make[1]: Entering directory `/export/xenofarm/python/' case $MAKEFLAGS in \ *-s*) CC='gcc' LDSHARED='ld -b' OPT='-DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes' ./python -E ./ -q build;; \ *) CC='gcc' LDSHARED='ld -b' OPT='-DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes' ./python -E ./ build;; \ esac running build running build_ext *** WARNING: importing extension "_iconv_codec" failed with exceptions.RuntimeError: can't initialize the _iconv_codec module: iconv_open() failed running build_scripts ./python -E -c 'import sys ; from distutils.util import get_platform ; print get_platform()+"-"+sys.version[0:3]' >platform find ./Lib -name '*.py[co]' -print | xargs rm -f ./python -E -tt ./Lib/test/ -x test_pwd test_nis -x test_tempfile -x test_sunaudiodev test_grammar test_opcodes test_operations test_builtin test_exceptions test_types test_MimeWriter test_StringIO test___all__ test___future__ test_aepack test_aepack skipped -- No module named aepack test_al test_al skipped -- No module named al test_anydbm test_array test_asynchat test_atexit test_audioop test_augassign test_base64 test_bastion test_binascii test_binhex test_binop test_bisect test_bool test_bsddb test_bsddb skipped -- No module named _bsddb test_bsddb3 test_bsddb3 skipped -- Use of the `bsddb' resource not enabled test_bufio test_bz2 test_bz2 skipped -- No module named bz2 test_calendar test_call test_capi test_cd test_cd skipped -- No module named cd test_cfgparser test_cgi test_charmapcodec test_cl test_cl skipped -- No module named cl test_class test_cmath test_codeccallbacks test_codecs test_codeop test_coercion test_commands test_compare test_compile test_complex test_contains test_cookie test_copy test_copy_reg test_cpickle test_crypt test_curses test_curses skipped -- Use of the `curses' resource not enabled test_datetime test_dbm test_descr test_descrtut test_difflib test_dircache test_dis test_dl test_dl skipped -- Could not open any shared libraries test_doctest test_doctest2 test_dumbdbm test_dummy_thread test_dummy_threading test_email test_email_codecs test_email_codecs skipped -- Optional Japanese codecs not installed test_enumerate test_eof test_errno test_extcall test_fcntl test_file test_filecmp test_fileinput test_fnmatch test_fork1 test_format test_fpformat test_frozen test_funcattrs test_future test_gc test_gdbm test_gdbm skipped -- No module named gdbm test_generators test_getargs test_getopt test_gettext test_gl test_gl skipped -- No module named gl test_glob test_global test_grp test_gzip test_hash test_heapq test_hexoct test_hmac test_hotshot test_htmllib test_htmlparser test_httplib test_iconv_codecs test test_iconv_codecs crashed -- exceptions.RuntimeError: can't initialize the _iconv_codec module: iconv_open() failed test_imageop test_imaplib test_imgfile test_imgfile skipped -- No module named imgfile test_imp test_import test_importhooks test_inspect test_ioctl test_ioctl skipped -- termios module doesn't have TIOCGPGRP test_isinstance test_iter test_itertools test_largefile test_largefile skipped -- filesystem does not have largefile support test_linuxaudiodev test_linuxaudiodev skipped -- Use of the `audio' resource not enabled test_locale test_locale skipped -- test locale en_US not supported test_logging test_long test_long_future test_longexp test_macfs test_macfs skipped -- No module named macfs test_macostools test_macostools skipped -- No module named macostools test_macpath test_mailbox test_marshal test_math test_md5 test_mhlib test_mimetools test_mimetypes test_minidom test_mmap test_module test_mpz test_multifile test_mutants test_netrc test_new test_normalization test_normalization skipped -- NormalizationTest.txt not found, download from test_ntpath test_openpty test_operator test_os test_ossaudiodev test_ossaudiodev skipped -- Use of the `audio' resource not enabled test_parser test_pep247 test_pep263 test_pep277 test_pep277 skipped -- test works only on NT+ test_pickle test_pickletools test_pkg test_pkgimport test_plistlib test_plistlib skipped -- No module named plistlib test_poll test_popen test_popen2 test_posix test_posixpath test_pow test_pprint test_profile test_profilehooks test_pty make[1]: *** [test] Terminated ./python -E -tt ./Lib/test/ -x test_pwd test_nis -x test_tempfile -x test_sunaudiodev test_grammar test_opcodes test_operations test_builtin test_exceptions test_types test_MimeWriter test_StringIO test___all__ test___future__ test_aepack test_aepack skipped -- No module named aepack test_al test_al skipped -- No module named al test_anydbm test_array test_asynchat test_atexit test_audioop test_augassign test_base64 test_bastion test_binascii test_binhex test_binop test_bisect test_bool test_bsddb test_bsddb skipped -- No module named _bsddb test_bsddb3 test_bsddb3 skipped -- Use of the `bsddb' resource not enabled test_bufio test_bz2 test_bz2 skipped -- No module named bz2 test_calendar test_call test_capi test_cd test_cd skipped -- No module named cd test_cfgparser test_cgi test_charmapcodec test_cl test_cl skipped -- No module named cl test_class test_cmath test_codeccallbacks test_codecs test_codeop test_coercion test_commands test_compare test_compile test_complex make[1]: *** [test] Terminated make[1]: Leaving directory `/export/xenofarm/python/'