NAME call_other - call a function in another object SYNOPSIS mixed call_other(object ob|string ob, string func, ...) DESCRIPTION This function is used to call another function in a given object. If the object `ob' is given as a string call_other tries to find it using "find_object()". If not found call_other tries to load it, otherwise the object pointer is used directly. If the object is given as a string, the absolute path to the object must be given. `func' should simply be the name of the function to be called. Any number of arguments to the function can be added to the call. Example: name = (string)call_other(find_player("commander"), "query_real_name"); access = (int)call_other("/secure/master", "valid_read", "/DONE", "commander", "my_func"); "call_other()" can also be performed using "->" with this syntax: name = (string)find_player("commander")->query_real_name(); access = (int)"/secure/master"->valid_read("/DONE", "commander", "my_func"); NOTA BENE The default type of "call_other()" is unknown, but as shown in the examples above it is always possible to cast to a type of your own choosing, if nothing else only to aid memory.