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The Vikings (the s.c.nordic FAQ)
nordic flags
The home pages for the Usenet newsgroup soc.culture.nordic
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 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">

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The Vikings


2.5.3 Where did the Vikings go?

There came to develop clearcut borders between the zones of interest for Norwegian, Danish and Svea Vikings. Below the main routes for the Viking trades are given with the modern names in some cases supplemented with the old Norse names.

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The main directions for Viking voyages


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 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">
Norden - >>

2.5.3b Place names in Old Norse

The Vikings had Norse names on a lot of towns and markets, of which a few still might be heard. The following list is far from complete:

Vendland       Pommerania
Jomsborg       Stettin
Haithabu       Hedeby  (near Slesvig)
Saxland        between Rhine & Elbe
Dorestad       Utrecht
Bretland       Britanic islands
Valland        Flanders
Norva sund     Strait of Gibraltar 
Sikelø         Sicily
Särkland       Persia
Miklagård      Istanbul
Gårdarike      between Volga & Black Sea
Könugård       Kijev
Holmgård       Novgorod


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2.5.4 What about those horned Viking helmets?

Surprising though it may sound, the Vikings have never worn even the tiniest little horns in their helmets. Viking helmets did sometimes have neat figures and all kinds of decorations, but not horns. There are some Danish bog-findings of ritual helmets that do have metal horns in them, but these date from the Bronze age -- some 2000 years before the Vikings.

The idea has its roots in the art of the Romantic period -- first half of the 19th century -- when the artists started to introduce native myths and legends in painting and sculpture instead of Greco-Roman ones. But since archaeology as a science didn't really even exist yet, they had a very poor idea of what sort of equipment the heroes of the sagas had used. So they used their creative imagination. Later, despite the fact that we now know we now know better, the myth has been further popularized by Hollywood movies and comics such as Hagar the Horrible, and nowadays a "Viking" is almost by definition "someone who wears a pair of horns in his head".

Viking Viking Viking

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- Is the text above really reliable?
- See the discussion in section 1.2.2!
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Norden - >>

© Copyright 1996-2001 by Johan Olofsson.
You are free to quote this page as long as you mention the URL.
The line of flags is modified after a picture at det Åländska skoldatanätet.
This page was last updated June the 27th in the year of 1998.

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