Going to the Bottom |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Shauna" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
This scene was done mostly to test a
I made to simulate water
"caustics", i.e the pattern of light you get when the light is
refracted by the waves in the water surface.
I had quite some trouble to get the distance fade-out effect I wanted,
until I tested tilting the whole scene 45 degrees downward and adding a dark ground fog.
A Touch of Magic |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Poseable Jacket" prop model by DD.
"Miko" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
Self-Confidence |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Helena" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
This was done when I discovered symmetrical lattices, and what you can do with them - floating islands, for example.
I tinted the skin texture green before raytracing, to get an even more fantasy feeling to the picture.
Acquiring Target |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Shauna" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
I wasn't that fond of the robots included with Poser - they felt much
too cartoony for my taste. But I decided to try them anyway. And with
this dark reddish metallic texture I think I got the robot to be
menacing enough.
Adding a wide, but not necessarily strong, specular effect to cloth
and skin textures work very well. And definitely no ambient component
in the texture!
Shallow Subterfuge |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Tina" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
Bayonet prop by H. L. Arledge
More experiments. This time: "How much retouch is needed for very bent
joints?" The answer was: "A lot." But I think the retouch worked out
very well.
In the Balance |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Kassandra" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
Here I tried adding more lights to enhance the three-dimensionality of
the figure. Previously, I've mostly used three lights: the main light,
the shadow lightener (instead of an ambient texture component) and a
very bright contrast light. Here I've used six instead.
The spaceship in the background is a symmetrical lattice, and its
exhausts are cylinders with cloud textures. I admit that I cheated:
the fadeout of the exhausts was airbrushed post-render.
Dawn at the Old Spaceyard |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Kassandra" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
"ModHair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
I tried putting together a pistol just of basic building blocks
(cylinders, cubes, cones) and boolean operators. When it worked out, I
just had to test it in a scene.
Accidental Heroes |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
The male figure available in the Poser program is often refered to as
the "Poser Dork" in the Poser user community. Frankly, it is hard to
rearrange his face into someone who does not look dorky, goofy, or
plain vacous. This is a strongly contributing reason to why there are
so few male subjects in the images on this page.
A Demon Sleeps Here, A Demon |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Kassandra" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
"Omni-Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
"Short Floaty Dress" prop from www.poserworld.com
Yes, I am a fan of "Tenchi Muyo"...
Unexpected Visitor |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Shauna" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
"Elf Ear" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
Mission Accomplished |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Tina" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
"Elf Ear" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Short Floaty Dress" prop from www.poserworld.com
Number-Crunching |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Vicki" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
"Elf Ear" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Omni-Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
Taking a Stroll Down Below |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Vicki" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
"Elf Ear" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
Dead Man's Hand |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Vicki" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
"Posable Jacket with Lab Coat Morph" prop by Phil Hokusai.
Tank prop by Cacheforce.
At the Sea of Clouds |
Image © 1999 Mats Öhrman.
"Paulina" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
"Posable Jacket with Lab Coat Morph" prop by Phil Hokusai.
"Elf Ear" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
Dancing in the Light |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Maria" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
"Elf Ear" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Morph Hair 5" prop from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
Just a Minor Bug, I Swear |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
Texture map by Anton Kisiel.
"Exotic Eyes" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Fantasy Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
Who remembers all the hoopla about Y2K now?
Just Beyond the Glimmering Crags |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Exotic Eyes" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Omni-Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
"Maria" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
Amphibious Mermaid |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Exotic Eyes" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Windblown Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
I tried to make a mermaid by combining the Poser female with the
dolphin, just as I had done a centaur by combining her with the horse in
"Crossing the Old Summer Terrace".
Unfortunately I ran into some scaling problem that made the entire
thing quite impossible: Whenever I tried to scale the dolphin into the
proportions necessary to fit the hips of the woman, all surface
vertices and normals went all over the scene, and I ended up with a
cubistic porcupine. Extremely frustrating.
So I decided to keep her legs and turn the image into a kind of
private joke image illustrating to me some of the limitations of
poser. But I liked how the lighting, the skin tone and the hair turned out in the end
so much that I couldn't keep it out of the gallery. And, of course, I
like weird stuff.
Later, I found that Poser magnets worked much better than simple
scaling. See
"Victoria in Depth"
down below. That's the image I really wanted this one originally to
Ready to Take on the World |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Exotic Eyes" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Omni-Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
The Pool of Green Radiance |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Exotic Eyes" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Omni-Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
The Healing |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Exotic Eyes" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Omni-Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
"Maria" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
Unfortunately, when I made this, I only had access to contemporary
clothing for the Poser male. To me it is extremely noticeable in the
cut of the victim's trousers and shoes.
System Breakdown |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Exotic Eyes" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Omni-Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
"Vicki" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
Propaganda Heroes |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Exotic Eyes" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Fantasy Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
Gun prop from Greylight (Edward Hall).
"Maria" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
Male texture map by George Deep.
I started out wanting to do something Heinlein-esque, while
simultaneously reversing the old movie poster stereotype of the
proudly standing hero brandishing a large weapon while the lissome
heroine clings to his feet.
The end result become something rather frightfully similar to old
1930s propaganda. It gives me the shivers sometimes.
Message for the Iron Tower |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Exotic Eyes" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Wind-blown Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
"Bob-cut Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
I liked the rivets in
"Propaganda Heroes"
above so much that I had to use them in another image, so I quickly
whipped up this one.
If you can see the reflections in the water below the "diving board",
you've got a good monitor.
Studying the Arts |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Exotic Eyes" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Omni-Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
"Maria" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
This is one of my personal favorites.
The tricky bit in making this image was getting the light just right.
The scene was lit by weak dark green lights from both above and below,
together a set of overlapping yellow spotlights with "dapple gels" -
very similar to what I've done before in
"Going to the Bottom"
I did several renders with slight variations in lighting, and then
merged these renders in the final image so that each part of the image
was taken from the render in which it looked the best.
The Infamous Shootout on Omega Kappa Ovilis IV |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Maria" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
The vehicle in the background was entirely made with Bryce's geometric
primitives: cubes, spheres, cylinders, etc, combined with boolean
Ovilis is, I was told by a aquintance of mine, the latin word
for an enclosure for cattle. And omega kappa are, of course, the
greek letters corresponding to O and K.
And yes, it is supposed to be ketchup and mustard.
Victoria in Depth |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
Victoria model by Zygote (www.zygote.com).
When I got the new "Victoria" model from Zygote, I wanted to do a
quick render as fast as possible to see what she was like, especially
as there had been some ugly rumours circulating. So I took the setup
"Amphibious Mermaid"
above, adapted the dolphin into a mermaid's
tail with some magnets, and rendered this.
Working more with Victoria, I've found that the rumours were
unfounded. It really is an excellent model.
Who Dares To Disturb My Bath? |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Exotic Eyes" morph target from Morph World (E. VanDycke)
"Maria" texture map by Anton Kisiel.
Clothes from Zygote's Costume CD.
Rubber duck prop from Chemical Studios.
In an Earthdawn game, in which I was a player, we came across some
skeletons drowned in large water-filled troughs. After the game, I
came home and looked at this image I was working on, and got struck by
the likness between the sarcophagus and a bathtub. So I filled the
sarcophagus with virtual water, and went looking on the 'net for a
model of a rubber duck...
Also worth noting is the fact that with the purchase of Zygote's
Costume CD, I could at last find some male clothes that looked
"fantasy"-ish, and not extremly contemporary.
The Experiment |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Omni-Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
"Demon Tail" prop from Bushi3D.
This image really is an experiment. In making it, I tried a few
techniques new to me for post-render touch-up work. A full description of these
techniques are available in a tutorial I've written, which is
available from my
Poser page.
First Strike |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
"Omni-Hair" prop by Jeff Howarts.
Boots from Zygote's Costume CD.
One of the nice things about the new "Victoria" figure from Zygote is
that you can bend the joints much more without strange things
happening to the surfaces in and around them (Note, for example, the
shoulder of the male figure in this image). Hopefully, this will make
it easier to make images with greater sense of motion and stronger dynamics.
In lighting this scene, both subjects were given five - six spotlights
each, with stronger white light from the left and weaker orange from
the right.
No image textures were used for the characters' clothes or skins,
just Bryce materials with special attention to the specularity
settings. Images were only used for bump and transparency maps.
Toot! |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
The second image made for the calendar competition.
A troll and a cybered elf celebrates a lonely New Year's Eve in an
abandoned bar. As you can see, I've used the legs from the "Brainstem"
robot in the same manner as in
"The Infamous Shootout on Omega Kappa Ovilis IV"
And no, it is not a coincidence that this might remind some of you
of the Shadowrun RPG.
Meddling |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
Earth textures by Truearth.
Just a quickie I made one evening after a frustrating day at the
office. I've always found that concentrating on a piece of artwork is
a great stress reliever, as long as there isn't any kind of deadline
One thing I wanted to try out was whether the capes from Zygote's
Costume CD could be used to make a "standard fantasy-illustration
style" loincloth. I combined them with two simple torus props, and
painted on the straps in the post-process step. The top is the "Polo Shirt"
from Zygote's Victoria Clothing Pack with simple transparency and
bump maps applied.
After getting some input over at the
Poser Forum on the first version, I redid the texture on the
planet, and the pose and texture of the creature, arriving at the
version you can see here.
Pride |
Image © 2000 Mats Öhrman.
Another image made for after-work-relaxation. This one was also
gradually improved from input provided by the people at the
Poser Forum.
Debugging |
Image © 2001 Mats Öhrman.
This image was made to wind down from and stop thinking of an overdue
piece of documentation on how to use automatic testing to help debug a
rather complex Java system. I didn't succeed completely, as it kind of
seeped into the title of the piece.
I've been asked how long it takes to make these images. I think I'd
estimate an image like this, which is not really of any high degree of
complexity, to:
 | 3-4 hours of setting up the main figure. |
 | 6-9 hours doing the scene: background, lighting, textures. |
 | 3-4 times 1-4 hours of leaving the computer alone to do the renders. |
 | 3-4 hours of post-render touch-up. |
Bailing Out |
Image © 2001 Mats Öhrman.
"Morph Hair" prop by Kozaburo.
Partially inspired by playing in a Shadowrun RPG group, although this
particular image is not in any way related to any of the characters or
events in that particular campaign.
The clothes seem to have ended up more like something out of the
old British TV-show "The Avengers", though.
Waterdance |
Image © 2001 Mats Öhrman.
"Morph Hair" prop by Kozaburo.
Longsword prop by Dedicated Digital.
In the Mad Scientist's Lair |
Image © 2001 Mats Öhrman.
"Syringe" prop by Thrallord@www.3dcommune.com.
"Rei Hair" prop by Kozaburo.
My entry for a competition called "Reboot Your Brain".
Flight |
Image © 2001 Mats Öhrman.
Not having done any Poser images for a few months, this was kind of a
warm-up exercise.
The flight-pack was made with Bryce booleans and metaballs. This was
my first attempt at using the new metaballs primitive, and I must say
they were much harder to use than I had expected.
Curse of the Cat People |
Image © 2002 Mats Öhrman.
"Demon Tail" prop from Bushi3D.
Yet another long delay between making pictures, so I tried to start
again with a simple lighting excercise.
Desolation |
Image © 2002 Mats Öhrman.
This image was submitted to the PFO forum as a
Heavy Metal magazine pastiche
when the recurring render challenge called for images in the
style of magazine covers.
Tactical Display |
Image © 2002 Mats Öhrman.
Just trying to twist the Poser figure into pose different from the
ones I usually use. Not a total success.
Slide |
Image © 2002 Mats Öhrman.
Another "quick and simple" image inspired by the Shadowrun
role-playing game.
Power |
Image © 2002 Mats Öhrman.
Another simple relaxation piece.
Swing |
Image © 2002 Mats Öhrman.
"K Sword" by McFly
I was given this sword model from a fellow user of the PFO (Poser Forum Online) forum,
and wanted to try using it as soon as possible in an image. This is the result.
On the Top of the World |
Image © 2002 Mats Öhrman.
Another attempt to see if minor tweaks in the pose can soften up
the stiffness of my normal poses. A difficult task...
The background was added as an afterthought.
Bridge Out |
Image © 2002 Mats Öhrman.
Another posing excercise, as the one above.
Cpl. Coralyne Britesky Landfall |
Image © 2002 Mats Öhrman.
"Space Ship Seat" by Algaroba (Renderosity),
"Rei Hair" by Kozaburo,
"Mechanical Spider" by William Christjaener (3D Café),
"Aliens APC" by Steve Gehrke (3D Café).
Cpl. Coralyne Britesky Landfall, 2nd platoon, alpha company, 1st
batallion, 7th imperial marine corps. ComTech, DemTech, ReconOp and
halfling rogue. Soon to be based on the imperial corvette Orca.
RPG character intended for an campaign that will be using the
add-on to Dungeons & Dragons. Thus, it's going to be a mix of D&D (elfs,
halflings, orcs, character classes, magic) with technology matching
the "Aliens" move (spacecraft, dropship, pulse rifles), and with a
smattering of Warhammer 40k thrown in for good measure (drow
commissars!). As one of the GMs put it: "Yes, you can use magic armor,
provided it is magic M90 Medium Infantry Combat Armor."