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Chat Channels, including IRC

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Cybling (cybling.com) (formerly CyberCon Chicago Chat)
"We host online interviews with science fiction, fantasy, and horror authors in online chats as well as on interactive message boards. Our chat room is a java applet, best viewed by Win'95 users via their browser [but they have other support as well through message boards] and open 24 hours a day. We have regularly scheduled moderated chats Monday - Thursday." (Janice Murphy)
#degler - IRC link between Attitude (the convention) in the UK and Boskone/Fanhistorican 6 in Boston. (geocities.com)
"We hope to have an IRC link up and running on Saturday 15th February, for members of Attitude and Boskone to talk to each other for an hour while our respective conventions are going on all around us. We are planning to be there on channel #degler on the Undernet between 10.30 and 11.30 p.m. Attitude (UK) time, 5.30 and 6.30 p.m. Boskone (Eastern US) time. We hope that some other fans who are unable to get along to either con will drop by for a chat too..." The chat session was transcribed and turned into a web page, complete with GIF's sent via the chat channel. Suggestions were made for future con-to-con links. Incidentally, Patrick Nielsen Hayden suggested, in an offhand rec.arts.sf.fandom comment 06 October 1995, that there be a convention of calling ad hoc fannish IRC channels "#degler". (Pam Wells) Nigel Rowe)
Hi-Fi Sci-Fi: chat.ypn.com:6667 #entertainment
0100 UCT (GMT) Tuesday. "A weekly sf chat show that airs Monday nights at 8pm EST, on IRC. It's pretty informal - there's no set themes or topics. We just talk about whatever everybody's been reading or watching lately." (Lev Grossman)
#Midkemia - Raymond E. Feist channel on IRC Dalnet
"...A chatroom has been formed on IRC Dalnet called #Midkemia. There are currently several regulars, but anyone is invited to drop by at any time. However, we thought it would be great to have a regularly scheduled Grand Internet Feist Fan Chat. We decided that it would be nice to get more people interested in chatting about the realm of Midkemia among other subjects. We are pleased to announce the Grand Opening of #Midkemia to the Internet community. The Grand opening will be celebrated this Saturday (18 January 1997) at 8 PM PST, (11 PM EST) (Sydney, Australia 3 PM Sunday Afternoon) (London, England 4 AM Sunday Morning) and all Feist Fans are hereby invited to join in the celebration by dropping by and adding to the discussion of the worlds and works of a great author. This will be the first of hopefully many regularly scheduled gatherings. Tell a friend, spread the word, bring your family pets. All are welcome. If you have any questions please feel free to stop by the channel or email us. Hope to see you there!" (Joe "Macros" Dimech) Karl "Boldar_Blood" Douthit)

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Chaz Boston Baden (boston-baden.com) - E-mail SFRG.

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