From archive (archive) Subject: Author Lists: Emil Petaja From: JWenn.ESAE@XEROX.COM Date: 8 Jan 90 06:24:08 GMT Another author I haven't read. [C] == Short Story Collection /John arpa: youbashthebalrogandillclimbthetree-ly ---------------------------------------------------------------- Petaja, Emil [Theodore] [U.S.A., 4/12/1915- ] The Kalevala Series: Saga of Lost Earths [1966] The Star Mill [1966] The Stolen Sun [1967] Tramontane [1967] The Green Planet Series: The Lord of The Green Planet [1967] The Doom of The Green Planet [1968] Alpha Yes, Terra No! [1965] The Caves of Mars [1965] The Prism [1968] The Time Twister [1968] The Path Beyond the Stars [1969] The Nets of Space [1969] Seed of the Dreamers [1970] Stardrift [1971] [C]