- About me Last modified January 2000
- This is the place if you want to know more about me.
- Daily news Last
modified November 2008
- My Internet newspaper.
- Favorite links Last
modified April 1998
- Here I keep a list of my favorite places on the web.
- Java Last modified 16:th November
- My collection of Java-applets
- Photoalbum Last
modified May 1998
- My photoalbum, searchable with descriptions.
- Background alley Last
modified November 1999
- My collection of 145 seamless (tilable) backgrounds.
- Guestbook
Last modified June 2002
- My guestbook. Please write in it!

What's new in Nizze's Paradise
- New backgrounds in Nizze's background alley! November 17th
- I have added two new collections to my background collection (it now contains 145 backgrounds) : Collection 5 and backgrounds from the universe (original images taken from Astronomy Picture of the Day.
- Nizze's background alley March 1999
- Added a collection of backgrounds (searchable by description). All seamless. Click on the image to see how it what it would look like if it was a background
- Daily news December 1998
- I added a daily news-page to my homepage. It contains information from many websites that I frequently visit. It is updated 5 times a day
- Sanitarium FAQ May 1998
- I have added a FAQ to the game Sanitarium to my homepage.
- Update April 1998
- I have added a link to 93-94 Forsmark students and updated my schedule in the About me section
- PhotoAlbum with new and rescanned images April 1998
- I have added new and rescanned pictures to the PhotoAlbum and added a search-function to it
- New schedule January 1998
- I have updated About me to include my new schedule
- What's new January 1998
- I added this homemade script to show recent changes to the homepage
- Guestbook December 1997
- I added a guestbook to my homepage. Now every visitor can leave a note in it
- Homepage statistics December 1997
- I added a statistics page to show how much Nizze's Paradise was accessed
- My new homepage was created! November 1997
- After much work on my old homepage I decided to start over and put my new homepage at Lysator

More than one thousand served. since November 2019.