#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, shutil, time, string def cmd(st): c = os.path.join(twistedBinDir,'') + st print "Running Command: %s" % repr(c) return os.system(c) def browse(url): scmd(webbrowser+" "+url) if block: print "Hit enter to continue:" raw_input() def scmd(st): print 'Running System Command: %s' % repr(st) return os.system(st) def message(*m): print '/------' print '|####' for line in m: print '|####', line print '|####' print '\------' def twistdf(f): cmd("twistd -f %s.tap" %f) time.sleep(0.5) def twistdg(g): cmd("twistd -g %s" %g) time.sleep(0.5) def twistdy(y): cmd("twistd -y %s" % (y,)) time.sleep(0.5) def killit(): scmd("kill `cat twistd.pid`") # Give it a sec to come down. time.sleep(0.5) def pause(): print "Hit enter to continue." raw_input() def GUITest(): os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '%s:%s' % (os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH') or '', examplesDir) message("Running Qt app.") scmd("python %s/qtdemo.py" % examplesDir) message("Running wxPython app.") scmd("python %s/wxdemo.py" % examplesDir) def basicToolTest(): message("You will now be connected to an echo server") twistdy(twistedBinDir+"/../admin/echo.py") time.sleep(0.5) scmd("telnet localhost 18899") killit() def basicWebTest(): message("Running Basic Web Test") cmd("mktap web --port 18080") twistdf("web") message("You should see a rather complex bunch of widgetry now.") browse("http://localhost:18080/") killit() def staticWebTest(): cmd("mktap web --port 18080 --path %s/../static" % twistedBinDir) twistdf("web") message("You should see an 'it worked' page now.", "(depending on your browser, you may need to reload)") browse("http://localhost:18080/") message("This is Python CGI test output.") browse("http://localhost:18080/test.cgi") message("This is RPY test output.") browse("http://localhost:18080/test.rpy") killit() def sslWebTest(): message("Running SSL Web Test") cmd(("mktap web --port 18080 --https=18443 -k %s/../doc/examples/server.pem " "-c %s/../doc/examples/server.pem --path %s/../static") % ( twistedBinDir, twistedBinDir, twistedBinDir)) twistdf("web") browse("https://localhost:18443/") killit() def distWebTest(): message("Running Distributed Web Test") # make directories to stage the test scmd("mkdir Personal") scmd("mkdir User") # make & start personal server os.chdir("Personal") cmd("mktap web --personal --port 18080") twistdf("web") os.chdir("..") # make & start the user server os.chdir("User") cmd("mktap web --user --port 18080") twistdf("web") os.chdir("..") # browse a dead web page message("This should say 'Unable to connect to distributed server'", "If it doesn't finish loading, it's broken. Reload a few times..") browse("http://localhost:18080/nobody.twistd") # browse a live web page message("This should be a bunch-of-widgets test page.") browse("http://localhost:18080/%s.twistd" % username) # clean up os.chdir("User") killit() os.chdir("../Personal") killit() os.chdir("..") shutil.rmtree("User") shutil.rmtree("Personal") def runTelnetTest(): message("Running Telnet Test") cmd("mktap telnet -p 18023 -u username -w password") twistdf("telnet") message("Log in with the username 'username', password 'password'.", "You should be able to execute python code.", "Log out with '^]close'") scmd("telnet localhost 18023") killit() def runManholeTest(): message("Running Manhole Test") cmd("mktap manhole --port 12943 -u username -w password") twistdf("manhole") message("Log in with the username 'username', password 'password'.", "and bask in the l33tness of direct manipulation.") cmd("manhole --port 12943") killit() def runWordsTest(): message("Running Words Test") cmd("mktap words --irc 16767 --port 18787 --web 18080") twistdf("words") message("Create yourself an account, username 'test' password 'testing'.") browse("http://localhost:18080/create") message("You will have to '/msg *login* testing' to log in.") scmd(ircclient+" test localhost:16767") if block: print "Hit enter to continue:" raw_input() message("Now let's test the 'im' interface.") cmd("im") killit() def runRealityTest(): message("Running Reality Test") for mapname, loginname, password in [('TRDemo', 'guest', 'guest'), ('Inheritance', 'Damien', 'admin'), ('Divunal', 'guest', 'guest')]: if os.path.exists(mapname): twistdg(mapname) message("Log in now, username %s password %s" % (repr(loginname), repr(password))) cmd("faucet") message("Now again, with the TK interface.") cmd("faucet --toolkit tk") message("Log in again on the telnet interface.") scmd("telnet localhost 14040") message("Now take a look at the website, after logging in") browse("http://localhost:18080/") killit() else: message("reality map %s not found, skipping" % mapname) def runExampleTest(): os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '%s:%s' % (os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH') or '', examplesDir) scmd("python %s/pbecho.py" % examplesDir) twistdf("pbecho-start") message("You should see a 'hello world'") scmd("python %s/pbechoclient.py" % examplesDir) pause() killit() def runMailTest(): message("Starting mail test. ", "Output should be one email (postmaster@foo.bar) ", "and one bounce (postmaster@no.such.domain).",) if os.path.exists('dump'): scmd('rm -rf dump') os.mkdir("dump") if os.path.exists('dump2'): scmd('rm -rf dump2') os.mkdir("dump2") cmd("mktap mail --domain foo.bar=dump --user postmaster=postmaster " " --pop 18110") cmd("mktap --append mail.tap mail --relay,8025=dump2" " --smtp 18026 --pop 18111") twistdf("mail") import smtplib, poplib s = smtplib.SMTP('', 18026) s.sendmail("m@moshez.org", ['postmaster@foo.bar'], '''\ Subject: How are you gentlemen? All your base are belong to us ''') s.quit() time.sleep(5) p = poplib.POP3('', 18110) p.apop('postmaster@foo.bar', 'postmaster') print string.join(p.retr(1)[1], '\n') p.dele(1) p.quit() s = smtplib.SMTP('', 18026) s.sendmail("postmaster@foo.bar", ['moshez@no.such.domain'], '''\ Subject: How are you ladies? All your dependents are belong to us ''') s.quit() time.sleep(10) p = poplib.POP3('', 18110) p.apop('postmaster@foo.bar', 'postmaster') print string.join(p.retr(1)[1], '\n') p.dele(1) p.quit() killit() def runAllTests(): message("Starting test.") GUITest() basicToolTest() basicWebTest() staticWebTest() sslWebTest() distWebTest() runManholeTest() runTelnetTest() runWordsTest() runRealityTest() runExampleTest() runMailTest() message('All tests run.') twistedBinDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '..', 'bin') examplesDir = twistedBinDir+'/../doc/examples' try: block = sys.argv[1] == "-b" except IndexError: block = None try: webbrowser = os.environ['WEBBROWSER'] username = os.environ['USER'] ircclient = os.environ['IRCCLIENT'] except KeyError: message("Required Environment Variables:", " * WEBBROWSER: a command which will run a web browser.", " (If this doesn't block until the window is closed,", " pass '-b' as an argument to the script.)", " * IRCCLIENT: an IRC client in the style of ircii (use -b in the", " same situation as above)", " * USER: your UNIX username.") else: runAllTests()