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Fan Publication Cover Images
Beholder Cover 3,4-88 |
The Beholder is the 'zine that is published by the local
RPG society, Dragon's Den. As can be seen by the names,
it initially consisted mostly of AD&D players.
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman
Beholder Cover 1-89 |
This is the impression you get of the characters in some kinds of
militaristic SF: Chain-smoking tough guys in armoured spacesuits,
toting guns larger than themselves.
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman
Månblad 09 Cover |
Månblad Alfa is the
(approximately) quarterly 'zine published for the members of
Linköpings Science Fiction Förening (Linköping Science Fiction
Several other members usually compete for the covers, including
Roger Klein
and Joachim Verona.
Since fashion seems to only be able to go in reverse nowadays, will
they have to back all the way to the sixteen-seventeen-hundreds as the
nearer centuries are used up? Perhaps...
Or is she really a secret agent in mid-mission during a masquerade?
Could be...
What I really wanted to do with this image was to contrast some
space-style armour with really old-fashioned, non-fantasy
I wish I would have had the time to put in a proper background,
though, since a few more lines would have helped to establish the
perspective. And that I had left enough room so that the person in
armour did not have to bump his head on the logo.
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman
Månblad 16 Cover |
Someone remarked in a fanzine review of Månblad Alfa,
that "the covers only contain girls and big guns". So I just had to
make this cover. Really.
Otherwise, this is what happens when you read cyberpunk while looking
at Art Noveau posters.
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman
Månblad 17 Cover |
So, what do you do when when you are asked to make an image for a
cover, and you have no prepared sketches to use, beside a few small
doodles? Well, you take those doodles and bunch them all together into
a nonsense "comic strip".
Putting in all these straight squares and rectangles, however, was far
to static and immobile with the heavy logo on top of the page, so I
put everything at an angle to make it look a bit more dynamic. Did I
succeed? You be the judge.
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman
Månblad 18 Cover |
There are several problems with the common representations of winged
persons. One, they usually don't have any tail, giving them zero
maneuverability. Two, the wings are placed on the shoulder blades,
which makes a great cape, but lousy stability.
Ideally, the wings should be placed on the hips, since the human
centre of gravity is in the middle of the pelvis. Putting the wings
there, however, makes it hard to draw any reasonable clothes on the
person in question, so this image is kind of a compromise. I've used
a similar design before, on a cover for The Beholder (See above).
This is all of course ignoring the energy needed for a human to
actually lift from the ground. But that is an easier fact to ignore,
since dragons can fly in most fantasy (and even some SF).
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman
Confuse 91 Program |
Confuse is the local convention, arranged by LSFF (see above).
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman
Trygg-Torkel Cover |
This was the cover of a simple game I made together with some friends,
which was a parody of the at the time popular "choose your adventure"
books. We eliminated the "choose" part and replaced it with a die
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman