RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <set eval="<date part=second>" variable="start_s">

RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <set eval="<date part=minute>" variable="start_m">

RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <set eval="<date part=hour>" variable="start_t">

RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <set eval="<countdown seconds since iso=1997-12-01>" variable="surfer_time">

RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <if variable="accept_index is 0">
 | <if variable="accept_index is 0">
Danish (the s.c.nordic FAQ)
nordic flags
The home pages for the Usenet newsgroup soc.culture.nordic
RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <if variable="print is 1">
 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">

<< -

RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <if variable="print is 1">
 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">
 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">



Subject: 3.7 

Books for learning Danish

 Gyldendals røde ordbøger (Gyldendal's red dictionaries)
    Dansk-engelsk,  ISBN 87-00-73972-3 (niende udgave, 10. oplag)
    Engelsk-dansk,  ISBN 87-01-09312-2 (11. udgave, 6. oplag)
These dictionaries are very much the standard dictionaries in use. In the same series Gyldendal publishes Danish-German and Danish-French dictionaries plus a couple of others.

They are, however, rather expensive in the States (over 100 dollars the pair). Persons who are just starting out might buy the yellow pocket-size Berlitz dictionary (ISBN 2-8315-0946-7), available in many bookstores. Unlike the Gyldendals books, it does indicate pronunciation, which can be a help to students. Readers might want to stay away from the Hippocrene Practical Dictionary, which does not indicate the genders of nouns.

Books for learning Danish:
    Teach Yourself Danish, by H. A. Koefoed. Reissued as a paperback in 1995.
    Colloquial Danish, by W Glyn Jones and Kirsten Gade
       (available in pack of book + 2 cassettes, from the
        publisher, Routledge: +1 212 244-3336 in New York;
        there's also a London office)
    Danish: A Grammar (same authors) (published by Gyldendal)
        (available with cassettes and workbook)
A source in the U.S. for dictionaries and grammars of Nordic and other
languages is
             IBD limited
             24 Hudson Street
             Kinderhook NY 12106
             phone in USA: 1-800-343-3531

RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <if variable="print is 1">
 | <if variable="print is 1">
- Is the text above really reliable?
- See the discussion in section 1.2.2!
<< -
RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <if variable="print is 1">
 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">
 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">
 | <else>

© Copyright 1994-2001 by Antti Lahelma and Johan Olofsson.
You are free to quote this page as long as you mention the URL.
The line of flags is modified after a picture at det Åländska skoldatanätet.
This page was last updated November the 15th in the year of 1996.

RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <if variable="print is 1">
 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">

RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <if variable="print is 1">
 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">

RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <if variable="print is 1">
 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">

RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <if variable="print is 1">
 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">
RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <insert variable="start_t">
RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <insert variable="start_m">
RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <insert variable="start_s">