SF & Fantasy Clipart: Misc
These images are available without charge for use in
non-profit publications, such as amateur fanzines, club newsletters
and similar. You may also use them on non-profit web pages if you
like. Please note that any pages funded by advertising, even at sites
such as geocities, does not count as non-profit in this
In return for this freely-provided service, I simply ask you to
abide by the following few rules:
- Keep the text showing the copyright owner, either as
a small textline at or in the image (eg. "© Mats Öhrman 1999"), or
as a separate text in the masthead of your publication (eg. "The image at
the top of page 13 is © Mats Öhrman 1999").
- As an illustrator, if my name is written at an image, I want it to
represent what I really did. I hope you respect this desire.
- Please help me get people to follow these rules, so
don't download and redistribute the images without them. In fact,
please don't redistribute them at all, since that most certainly will
cause the rules to be omitted. Give your friends the URL of this page
- Not a rule, but a humble request: If you use one of my
pictures in any kind of publication, I would
love if you provided me with a copy... :-)
Now on to the pictures themselves. The line art images are provided in
two variants: a TIFF file at 300 dpi (dots-per-inch), suitable for use
printing from a layout program, and a GIF image at 75 dpi, in case you
want to use them on a web page. The color images are supplied as JPEG or GIF
images suitable for printing at 300 dpi or display at 75 dpi.