NAME move_object - move an object somewhere SYNOPSIS void move_object(oject, object dest|string destfilename) DESCRIPTION Moves the object 'obj' to the destination indicated by 'dest' or if the argument is a string 'destfilename' then move_object tries to load the corresponding object and move this_object to that destination. This does not check if the it is allowed nor does it correct the weight. Normally you should use 'transfer' instead. When an object moves from a destination all the commands it has defined in nearby objects using add_action through init, will be automatically removed. If this_object is a living object then all commands from nearby objects will be removed automatically. Upon entering the destination object each living object which becomes nearby will be set to this_player respectively and init will be run in the entering object. Thus letting it add its commands with add_action to each nearby living object. If the entering object is itself living, then this_player will be set to the entering object and init will be called in each object already in the destination. Init will also be called in the destination object which is normally a room. NOTA BENE In native-mode (most new muds are) move_object() may only move the object that calls it, ie. the first argument must be this_object(). Therefor you use object->move_object(dest) instead, since move_object is an lfun in /std/ob and /std/object. SEE ALSO add_action, enable_commands, disable_commands, this_player, move_player, transfer CAVEAT As init is called from 'within' the move_object function, care must be taken that an infinit loop is not created by moving the wrong object within an init routine. If you are doubtful, never move an object in init.