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 | <set eval="<date part=second>" variable="start_s">

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Statistics: immigrants in Sweden
nordic flags
The home pages for the Usenet newsgroup soc.culture.nordic
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 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">


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 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">
 | <if not="not" variable="print is 1">

Statistics: immigrants in Sweden

While the number of first generation immigrants, or at least the proportion, is well known among most people in Sweden, the number of second generation immigrants (i.e. people born in Sweden, but with at least one parent born abroad) is often disputed.

Below the major immigrant groups are specified as to first and second generation. The table is compiled after official Swedish statistics, Population statistics 1995, Part 3: Distribution by sex, age and citizenship etc (ISBN 91-618-0813-x). Summs for Norden, Europe except Norden, Asia and the Americas are given above the countries.

WARNING: the table is WRONG.

The 18-64 years data is for most rows in reality for 18--99 years

It ought to be updated with fresh statistics, but no-one has had the time yet.


 Country       0-17:I    0-17:II    18-64:I  18-55:II       65--
 ==================== ========== ========== ========= ==========

 Norden         7'080    123'263    288'326   232'074     56'973

 Finland        2'523     90'155    203'187   147'085     31'374
 Norway         2'542     15'821     42'310    47'052     14'303
 Denmark        1'570     15'621     38'936    37'480     11'159
 Iceland          445      1'666      3'893       457        137

 Europe        40'583     88'647    227'814   130'767     46'585

 Yugoslavia    24'893     23'364     91'225    15'661      7'021
 Germany        1'176      9'874     34'555    40'312     10'339
 Poland         4'099     15'317     35'305     8'778      5'454
 Hungary          613      4'526     11'242     8'411      2'837
 Estonia          279        611      4'578    14'675      6'325
 UK             1'200      3'939     10'612     8'440        926
 Greece           303      6'431     10'921     4'776        874

 Asia          45'784     72'499    153'137     8'329      7'846

 Iran           9'865     11'105     37'126       471      2'049
 Turkey         2'983     19'068     24'524     3'035      2'254

 America       15'032     26'516     48'825    13'618      5'878

 Chile          5'150     10'682     25'716       457      1'263
 USA            1'449      5'690     10'398    10'137      3'436

 -------------------- ---------- ---------- --------------------
 Totally      118'211    318'263    699'584    375'773   118'263

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- Is the text above really reliable?
- See the discussion in section 1.2.2!
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 | <else>
FAQ-Related texts

© Copyright 1996-2001 by Johan Olofsson.
You are free to quote this page as long as you mention the URL.
The line of flags is modified after a picture at det Åländska skoldatanätet.
This page was last updated April the 27th in the year of 1998.

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