2003-01-13 Christopher Armstrong * .: Releasing 1.0.2alpha2. 2003-01-11 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/protocols/shoutcast.py: add client support for Shoutcast MP3 streaming protocol. 2003-01-10 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/scripts/twistd.py: in debug mode, jump into debugger for any logged exception. 2003-01-10 Dave Peticolas * twisted/trial/unittest.py: enable test cruft checking * twisted/test/test_policies.py: cleanup timers * twisted/protocols/policies.py: start/stop bandwidth timers as needed * twisted/test/test_internet.py: cleanup timers * twisted/test/test_woven.py: expire sessions to clean up timers * twisted/web/woven/guard.py: stop timer when session expires 2003-1-9 Moshe Zadka * twisted/web/google.py: Search google for best matches 2003-01-09 Dave Peticolas * twisted/protocols/http.py: start/stop log timer as needed 2003-01-08 Dave Peticolas * twisted/test/test_smtp.py: cleanup timers after test * twisted/trial/unittest.py: keep errors that are logged and submit them as test failures when tests are finished. * twisted/python/log.py: if errors are being kept, don't print them 2003-1-8 Moshe Zadka * doc/man/trial.1 twisted/scripts/trial.py: Add -l/--logfile argument to allow giving a log file. * twisted/trial/unittest.py: add SkipTest exception, which tests can raise in their various test* method to skip a test which is not excpected to pass. 2003-01-08 Jonathan M. Lange * twisted/trial/*, bin/trial, twisted/scripts/trial.py, doc/man/trial.1: Added 'trial', a new unit testing framework for Twisted. * twisted/test/test_*, admin/runtests: Moved existing tests over to trial. 2003-01-06 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/python/microdom.py: Added beExtremelyLenient mode (for parsing "tag soup"). While this isn't quite as lenient as Mozilla or IE's code (it will, for example, translate
) I am still rather proud of the wide range of complete garbage that it will mangle into at least reasonably similar XHTML-esque documents. 2003-01-05 Brian Warner * twisted/internet/cReactor/*, setup.py: Implement getDelayedCalls for cReactor. Create cDelayedCall class, implement .cancel(), .reset(), and .delay() for them. 2003-01-03 Jp Calderone * twisted/python/components.py: Fix bug due to interaction between Componentized subclasses and twisted.python.rebuild.rebuild() * twisted/python/reflect.py: Removed backwards compatability hack for deprecated name twisted.protocols.telnet.ShellFactory and empty oldModules dictionary. 2003-01-02 Brian Warner * twisted/test/test_internet.py (DelayedTestCase): add test coverage for IReactorTime.getDelayedCalls 2002-12-30 Brian Warner * pyunit/unittest.py (TestCase.__call__): clean the reactor between tests: cancel any leftover reactor.callLater() timers. This helps to keep deferred failures isolated to the test that caused them. 2002-12-30 Paul Swartz * twisted/conch/*: added docstrings to most conch classes and functions 2002-12-30 Brian Warner * twisted/spread/pb.py (Broker.connectionLost): clear localObjects too, to break a circular reference involving AuthServs that could keep the Broker (and any outstanding pb.Referenceables) alive forever. 2002-12-29 Jp Calderone * twisted/python/compat.py: Single module where all compatability code for supporting old Python versions should be placed. 2002-12-28 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/web/woven/guard.py: Newer, better wrappers for authentication and session management. In particular a nice feature of this new code is automatic negotiation with browsers on whether cookies are enabled or not. 2002-12-27 Paul Swartz * bin/tkconch: initial commit of tkconch, a SSH client using Tkinter as a terminal emulator. puts up a menu to configure when run without arguments. * twisted/conch/ui: moved ansi.py and tkvt100.py to t.c.ui so they are away from the purely conch stuff. 2002-12-25 Christmas Armstrong * .: Releasing 1.0.2alpha1 - Merry Christmas! 2002-12-25 Jp Calderone * twisted/protocols/dict.py: dict client protocol implementation from Pavel "Pahan" Pergamenshchik () 2002-12-23 Jp Calderone * doc/examples/testdns.py and doc/examples/dns-service.py added as simple example of how to use new DNS client API. 2002-12-23 Moshe Zadka * twisted/web/xmlrpc.py: added XML RPC client support 2002-12-22 Paul Swartz * twisted/conch/ssh/keys.py, twisted/conch/ssh/asn1.py: support for writing public and private keys. * bin/ckeygen: new script to create public/private key pairs 2002-12-22 Jp Calderone * twisted/protocols/dns.py: Support for AFSDB, RP, and SRV RRs added. 2002-12-18 Jp Calderone * twisted/persisted/dirdbm.py: copyTo and clear methods added to DirDBM class 2002-12-18 Paul Swartz * twisted/conch/ssh/connection.py, twisted/test/test_conch: fixes to work on Python 2.1. * twisted/internet/process.py: usePTY now can be an optional tuple of (masterfd, slavefd, ttyname). 2002-12-18 Moshe Zadka * twisted/web/rewrite.py: it works now, even when used as a rootish resource. Also, the request.path is massaged. 2002-12-13 Dave Peticolas * twisted/enterprise/util.py: support numeric type 2002-12-13 Moshe Zadka * twisted/web/client.py: add 301/302 support 2002-12-13 Dave Peticolas * twisted/test/test_ftp.py: give client time to start up (fixes one test for gtk/gtk2 reactors) * twisted/protocols/ftp.py: ftp client in passive mode should not close data until both command and protocol are finished. (fixes one test in gtk/gtk2 reactors) * twisted/internet/gtkreactor.py: remove redundant code * twisted/internet/gtk2reactor.py: remove redundant code * twisted/internet/abstract.py: fix spelling in documentation 2002-12-12 Dave Peticolas * twisted/test/test_jelly.py: test class serialization * twisted/spread/jelly.py: join module names with '.' in _unjelly_class 2002-12-12 Paul Swartz * twisted/conch/pamauth.py: added, gives support for authentication using PAM. * twisted/conch/*: support for the keyboard-interactive authentication method which uses PAM. 2002-12-12 Moshe Zadka * twisted/python/log.py: add setStdout, set logfile to NullFile by default. 2002-12-11 Donovan Preston * Added new woven example, Hello World. * Updated woven howto to talk about Hello World. TODO: Finish refactoring woven quotes example, then write more advanced woven howtos on writing Widgets and InputHandlers. 2002-12-11 Paul Swartz * twisted/conch/*: enabled 'exec' on the server, disabled core dumps, and some fixes 2002-12-10 Paul Swartz * twisted/conch/*: many fixes to conch server, now works and can run as root. * twisted/conh/ssh/session.py: fix root exploit where a python shell was left acessable to anyone. 2002-12-10 Cory Dodt * t/scripts/postinstall.py: new. Create shortcut icons on win32. * twisted-post-install.py: new. Runs t/scripts/postinstall.py * setup.py: copy twisted-post-install.py during install_scripts 2002-12-09 Paul Swartz * twisted/internet/app.py: actually set the euid/egid if users ask 2002-12-09 Dave Peticolas * twisted/test/test_conch.py: wait for ssh process to finish * twisted/scripts/postinstall.py: fix indentation * twisted/conch/identity.py: fix indentation 2002-12-09 Paul Swartz * twisted/conch/ssh/transport.py: don't accept host keys by default because it's a huge security hole. 2002-12-09 Dave Peticolas * twisted/enterprise/util.py: handle None as null * twisted/internet/interfaces.py: add missing 'self' argument 2002-12-08 Dave Peticolas * pyunit/unittest.py: add missing 'self.' prefix to data member reference * twisted/enterprise/util.py: make sure quoted values are strings (fixes bug storing boolean types) 2002-12-06 Dave Peticolas * twisted/test/test_internet.py: flush error to prevent failure with non-destructive DeferredLists. * twisted/test/test_ftp.py: flush FTPErrors to prevent failures with non-destructive DeferredLists. * twisted/test/test_defer.py: catch the errors to prevent failure with non-destructive DeferredLists * twisted/enterprise/util.py: add some postgres types. boolean types need to be quoted. remove unused selectSQL variable. 2002-12-05 Dave Peticolas * twisted/enterprise/sqlreflector.py: fix some sql escaping bugs. allow subclasses to override escaping semantics. * twisted/enterprise/util.py: allow quote function's string escape routine to be overridden with a keyword argument. 2002-12-5 Moshe Zadka * twisted/python/plugin.py: fixed a bug that got the wrong plugins.tml if the package was installed in two different places * twisted/inetd/*, twisted/runner/*: moved inetd to runner, to live in harmony with procmon 2002-12-04 Dave Peticolas * twisted/test/test_policies.py: Take the start time timestamp immediately before creating the ThrottlingFactory, since the factory starts timing when it is created. * admin/runtests: Add a 'gtk2' test type to use the gtk2reactor for the test suite. 2002-12-2 Moshe Zadka * twisted/web/client.py: web client 2002-11-30 Paul Swartz * Summary of Conch changes: An actual client (bin/conch) which is mostly compatible with the OpenSSH client. An optional C module to speed up some of the math operations. A bunch of other stuff has changed too, but it's hard to summarize a month of work. 2002-11-24 Donovan Preston * twisted/web/woven/*: Added the beginnings of a general framework for asynchronously updating portions of woven pages that have already been sent to the browser. Added controller.LiveController, page.LivePage, and utils.ILivePage to contain code for dealing with keeping Views alive for as long as the user is still looking at a page and has a live Session object on the server; code for responding to model changed notifications, rerendering Views that depend on those models that have changed; code for sending these rerendered views as html fragments to the browser; and javascript code to mutate the DOM of the live page with the updated HTML. Mozilla only for the moment; ie to come soon. * twisted/web/woven/widgets.py: Added API for attaching Python functions to widgets that fire when a given javascript event occurs in the browser. Widget.addEventHandler(self, eventName, handler, *args) and Widget.onEvent(self, request, eventName, *args). The default onEvent will dispatch to event handlers registered with addEventHandler. 2002-11-24 Christopher Armstrong * .: Releasing 1.0.1. 2002-11-23 Jp Calderone * twisted/names/client.py, twisted/names/server.py: Client and server domain name APIs * twisted/tap/dns.py: 'mktap dns' 2002-11-23 Moshe Zadka * twisted/scripts/twistd.py twisted/python/syslog.py: Add syslog support 2002-11-23 Kevin Turner , Sam Jordan * twisted/protocols/irc.py (IRCClient.dccResume, dccAcceptResume): Methods for mIRC-style resumed file transfers. (IRCClient.dccDoSend, IRCClient.dccDoResume) (IRCClient.dccDoAcceptResume, IRCClient.dccDoChat): These are for clients to override to make DCC things happen. (IRCClient.dcc_SEND, dcc_ACCEPT, dcc_RESUME, dcc_CHAT) (IRCClient.ctcpQuery_DCC): Refactored to dispatch to dcc_* methods. (DccFileReceiveBasic.__init__): takes a resumeOffset 2002-11-20 Christopher Armstrong * .: Releasing 1.0.1rc1 2002-11-16 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * Multicast UDP socket support in most reactors. 2002-11-11 Glyph Lefkowitz * .: Releasing 1.0.1alpha4 * .: Releasing 1.0.1alpha3 2002-11-10 Glyph Lefkowitz * .: Releasing 1.0.1alpha2 * twisted/web/static.py, twisted/tap/web.py: Changed 'mktap web' to use --ignore-ext .ext so that you can assign order to the extensions you want to ignore, and not accidentally catch bad extensions. 2002-11-04 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/internet/tksupport.py: new, better Tkinter integration. Unlike before, run the reactor as usual, do *not* call Tkinter's mainloop() yourself. 2002-10-25 Moshe Zadka * twisted/web/domhelpers.py twisted/python/domhelpers.py twisted/lore/tree.py twisted/web/woven/widgets.py: Moved domhelpers to twisted.web, and add to it all the generic dom-query functions from twisted.lore.tree * twisted/scripts/generatelore.py twisted/scripts/html2latex.py bin/html2latex bin/generatelore twisted/lore/__init__.py twisted/lore/latex.py twisted/lore/tree.py: Add the document generation Twisted uses internally to the public interface. * twisted/python/htmlizer.py: a Python->HTML colouriser 2002-10-23 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/web/soap.py: experimental SOAP support, using SOAPpy. See doc/examples/soap.py for sample usage. 2002-10-22 Christopher Armstrong * twisted/python/log.py: Two new features. 1) a stupid `debug' method that simply prefixes a message with "debug" and indents it so it's easier to distinguish from normal messages. This can eventually log to some magic "debug channel", once we have that implemented. 2) implemented a custom warning handler; now warnings look sexy. (the hackish overriding of warnings.showwarning is the recommended way to do so, according to the library reference.) 2002-10-22 Moshe Zadka * setup.py: conditionalize cReactor on threads support too. This is somewhat of a hack as it it done currently, but it's only necessary on weird OSes like NetBSD. I assume any UNIX with thread support has pthreads. * twisted/internet/tksupport.py: tunable reactor iterate delay parameter [by Jp Calderone] 2002-10-17 Moshe Zadka * bin/websetroot twisted/scripts/websetroot.py: Added a program to set the root of a web server after the tap exists 2002-10-14 Moshe Zadka * twisted/web/vhost.py: add a virtual host monster to support twisted sites behind a reverse proxy * twisted/tap/web.py twisted/web/script.py doc/man/mktap.1: adding an option to have a resource script as the root 2002-10-13 Moshe Zadka * twisted/internet/utils.py twisted/internet/process.py twisted/internet/interfaces.py twisted/internet/default.py: Moved utility functions into twisted.internet.utils 2002-10-12 Moshe Zadka * twisted/internet/process.py twisted/internet/interfaces.py twisted/internet/default.py: Add utility method to get output of programs. 2002-10-11 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/internet/wxsupport.py: improved responsiveness of wxPython GUI (50 FPS instead of 10 FPS). 2002-10-08 Brian Warner * doc/howto: Added PB/cred and Application docs, updated Manhole and Process docs. Moved Manhole from "Administrators" section to "Developers" section. 2002-10-10 Moshe Zadka * .: Releasing 0.99.4 2002-10-07 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * .: Release 0.99.4rc1 * twisted/protocols/http.py: backed out changes to HTTP that broke 0.99.3 twisted.web.distrib. 2002-10-7 Moshe Zadka * twisted/web/script.py: Add ResourceTemplate which uses PTL for creation of resources. 2002-10-7 Moshe Zadka * twisted/tap/web.py: It is now possibly to add processors via the command line 2002-10-04 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twistd: when running in debug mode (-b), sending a SIGINT signal to the process will drop into the debugger prompt. 2002-10-5 Moshe Zadka * .: Releasing 0.99.3 2002-10-01 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/protocols/http.py: Fixed many bugs in protocol parsing, found by new unit tests. 2002-9-30 Moshe Zadka * twisted/protocols/sux.py twisted/web/microdom.py: Made is possible to sanely handle parse errors 2002-09-26 Kevin Turner * twisted/internet/app.py (_AbstractServiceCollection.removeService): (MultiService.removeService): inverse of addService (ApplicationService.disownServiceParent): inverse of setServiceParent 2002-9-27 Moshe Zadka * .: Releasing 0.99.2 2002-09-26 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/web/microdom.py: Better string formatting of XML elements is now available, to aid with debugging of web.woven (among other applications). 2002-09-25 Kevin Turner * twisted/tap/manhole.py: mktap manhole will now prompt for a password or accept one from stdin if one is not provided on the command line. 2002-09-25 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * bin/tapconvert: made sure tapconvert program gets installed. 2002-09-24 Kevin Turner * twisted/web/resource.py (Resource.wasModifiedSince): revoked, not adding this after all. Instead, * twisted/protocols/http.py (Request.setLastModified) (Request.setETag): these methods to set cache validation headers for the request will return http.CACHED if the request is conditional and this setting causes the condition to fail. 2002-9-24 Moshe Zadka * .: Releasing 0.99.2rc2 2002-9-23 Donovan Preston * Renaming domtemplate/domwidgets/dominput/wmvc to Woven Woven - The Web Object Visualization Environment * Created package twisted/web/woven * Renamed domtemplate to template, domwidgets to widgets, and dominput to input * Refactored wmvc into three modules, model, view, and controller 2002-9-23 Moshe Zadka * twisted/spread/pb.py: add getObjectAtSSL, refactored into getObjectRetreiver so more transports can be easily supported 2002-09-21 Kevin Turner * twisted/protocols/http.py (Request.setLastModified): Use setLastModified to set a timestamp on a http.Request object, and it will add a Last-Modified header to the outgoing reply. * twisted/web/resource.py (Resource.wasModifiedSince): companion method, override this to get sensible handling of If-Modified-Since conditional requests. 2002-09-21 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/web/static.py, twisted/web/script.py: Previously, it was not possible to use the same xmlmvc application (directory full of files and all) to interface to separate instances in the same server, without a considerable amount of hassle. We have introduced a new "Registry" object which is passed to all .rpy and .epy scripts as "registry" in the namespace. This is a componentized, so it can be used to associate different components for the same interface for different File instances which represent the same underlying directory. 2002-09-20 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/web/microdom.py: You can now specify tags that the parser will automatically close if they are not closed immediately. This is to support output from HTML editors which will not output XML, but still have a predictable almost-but-not-quite XML structure. Specifically it has been tested with Mozilla Composer. 2002-9-20 Moshe Zadka * Documenting for others * setup.py: now setup.py can function as a module * twisted/enterprise/xmlreflector.py: deprintified * twisted/internet/abstract.py, twisted/internet/fdesc.py, twisted/internet/app.py, twisted/internet/gtkreactor.py, twisted/internet/main.py, twisted/internet/protocol.py, twisted/internet/ssl.py, twisted/internet/tksupport.py, twisted/internet/pollreactor.py, twisted/internet/defer.py: added and modified __all__ * twisted/internet/base.py: changed ReactorBase's __name__, added __all__ * twisted/internet/default.py, twisted/internet/error.py, twisted/internet/process.py, twisted/internet/win32eventreactor.py: reaping all processes on SIGCHLD, changes in process's API * twisted/python/components.py: added Adapter and setComponent * twisted/python/log.py: logging several strings works * twisted/python/reflect.py: fixed namedModule() to handle packages * twisted/web/dom*.py: added submodels, moved to microdom, removed unsafe code * twisted/python/mvc.py: changed submodel support, added ListModel, Wrapper * twisted/web/microdom.py: minidom compat fixes 2002-9-20 Jp Calderone * twisted/internet/error.py twisted/internet/process.py: ProcessEnded -> ProcessTerminated/ProcessDone. Now it is possible to read off the error code. 2002-9-19 Moshe Zadka * twisted/scripts/twistd.py: Added ability to chroot. Moved directory change to after loading of application. 2002-9-19 Moshe Zadka * twisted/*: changed print to log.msg * bin/* twisted/scripts/*.py: move code from bin/ to modules * twisted/inetd/*.py: inetd server in twisted * twisted/protocols/sux.py twisted/web/microdom.py: XML parsing * twisted/conch/*.py: better logging and protocol support * twisted/cred/*.py: deprecation fixes * twisted/internet/app.py: add encryption * twisted/internet/base.py: fix deprecation, add DelayedCall, move to connect* from client* * twisted/internet/error.py: errno mapping works on more platforms, AlreadyCalled, AlreadyCancelled errors * twisted/internet/gtkreactor.py: try requiring gtk1.2, timeout->idle * twisted/internet/interfaces.py: added IDelayedCall IProcessTransports * twisted/internet/javareactor.py: using failure, better dealing with connection losing, new connect* API * twisted/internet/process.py: dealing better with ending * twisted/internet/protocol.py: factories have a "noisy" attribute, added ReconnectingClientFactory BaseProtocol * twisted/internet/ptypro.py: fixed traceback * twisted/internet/reactor.py: better guessing of default * twisted/internet/tcp.py: failure * twisted/internet/win32eventreactor.py: update to new API, support GUI * twisted/manhole/service.py: fix deprecation * twisted/news/database.py: fix to be 2.1 compat., generating message-id, bytes, lines, date headers, improved storage * twisted/news/news.py: UsenetClientFactory, UsenetServerFactory * twisted/persisted/marmalade.py: use twisted.web.microdom * twisted/protocols/ftp.py: dito, data port uses new client API * twisted/protocols/http.py: StringTransport instead of StringIO * twisted/protocols/irc.py: stricter parsing, avoid flooding * twisted/protocols/loopback.py: new reactor API, loopback over UNIX sockets * twisted/protocols/nntp.py: more lenient parsing, more protocol support * twisted/protocols/oscar.py: new reactor API * twisted/python/components.py: fix setAdapter add removeComponent * twisted/python/failure.py: cleanFailure * twisted/python/log.py: can now log multiple strings in one go * twisted/python/logfile.py: fixed rotation * twisted/python/rebuild.py: better 2.2 support * twisted/python/util.py: getPassword * twisted/scripts/mktap.py: better --help, --type, encryption * twisted/spread/*.py: removed deprecation warnings * twisted/spread/util.py: improved Pager * twisted/tap/news.py: works saner now * twisted/tap/ssh.py: can specify authorizer * twisted/tap/words.py: can bind services to specific interfaces * twisted/web/distrib.py: now works on java too * twisted/web/domtemplate.py: improved cache * twisted/web/error.py: ForbiddenResource * twisted/web/html.py: lower-case tags * twisted/web/server.py: use components * twisted/web/static.py: added .flac, .ogg, properly 404/403, lower-case tags * twisted/web/twcgi.py: fixed for new process API * twisted/web/widgets.py: lower-case tags * twisted/web/xmlrpc.py: new abstraction for long running xml-rpc commands, add __all__ * twisted/words/ircservice.py: new connectionLost API * twisted/words/service.py: refactoring and error handling * twisted/words/tendril.py: lots of fixes, it works now 2002-09-17 Donovan Preston * Added better error reporting to WebMVC. To do this, I had to remove the use of "class" and "id" attributes on nodes as synonyms for "model", "view", and "controller". Overloading these attributes for three purposes, not to mention their usage by JavaScript and CSS, was just far too error-prone. 2002-09-09 Andrew Bennetts * twisted.inetd: An inetd(8) replacement. TCP support should be complete, but UDP and Sun-RPC support is still buggy. This was mainly written as a proof-of-concept for how to do a forking super-server with Twisted, but is already usable. 2002-08-30 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.99.1rc4. There was a bug in the acquisition code, as well as a typo in TwistedQuotes. 2002-08-29 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.99.1rc3. A bug in the release script left .pyc files in the tarball. 2002-08-29 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.99.1rc2. There was a bug with circular imports between modules in twisted.python. 2002-08-28 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.99.1rc1. 2002-08-27 Donovan Preston * twisted.web.domtemplate: Look up templates in the directory of the module containing the DOMTemplate doing the lookup before going along with regular acquisition. 2002-08-27 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted.*: Lots of minor fixes to make JavaReactor work again. 2002-08-26 Andrew Bennetts * twisted.python.logfile: Added the ability to disable log rotation if logRotation is None. 2002-08-22 Jp Calderone * twisted.news: Added a decent RDBM storage backend. 2002-08-21 Paul Swartz * doc/howto/process.html: Process documentation, too! 2002-08-20 Paul Swartz * doc/howto/clients.html: Client-writing documentation. 2002-08-20 Jp Calderone * twisted.protocols.nntp: More protocol implemented: SLAVE, XPATH, XINDEX, XROVER, TAKETHIS, and CHECK. 2002-08-19 Christopher Armstrong * bin, twisted.scripts.*: Migrated all bin/* scripts' implementations to twisted/scripts. This means win32 users will finally have access to all of the twisted scripts through .bat files! 2002-08-19 Jp Calderone * twisted.news, twisted.protocols.nntp: Additional RFC977 support: HELP and IHAVE implemented. 2002-08-19 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted.internet.{process,win32eventreactor,etc}: New and hopefully final Process API, and improved Win32 GUI support. 2002-08-18 Christopher Armstrong * Everything: Got rid of almost all usage of the `print' statement as well as any usage of stdout. This will make it easier to redirect boring log output and still write to stdout in your scripts. 2002-08-18 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.99.0 final. No changes since rc9. 2002-08-17 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.99.0rc8, with a fix to tap2deb and slightly updated options documentation. * Releasing Twisted 0.99.0rc9 with fixes to release-twisted and doc/howto/options.html. 2002-08-16 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.99.0rc6, with some fixes to setup.py * Releasing Twisted 0.99.0rc7, __init__.py fixes. 2002-08-15 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.99.0rc5, with some one severe bug-fix and a few smaller ones. 2002-08-14 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.99.0rc1! ON THE WAY TO 1.0, BABY! * Releasing Twisted 0.99.0rc2! Sorry, typoed the version number in copyright.py * Releasing Twisted 0.99.0rc3! I HATE TAGGING! * Releasing Twisted 0.99.0rc4, some very minor errors fixed. 2002-08-14 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted.internet, twisted.cred: Applications and Authorizers are now completely decoupled, save for a tiny backwards-compatibility. 2002-08-10 Christopher Armstrong * twisted.internet.defer, twisted.python.failure: Changes to Deferred and Failure to make errbacks more consistent. error callbacks are now *guaranteed* to be passed a Failure instance, no matter what was passed to Deferred.errback(). 2002-08-07 Jp Calderone * twisted.python.usage: New "subcommands" feature for usage.Options: Now, you can have nested commands (`cvs commit'-style) for your usage.Options programs. 2002-08-04 Bruce Mitchener * twisted.internet: New `writeSequence' method on transport objects: This can increase efficiency as compared to `write`ing concatenated strings, by copying less data in memory. 2002-08-02 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted.cred.service, twisted.internet.app: Application/Service refactor: These two things should be less dependant on each other, now. 2002-07-31 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted.issues: After weeks of hacking in the secret (Austin, TX) hideout with Allen Short, twisted.issues, the successor to Twisted Bugs, is born. Featuring a paranoia-inducing chat-bot interface! 2002-07-30 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted.internet.kqueue: Thanks to Matt Campbell, we now have a new FreeBSD KQueue Reactor. 2002-07-27 Christopher Armstrong * doc/fun/Twisted.Quotes: Added our seekrut Twisted.Quotes file to Twisted proper. 2002-07-26 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted.spread: "Paging" for PB: this is an abstraction for sending big streams of data across a PB connection. 2002-07-23 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted.internet: Rewrite of client APIs. `reactor.clientXXX' methods are now deprecated. See new reactor.connect* documentation. Also Application-level client methods have been reworked, see the Application documentation. 2002-07-23 Bryce Wilcox-O'Hearn * twisted.zoot: Application-level implementation of Gnutella. 2002-07-21 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted.im, bin/im: GUI improvements to t-im, and renamed bin/t-im to bin/im (and get rid of old twisted.words client). 2002-07-15 Bryce Wilcox-O'Hearn * twisted.protocols.gnutella: Twisted now has an implementation of the Gnutella protocol. 2002-07-15 Sean Riley * twisted.sister: Now featuring distributed login. 2002-07-15 Paul Swartz * twisted.conch: A new implementation of ssh2, bringing Twisted one step closer to being a complete replacement of all unix services ;-) 2002-07-14 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.19.0! It's exactly the same as rc4. 2002-07-13 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.19.0rc4. All Known Issues in the README have been fixed. This will hopefully be the last release candidate for 0.19.0. 2002-07-07 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.19.0rc3. 2002-07-07 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.19.0rc2. 2002-07-07 Christopher Armstrong * Releasing Twisted 0.19.0rc1. 2002-07-07 Keith Zaback * twisted.internet.cReactor: A new poll-based reactor written in C. This is still very experimental and incomplete. 2002-07-07 Donovan Preston * twisted.web.dom*: Better support in domtemplate/domwidgets etc for Deferreds and Widgets. Also deprecated getTemplateMethods method in favor of automatically looking up methods on the class based on the attributes found in the template. There are some minimal docs already, and better ones coming soon. 2002-06-26 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted.internet.process,interfaces,default: Process now supports SetUID: there are new UID/GID arguments to the process spawning methods/constructors. 2002-06-22 Paul Swartz * twisted.protocols.oscar: totally rewrote OSCAR protocol implementation. 2002-06-18 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted.internet.defer: Deprecated the arm method of Deferred objects: the replacement is a pair of methods, pause and unpause. After the pause method is called, it is guaranteed that no call/errbacks will be called (at least) until unpause is called. 2002-06-10 Christopher Armstrong * twisted/persisted/aot.py, bin/twistd,mktap, twisted/internet/app.py: AOT (Abstract Object Tree) experimental source-persistence mechanism. This is a more-concise, easier-to-edit alternative to Twisted's XML persistence, for people who know how to edit Python code. Also added appropriate options to mktap and twistd to load/save .tas (Twisted Application Source) files. I will be working on making the formatting better, soon, but it's workable for now. 2002-06-08 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted.internet, twisted.tap.web: Add a --https and related options to 'mktap web'; web is now much more SSL-friendly. 2002-06-02 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted.internet: changed protocol factory interface - it now has doStop and doStart which are called in reactors, not app.Application. This turns start/stopFactory into an implementation-specific feature, and also ensures they are only called once. 2002-06-01 Christopher Armstrong * .: Releasing Twisted 0.18.0 2002-05-31 Christopher Armstrong * twisted/coil/plugins/portforward.py, twisted/tap/portforward.py: Forgot to add these before rc1 :-) You can use the portforwarder with Coil and mktap again (previously "stupidproxy") * twisted/web/static.py: Fixed a bunch of bugs related to redirection for directories. * .: Releasing Twisted 0.18.0rc2 2002-05-30 Glyph Lefkowitz * Twisted no longer barfs when the Python XML packages aren't available. 2002-05-29 Christopher Armstrong * .: Releasing Twisted 0.18.0rc1 2002-05-25 Christopher Armstrong * twisted/spread/pb.py, twisted/internet/defer.py, twisted/python/failure.py, etc: Perspective broker now supports Failures! This should make writing robust PB clients *much* easier. What this means is that errbacks will recieve instances of t.python.failure.Failure instead of just strings containing the traceback -- so you can easily .trap() particular errors and handle them appropriately. 2002-05-24 Itamar Shtull-Trauring, Moshe Zadka * twisted.mail cleanups: * basic bounce support. * removed telnet from mail tap * mail domains now receive service in __init__ * split file system stuff into Queue (renamed from MessageCollection) * Put a Queue in service * twisted/protocol/smtp.py: changed SMTPClient API so that it returns a file for the message content, instead of a string. 2002-05-23 Glyph Lefkowitz * Twisted applications can now be persisted to XML files (.tax) with the --xml option -- this is pretty verbose and needs some optimizations. 2002-05-22 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/persisted/marmalade.py: Marmalade: Jelly, with just a hint of bitterness. An XML object serialization module designed so people can hand-edit persisted objects (like Twisted Applications). 2002-05-21 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/internet/gtkreactor.py: GTK+ support for win32; input_add is not supported in win32 and had to be worked around. 2002-05-20 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/pythor/defer.py, twisted/protocols/protocol.py, twisted/internet/defer.py, twisted/internet/protocol.py: Moved defer and protocol to twisted.internet to straighten out dependancies. 2002-05-18 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/metrics, twisted/forum: Metrics and Forum are no longer a part of Twisted proper; They are now in different CVS modules, and will be released separately. 2002-05-15 Andrew Bennetts * twisted/protocols/ftp.py: Small fixes to FTPClient that have changed the interface slightly -- return values from callbacks are now consistent for active and passive FTP. Have a look at doc/examples/ftpclient.py for details. 2002-05-12 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * doc/specifications/banana.html: Documentation of the Banana protocol. 2002-05-06 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/im/gtkchat.py: Some more UI improvements to InstanceMessenger: Nicks are now colorful (each nick is hashed to get a color) and messages now have timestamps. 2002-05-04 Glyph Lefkowitz * Reactor Refactor! Pretty much all of the twisted.internet.* classes are being depracated in favor of a single, central class called the "reactor". Interfaces are defined in twisted.internet.interfaces. For a much more descriptive comment about this change, see http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-commits/2002-May/002104.html. 2002-05-04 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/spread/pb.py: There is now some resource limiting in PB. Clients can now have the number of references to an object limited. 2002-04-29 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/im/*: Refactored Twisted InstanceMessenger to seperate GUI and logic. Also improved the UI a bit. 2002-04-28 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/protocols/http.py: log hits using extended log format and make web taps logfile configurable. 2002-04-26 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/lumberjack/logfile.py: reversed order of rotated logs - higer numbers are now older. 2002-04-24 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * doc/examples/ircLogBot.py: We now have a sample IRC bot that logs all messages to a file. 2002-04-24 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/python/components.py: Twisted's interfaces are now more like Zope's - __implements__ is an Interface subclass or a tuple (or tuple of tuples). Additonally, an instance can implement an interface even if its class doesn't have an __implements__. 2002-04-22 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/python/usage.py: Minor niceties for usage.Options: You can now look up the options of an Options object with optObj['optName'], and you if you define opt_* methods with underscores in them, using dashes on the command line will work. 2002-04-21 Chris Armstrong * twisted/scripts/mktap.py: No more --manhole* options, use '--append=my.tap manhole' now. 2002-04-20 Chris Armstrong * .: Releasing Twisted 0.17.4. * twisted/internet/tcp.py: Make unix domain sockets *really* world-accessible, rather than just accessible by "other". 2002-04-19 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/web/{server,twcgi}.py: Fixed POST bug in distributed web servers. 2002-04-19 Chris Armstrong * .: Releasing Twisted 0.17.3. 2002-04-19 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/web/distrib.py: Fix a bug where static.File transfers over a distributed-web connection would not finish up properly. 2002-04-18 Chris Armstrong * .: Releasing Twisted 0.17.2. 2002-04-18 Chris Armstrong * twisted/news: A news server and NNTP protocol support courtesy of exarkun. Another step towards Twisted implementations of EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD! 2002-04-17 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/spread/pb.py: Errors during jelly serialization used to just blow up; now they more properly return a Deferred Failure. This will make hangs in PB apps (most notably distributed web) less common. 2002-04-17 Donovan Preston * Major changes to the capabilities of the static web server, in an attempt to be able to use Twisted instead of Zope at work; my plan is to capture many of the conveniences of Zope without the implicitness and complexity that comes with working around implicit behavior when it fails. 1) .trp and .rpy support in the static web server: Very simple handlers to allow you to easily add Resource objects dynamically to a running server, by merely changing files on the filesystem. An .rpy file will be executed, and if a "resource" variable exists upon the execution's completion, it will be returned. A .trp file (twisted resource pickle) will be unpickled and returned. An object unpickled from a .trp should either implement IResource itself, or have a registered adapter in twisted.python.components. 2) Acquisition: As resources are being looked up by repeated calls to getChild, this change creates instances of twisted.spread.refpath.PathReferenceAcquisitionContext and puts them in the request as "request.pathRef" Any method that has an instance of the request can then climb up the parent tree using "request.pathRef['parentRef']['parentRef'] PathReferenceAcquisitionContext instances can be dereferenced to the actual object using getObject Convenience method: "locate" returns a PathReference to first place in the parent heirarchy a name is seen Convenience method: "acquire" somewhat like Zope acquisition; mostly untested, may need fixes 3) DOM-based templating system: A new templating system that allows python scripts to use the DOM to manipulate the HTML node tree. Loosely based on Enhydra. Subclasses of twisted.web.domtemplate.DOMTemplate can override the templateFile attribute and the getTemplateMethods method; ultimately, while templateFile is being parsed, the methods specified will be called with instances of xml.dom.mindom.Node as the first parameter, allowing the python code to manipulate (see twisted.web.blog for an example) 2002-04-17 Chris Armstrong * twisted/web/static.py, twisted/tap/web.py: Added a new feature that allows requests for /foo to return /foo.extension, which is disabled by default. If you want a --static webserver that uses this feature, use 'mktap web --static --allow_ignore_ext'. * twisted/tap/web.py: Also switched --static to --path; it doesn't make sense to call something that automatically executes cgis, epys, rpys, php, etc., "static". :-) 2002-04-14 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * HTTP 1.1 now supports persistent and pipelined connections. User-visible API changes: - Request.content is now a file-like object, instead of a string. - Functions that incorrectly used Request.received instead of Request.getAllHeaders() will break. - sendHeader, finishHeaders, sendStatus are all hidden now. 2002-04-12 Kevin Turner * twisted/coil/plugins/tendril.py (TendrilConfigurator): New coil configurator for words.tendril. 2002-04-10 Chris Armstrong * .: Releasing Twisted 0.17.0 2002-04-10 Chris Armstrong * twisted/bugs: Gone. Separate plugin package. * twisted/eco: Gone. The king is dead. Long live the king! (eco is no longer going to be developed, Pyrex has obviated it.) 2002-04-10 Chris Armstrong * twisted/protocols/irc.py: Some fix-ups to IRCClient and DccFileReceive, from Joe Jordan (psy). 2002-04-10 Chris Armstrong * twisted/reality: Gone. This is now in a completely separate plugin package. 2002-04-09 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * win32 process support seems to *finally* be working correctly. Many thanks to Drew Whitehouse for help with testing and debugging. 2002-04-08 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * coil refactored yet again, this time to use components and adapters. The design is now much cleaner. 2002-04-08 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/spread/jelly.py: Refactored jelly to provide (a) more sane, language-portable API for efficient extensibility and (b) final version of "wire" protocol. This should be very close to the last wire-protocol-breaking change to PB before standardization happens. 2002-04-04 Glyph Lefkowitz * Removed __getattr__ backwards compatibility in PB 2002-04-03 Chris Armstrong * twisted/python/usage.py, twisted/test/test_usage.py, bin/mktap, twisted/tap/*.py: Made the usage.Options interface better -- options are now stored in the 'opts' dict. This is backwards compatible, and I added a deprecation warning. 2002-04-01 Chris Armstrong * .: Releasing Twisted 0.16.0. 2002-03-29 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * Added Qt event loop support, written by Sirtaj Singh Kang and Aleksandar Erkalovic. 2002-03-29 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * Added a 'coil' command for configuring TAP files 2002-03-15 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * XML-RPC published methods can now return Deferreds, and Twisted will Do The Right Thing. 2002-03-13 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * Refactored coil, the configuration mechanism for Twisted. See twisted.coil and twisted.coil.plugins for examples of how to use the new interface. Chris Armstrong did some UI improvements for coil as well. * Checked in win32 Process support, and fixed win32 event loop. 2002-03-11 Glyph Lefkowitz * More robust shutdown sequence for default mainloop (other mainloops should follow suit, but they didn't implement shutdown callbacks properly before anyway...). This allows for shutdown callbacks to continue using the main loop. 2002-03-09 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * Automatic log rotation for twistd. In addition, sending SIGUSR1 to twistd will rotate the log. 2002-03-07 Chris Armstrong * .: Releasing Twisted 0.15.5. 2002-03-06 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/web/html.py: Got rid of html.Interface. This was a really old, really deprecated API. 2002-03-06 Chris Armstrong * twisted/web/widgets.py: Deprecated usage of Gadget.addFile(path) and replaced it with Gadget.putPath(path, pathname). This is a lot more flexible. 2002-03-05 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/internet/win32.py: New win32 event loop, written by Andrew Bennetts. * twisted/tap/*: Changed the interface for creating tap modules - use a method called updateApplication instead of getPorts. this is a much more generic and useful mechanism. * twisted/internet/task.py: Fixed a bug where the schedular wasn't installed in some cases. 2002-03-04 Moshe Zadka * twisted/web/server.py: authorizer.Unauthorized->util.Unauthorized (leftovers from removing .passport references.) * twisted/names/dns.py: Added support for TTL. 2002-03-02 Chris Armstrong * .: Releasing Twisted 0.15.4. 2002-03-02 Paul Swartz * twisted/words/ircservice.py: Send End-Of-MOTD message -- some clients rely on this for automatic joining of channels and whatnot. 2002-03-02 Moshe Zadka * twisted/names/dns.py: Fixed bugs in DNS client 2002-03-01 Moshe Zadka * twisted/protocols/dns.py: Can now correctly serialize answers * twisted/names/dns.py: Can now do simple serving of domains * twisted/internet/stupid.py: Removed spurious debugging print 2002-02-28 Chris Armstrong * .: Releasing 0.15.3. 2002-02-27 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/mail/*, twisted/plugins.tml: The Mail server is now COILable. * bin/twistd: security fix: use a secure umask (077, rather than 0) for twistd.pid. 2002-02-26 Allen Short * twisted/eco/eco.py, twisted/eco/sexpy.py: ECO now supports backquoting and macros. 2002-02-26 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/protocols/ftp.py, twisted/plugins.tml: Made the FTP server COILable! 2002-02-26 Benjamin Bruheim * twisted/web/distrib.py: Fixed a win32-compatibility bug. 2002-02-24 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/protocols/socks.py: Made SOCKSv4 coilable, and fixed a bug so it'd work with Mozilla. 2002-02-24 Chris Armstrong * .: Releasing Twisted 0.15.2. 2002-02-24 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * setup.py: Added plugins.tml and instancemessenger.glade installs so mktap and t-im work in a 'setup.py install' install. * debian/rules: Install plugins.tml so mktap works in debian installs. * doc/man/mktap.1, twistd.1: Updated the man pages to be more accurate. 2002-02-24 Chris Armstrong * bin/mktap: Better error reporting when we don't find the plugins files. * bin/twistd: Print out the *real* usage description rather than barfing when we get bad command line arguments. 2002-02-24 Moshe Zadka * debian/rules: Install the instancemessenger.glade file, so IM will work in debian installs. 2002-02-24 Paul Swartz * twisted/protocols/oscar.py, socks.py, toc.py: Fixed a security hole in TOC where clients could call any method on the server. 2002-02-23 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/tap/coil.py: There is now a tap-creator for COIL. * twisted/internet/stupidproxy.py: Now with COILability! 2002-02-23 Glyph Lefkowitz * bin/mktap: mktap now uses Plugins instead of searching through twisted.tap. Yay for unified configuration systems! 2002-02-22 Chris Armstrong * twisted/im, twisted/words: t-im can now do topic setting (words only), fixed the Group Metadata-setting interface in the service. 2002-02-22 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/manhole: COIL can now load Plugins. 2002-02-21 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted.spread.pb: Changed remote method invocations to be called through .callRemote rather than implicitly by getattr, and added LocalAsRemote utility class for emulating remote behavior. 2002-02-21 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted.protocols.ftp: Fixed a lot of serious bugs. 2002-02-20 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted.protocols.telnet: the python shell now supports multi-line commands and can be configured using coil. 2002-02-13 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted.lumberjack: a log rotation and viewing service. Currently only log rotation is supported. 2002-02-12 Kevin Turner * twisted/words/ircservice.py (IRCChatter.irc_AWAY): Fix bug where you can never come back from being away (at least using epic4). Closes: #%d 2002-02-11 Chris Armstrong * twisted/web/widgets.py: Changed Gadget.page to Gadget.pageFactory for clarity (this is backwards-compatible). 2002-02-10 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/spread/jelly.py: * twisted/spread/banana.py: * twisted/spread/pb.py: fixed bugs found by pychecker, got rid of __ping__ method support, and added 'local_' methods to RemoteReference * twisted/persisted/styles.py: pychecker bug fixes 2002-02-09 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * bin/eco: Created a command-line interpreter for ECO. * doc/man/eco.1: man page for bin/eco 2002-02-09 Chris Armstrong * twisted/eco/eco.py: Reverted evaluator state back to functional-ness :) And added functions (anonymous and global), and broke various interfaces 2002-02-09 Allen Short * twisted/eco/eco.py: Refactored evaluator into a class, improved python-function argument signatures, and added and/or/not functions. 2002-02-08 Kevin Turner * twisted/words/service.py, ircservice.py: Fixed annoying PING bug, and added /topic support. 2002-02-08 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/eco: Initial prototype of ECO, the Elegant C Overlay macro engine. 2002-02-02 Paul Swartz * twisted/im/ircsupport.py: Added support for the IRC protocol to IM. 2002-02-02 Chris Armstrong * twisted/python/deferred.py: added Deferred.addErrback, so now it's easy to attach errbacks to deferreds when you don't care about plain results. * twisted/im/chat.py, twisted/im/pbsupport.py: added support for displaying topics. 2002-02-02 Paul Swartz * SOCKSv4 support: there is now a protocols.socks, which contains support for SOCKSv4, a TCP proxying protocol. mktap also has support for the new protocol. 2002-02-02 Kevin Turner * twisted/words/ircservice.py (IRCChatter.receiveDirectMessage), (IRCChatter.receiveGroupMessage), (IRCChatter.irc_PRIVMSG): Added CTCP ACTION <-> emote translation 2002-02-01 Paul Swartz * twisted/im/tocsupport.py: Added support for most of the TOC protocol to IM. 2002-02-01 Chris Armstrong * twisted/im/*.py: added metadata/emote support to IM. "/me foo" now triggers a backwards-compatible emote. 2002-01-30 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * twisted/internet/tcp.py: Fixed the bug where startFactory() would get called twice. 2002-01-30 Chris Armstrong * twisted/im: a new client for twisted.words (and eventually much more) based on GTK+ and Glade. This is mainly glyph's code, but I organized it for him to check in. * twisted/words/service.py: metadata support for words messages (only {'style': 'emote'} is standardized as of yet) 2002-01-29 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * Added hook to tcp.Port and ssl.Port for limiting acceptable connections - approveConnection(socket, addr). 2002-01-27 Chris Armstrong * twisted/words/ircservice.py: You can now change the topic of a channel with '/msg channelName topic ' - note that 'channelName' does *not* include the '#'. 2002-01-23 Glyph Lefkowitz * Incompatible change to PB: all remote methods now return Deferreds. This doesn't break code in as many places as possible, but the connection methods now work differently and have different signatures. * Incompatible change to Banana: Banana now really supports floats and long integers. This involved removing some nasty hackery that was previously part of the protocol spec, so you'll need to upgrade. * Added a feature to Jelly: Jelly now supports unicode strings. * Improved Twisted.Forums considerably: still needs work, but it's growing into an example of what you can do with a Twisted.Web application. * Added Twisted.Web.Webpassport -- generic mechanism for web-based login to arbitrary services. This in conjunction with some code in Forum that uses it. * Incompatible change in Enterprise: all query methods now return Deferreds, as well as take arguments in an order which makes it possible to pass arbitrary argument lists for using the database's formatting characters rather than python's. 2002-01-15 Glyph Lefkowitz * twisted/internet/passport.py: (and friends) Retrieval of perspectives is now asynchronous, hooray (this took way too long)! Perspectives may now be stored in external data sources. Lurching slowly towards a stable API for the Passport system, along with Sean's recent commits of tools to manipulate it. 2002-01-14 Kevin Turner * twisted/python/explorer.py: reimplementated. So it's better. And yes, I broke the API. * twisted/manhole/ui/spelunk_gnome.py: Less duplication of visages, and they're draggable now too. 2002-01-13 Itamar Shtull-Trauring * Changed twisted.enterprise.adabi so operations can accept lists of arguments. This allows us to use the database adaptor's native SQL quoting ability instead of either doing it ourselves, or the *current* way twisted does it (not doing it at all, AFAICT!). cursor.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (%s, %d), "it's magic", 12) Problem is that different adaptors may have different codes for quoting. * First go at database for twisted.bugs. I hate RDBMS. I hate web. --- 0.13.0 Release ---