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Early Swedes in the Baltic area (s.c.nordic texts)
nordic flags
The home pages for the Usenet newsgroup soc.culture.nordic
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Early Swedes in the Baltic area

From: Inger E Johansson
Subject: Re: Denmark at war within a few weeks?
Newsgroups: soc.culture.nordic
Date: 2 Mar 1998 08:13:38 GMT

Powerful sea-farers in Viking times

Torsten Poulin Nielsen wrote:
>>> Hmm, Denmark actually was a very significant naval power for 600-700
>>> years.

>> This sounds a bit exaggerated. Significant from 1500 to 1700 maybe.

> And earlier. What other nation was that powerful at sea during the
> 9th to 11th or 12th centuries? Except, maybe, for Norway.

Nonsence! Please read Rimbert (Vita Ansgarii 404-410); Adam of Bremen among others before talking. You would then find that Swedes (not = Svear) had owned land in Balticum and Russia before the 9th Century and lost it. (circa 750 AD). After a Danish raid Swedes regained controll over that area sometime between 855 AD and 865 AD.

The king was Olof of Sweden, Olf, Ulf, Oleg - a man with many names - it is possible to follow his line down from that time down to Jarl Ulf Fase (dead in 1248 AD) who in sources both in west and in Russia are named as being thrown out of Russian "controlled" area as the last member of the same family (Rurik's line) that in early days claimed both taxes and throne in "Russia". Between King Olof 855 AD and Jarl Ulf Fase (1248 AD) there are many in lines. Today that dynasty from the 12th to the 14th century is miscalled "Folkungar". Their proper name could have been "Ulvaasingar".

There are members from that family still living in Vreta Kloster parish from the time of the golden ages for the Folkungafamily.

> Nah, I mean the part of the Atlantic that was surrounded by Danish
> possesions like Iceland, Norway, the Faroes, and the dimly remembered
> Greenland. The theory was that that almost mythical land was connected
> to Norway geographically and that the ocean was therefore Danish, which
> was reason enough for claiming that other seafaring nations should
> pay tribute ... 

You haven´t read eastern sources, have you? Then you would know that the Swedes were better to claim tributes from other groups. The earliest claim I know of is from the 5th Century...

The funny thing is that Ar-rus round 850 AD also payed taxes willingly in Baghdad in order to make business. (Source: Danmarks Historie, bind 2, Normandertiden 600-1060, ed. Ramskou Thorhild, pages 66-67). Ar-rus were from Sweden - from which part of Sweden isn´t clear, but they sure weren´t Danish.

Inger E Johansson
BA History

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FAQ-Related texts

You are free to quote this page as long as you mention the URL.
The line of flags is modified after a picture at det Åländska skoldatanätet.
This page was last updated May the 23rd in the year of 1998.

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