Welcome to my humble home out here, right next to the information super highway.
First of all I'd like to point out that this page is under construction. Secondly, I
have learned through experience that I sometimes leave my pages for a considerable amount
of time, untouched.
I may grow weary of this layout, and make a new one and since I will most likely work
on it offline, you'd not be the wiser. So while I have the ambition to make a real page
out of this ... I cannot honestly say that this page will ever be completed. Especially
not since it is the creative part of making webpages that I like, not the contentsfilling
This page will be best viewed with Internet Explorer in atleast 800x600 screen
resolution and 16-bit colours. I'm not about to try the page on all kinds of browsers to
make it work for everyone, I will however spend a bit of effort in coding correctly, so
most browsers should be able to view this page as it should be viewed.

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(This page was last modified March 2006)