Scott Adams Classic Adventures
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These games were rereleased in 1982 with
graphics [BG] as Scott Adams Graphic Adventures (SAGA).
From the box of the later graphical releases:
When You Sit Down To a Scott Adams' Graphic Adventure...
Anything Can Happen
As the name implies, the Scott Adams Graphic Adventures are
the classic Adventures which have been enhanced with
exciting graphics -- graphics which colorfully depict your
voyage into wonderment each and every step of the way. Each
Adventure challenges the player to accumulate points, crack
a mystery or accomplish a goal using the unique tools of
Adventuring: two-word commands, some common sense and a
little ingenuity. If you've never played an Adventure, you
couldn't have found a better place to begin. And if you're
an experienced Adventurer prepare for a magical encounter
unlike any other. Remember: Anything can happen when you
play a Scott Adams Graphic Adventure ... and it usually
All the original twelve adventures were released in four
Value Packs. Kim Schuette's "Book of Adventure Games"
(1984) acknowledges that all twelve in four packages were
released. Strangely, it also says that only the first three
up to that point had been released as SAGAs with graphics
and the others were slated for up-and-coming release with
graphics. That's a two-year span between releasing the
first three and the last nine?
The TI-99/4A games were distributed by Texas Instruments.
The user first had to purchase a ROM cartridge called
"Adventure" which came with the disk or cassette of
adventure #2, "Pirate Adventure". The other titles required
this ROM cartridge to run, but were sold separately.
0: Adventureland Demo
Type: Text only
Written 1979 by Scott Adams in Scott Adams database.
Notes: This is called "Special Sampler" on the back and on the
The package is similiar to the original version of
Adventureland except the artwork is done in blue-tone instead
of colour, and all the green and blue in the AI logo is
changed to plain white, to differentiate from the full
Adventureland, probably. It's the only retail demo from AI I
know of, although demos of other soon-to-come games generally
popped up on the SAGA releases, along with a very funny
introduction from a very hi-res Scott Adams informing us why
we shouldn't accept pirated software---because they might
lose sales and go bankrupt!
Package blurb: Never tried ADVENTURE? This special inexpensive sampler
complete with 3 Treasures is a cut-down version of our large
Adventureland. Guaranteed to supply hours of enjoyment: Try
an ADVENTURE today!
1: Adventureland
Type: Text only/Bitmap graphics
Written 1978 by Scott Adams in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
This game survived Scott Adams' wife Alexis
putting the disks with the source code in the oven one time
when she got sick of Scott working so much on it.
Comments: Ordinary treasure hunting.
Package blurb: You wander through an enchanted world trying to recover the
13 lost treasures. You'll encounter wild animals, magical
beings, and many other perils and puzzles. Can you rescue the
Blue Ox from the quicksand? Or find your way out of the maze
of pits? Happy Adventuring...
2: Pirate Adventure (aka Pirate's Cove)
Type: Text only/Bitmap graphics
Written 1978-1979? by Scott Adams and Alexis Adams in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
The source code for Pirate's Adventure was
published in the December 1980 issue of Byte Magazine. It
consisted of a Basic program that implemented the "adventure
virtual machine" and several thousand numbers, bytes of data
that formed the "virtual machine language instructions" for
the actual Pirate's Adventure. After this, adventure writers
started to figure out how the game was created and started to
create their own adventures using the same design. The same
thing had happened before when the source code for Dog Star
Adventure was published a while before.
Comments: Explore an island and find the pirates' treasure.
Package blurb: 'Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum...' You'll meet up with the
pirate and his daffy bird along with many strange sights as
you attempt to go from your London flat to Treasure Island.
Can you recover Long John Silver's lost treasures? Happy
sailing, matey...
3: Mission Impossible / Impossible Mission / Secret Mission
Type: Text only/Graphics
Written 1979 by Scott Adams in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
Originally and at least through 1982, this game
was called Mission Impossible. Then it was renamed Impossible
Mission for a while and finally became Secret Mission. It also
seems to be available under the name "Atomic
Mission", at least for Commodore 16 and Commodore Plus/4.
The clamshell release has picture inserts that are embedded
and not removable. It has three different inserts -- front,
back, and spine. The game is mostly billed as Mission
Impossible, however an embossed gold "Secret Mission" was
stuck over the plastic above the front insert where "Mission
Impossible" was. The spine insert was not covered up and the
disk is labeled "Mission Impossible". Pretty rushed way to
change a name. There is a synopsis on the back but another
embossed gold label was stuck over it "Bonus! Hint Sheet
Package blurb: Time is of the essence as you race the clock to complete your
mission - if you fail, the world's first automated nuclear
reactor is doomed. So, tread lightly and don't forget your
bomb detector! If you survive this challenging mission,
consider yourself a true Adventurer.
4: Voodoo Castle
Type: Text only/Graphics
Written 1980? by Alexis Adams in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
Package blurb:
Count Cristo has had a fiendish curse put on him
by his enemies. There he lies, with you his only hope. Will
you be able to rescue him or is he forever doomed? Beware the
Voodoo man...
5: The Count
Type: Text only/Graphics
Written 1981 by Scott Adams in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
This was the first Scott Adams game that used time
as an important element of play. It takes place over a three
day/three night cycle.
The package includes a User's Guide that is very similar to
the generic AI instruction sheets, but has a different cover.
Includes warranty card, along with the "Need a Backup Disk?"
and "Do You Write Microcomputer Software?" adverts.
The clamshell release has picture inserts that are not
embedded, not removable. It's also one sheet rather than
three. It has no hint sheet.
Package blurb: You wake up in a large brass bed in a castle somewhere in
Transylvania. Who are you, what are you doing here, and WHY
did the postman deliver a bottle of blood? You'll love this
ADVENTURE, in fact, you might say it's Love at First Byte...
6: Strange Odyssey
Type: Text only/Graphics
Written 1981? by Scott Adams in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
Package blurb:
Marooned at the edge of the galaxy, you've
stumbled on the ruins of an ancient alien civilization
complete with fabulous treasures and unearthly technologies.
Can you collect the treasures and return or will you end up
marooned forever?
7: Mystery Fun House / Fun House Mystery
Type: Text only/Graphics
Written 1981 or earlier by Scott Adams in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
Notes: Originally and at least through 1983 named Mystery Fun House.
It turned out there was an actual place called Mystery Fun
House and they were upset.
Package blurb: Can you find your way completely through the strangest Fun
House in existance, or will you always be kicked out when the
park closes?
8: Pyramid of Doom
Type: Text only/Graphics
Written 1981? by Scott Adams and Alvin Files in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
9: Ghost Town
Type: Text only/Graphics
Written 1981? by Scott Adams in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
10: Savage Island, part 1
Type: Text only/Graphics
Written 1982? by Scott Adams in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
11: Savage Island, part 2
Type: Text only/Graphics
Written 1982? by Scott Adams and Russ Wetmore in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
12: Golden Voyage
Type: Text only/Graphics
Written 1982? by Scott Adams and William Demas in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
13: Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle
Type: Text only/Bitmap graphics
Written 1984 by Scott Adams in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
Notes: The Dragon version of this can not be finished due to an
interpreter bug.
There are two graphics versions of this for the C-64: a
disk-based American one (using Phil Case's SAGA+ driver,
the same one as in Buckaroo Banzai and the US version of
Fantastic Four) and the UK one with Howarth's interpreter.
Package blurb: Long ago, in times passed beyond remembrance, Solon the
Master Wizard and wearer of the Secret Cloak lost the 13
Stars of Power. The grasping Vileroth believed the Stars to
be the only source of Solon's expert wizardry. But,
unbeknownst to Vileroth, it was the Secret Cloak that
controlled the Stars and protected the wearer from their
awesome powers. Unable to master the Stars, Vileroth was
In his final days, as Vileroth's strength slipped from him,
he concealed the 13 Stars of Power within the Castle of
Claymorgue, determined that no one save he should possess
them. Solon, learning of Vileroth's destruction, despatches
his faithful young apprentice Beanwick to retrieve the Stars.
"Tread carefully, O Beanwick! Would that I could assume this
quest myself, but alas, I can only send with you these few
spells. Claymorgue Castle harbors further spells, but beware
-- one unskilled in the arts cannot predict their outcome."
14: Return to Pirate's Island
Type: Text only/Bitmap graphics
Written 1983 by Scott Adams in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
More information about Scott Adams Adventure
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
Type: Text only/Bitmap graphics
Written 1985 by Scott Adams, Phillip Case and Kem McNair [graphics] in Scott Adams database.
Runs on:
Notes: Based on the 20th Century Fox movie The Adventures of
Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension.
More information about Scott Adams Adventure
Comments: Buckaroo Banzai, a neurosurgeon, rock star and more, must try to
fix a jet car that can drive him into the 8th dimension.
Value Pack
Type: Text only
Written 1984.
Runs on:
Notes: This is a compilation cassette featuring #4 Voodoo Castle, #5
The Count and #6 Strange Odyssey. The cover shot is of
shrunken-down versions of the original (ugly) cover art for
the three games. No instructions printed on the cardboard at
all. I suppose there are Value Packs for all the first 12
Classic Adventures.
Cartridge Triple Pack
Runs on:
Notes: This contains Strange Odyssey, Atomic Mission (presumably
Mission Impossible under a different name), and Pirate
This had a recommended retail price of £29.85.