From archive (archive) Subject: Author Lists: Ian Watson From: JWenn.ESAE@XEROX.COM Date: 8 Jan 90 06:25:42 GMT The one Ian Watson book that I've read is "Queenmagic, Kingmagic", an entertaining story of characters living their lives on worlds whose rules derive from various games (chess, monopoly, go, chutes and ladders, etc.). Apparently this is an atypical work, since the descriptions of his other works sounds much deeper and plays with more challenging ideas. Any Ian Watson readers like to comment? [C] == Short Story Collection [J] == The book is for juveniles (however you define them) [O] == Omnibus. Includes other books /John arpa: theresmorethanonewaytopeelaradish-ly ---------------------------------------------------------------- Watson, Ian [U.K., 4/20/1943- ] The Book of the Black Current [1986] [O] The Book of the River [1984] The Book of the Stars [1984] The Book of Being [1985] The Embedding [1973] The Jonah Kit [1975] Japan Tomorrow [1977] [J] The Martian Inca [1977] Alien Embassy [1977] Miracle Visitors [1978] God's World [1979] The Very Slow Time Machine [1979] [C] The Gardens of Delight [1980] Deathhunter [1981] Sunstroke and Other Stories [1982] [C] Chekov's Journey [1983] Converts [1984] Slow Birds and Other Stories [1985] [C] The Book of Ian Watson [1985] [C] Queenmagic, Kingmagic [1986] Evil Water [1987] [C] The Power [1987] The Fire Worm [1988] Meat [1988] Whores of Babylon [1988] Salvage Rites and Other Stories [1989] [C] Watson, Ian & Bishop, Michael Under Heaven's Bridge [1981] Watson, Ian & Watson, Judith Jackson Orgasmachine [1976] [published in French only]