From archive (archive) Subject: Author Lists: A. Merritt From: JWenn.ESAE@xerox.COM Date: 6 Dec 89 11:23:35 GMT A. Merritt's prose style is about as "ornate" as I can enjoy, But I do like his work. My favorite is his least typical, "The Ship of Ishtar". It's his one pure fantasy (his others wree at least marginally SF when they were written). It's the story of an archeologist transported to an alternate world of Babylonian mythology. I also like "The Metal Monster" and "Dwellers in the Mirage", which are interesting "lost race" type stories. The first is concerns an alien race of metalic, hive-like beings in the Himalayas, and the second is about a hidden valley in Alaska and it's unique life. Worth a try to see if it's to your taste. [C] == Short Story Collection [CP] == Chapbook (a very short book, or pamphlet) [O] == Omnibus. Includes other books aka == Also known by this other title contains == The other book is a subset of this one /John arpa: toerrishumantoforgiveisnotcompanypolicy-ly ---------------------------------------------------------------- Merritt, A[braham] [P] [U.S.A., 1/20/1884-8/30/1943] Dr. Goodwin series: The Moon Pool [1919] The Metal Monster [1946] Dr. Lowell series: Burn, Witch, Burn! [1933] [filmed as "The Devil Dolls"] Creep, Shadow! [1934] [aka "Creep, Shadow, Creep!"] Seven Footprints to Satan and Burn, Witch, Burn! [1952] [O] Seven Footprints to Satan [1928] [also contains "Burn, Witch, Burn!"] Dwellers in the Mirage and The Face in the Abyss [1953] [O] Dwellers in the Mirage [1932] The Face in the Abyss [1931] The Ship of Ishtar [1926] Thru the Dragon Glass [1932] [CP] Three Lines of Old French [1937] [CP] The Drone Man [1948] [CP] The People of the Pit [1948] [CP] Rhythm of the Spheres [1948] [CP] Woman of the Wood [1948] [CP] The Fox Woman & Other Stories [1949] [C] [contains "Thru the Dragon Glass", "The Drone Man", "The People of the Pit", "Rhythm of the Spheres" & "Woman of the Wood"] Merritt, A & Bok, Hannes The Fox Woman and The Blue Pagoda [1946] [C] The Black Wheel [1947]