dealing with this stuff for as long as it has existed. If, however, someone's posting neo-nazi flyers, you have a reason to complain; expressing views is one thing, explicit propaganda another. Few sites want to be associated with it, legal or not.
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- Is the text above
really reliable?
- See the discussion in |
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