NUCCC - The Nordic University Computer Clubs' Conference

The Nordic University Computer Clubs' Conference (NUCCC) is an annual weekend meeting, typically in May or June. For more up-to-date information, visit the official NUCCC web site.

See you in Åbo 2000

NUCCC 00 will be arranged by InfÅ.

NUCCC 99 was arranged by Stacken, KTH.


The official NUCCC web site

The History of NUCCC

The Nordic Countries

NUCCC Links from Tampere

Usenet newsgroup nordunet.nucc was set up for discussions among the Nordic University Computer Clubs, but has often been found to be inactive.

Computer clubs at Nordic universities. (This list might not be up-to-date.)

Search AltaVista for more NUCCC links.

This page was last updated March 2004 by root <> of Lysator. You are free to quote this page as long as you mention the URL. The line of flags was stolen from det Åländska skoldatanätet.