Phoenix Software
They were located on 64 Lake Zurich Drive, Lake Zurich, Illinois
60047, USA. Phone 312 438-4850.
They are or have been distributed by American Eagle.
Adventure in Time
Type: Text only
Written 1981 by Paul Berker.
Runs on:
Comments: Travel through four different locations in time via the help
of a robot to find and kill the evil Nostradamus before he can
take over the world.
Birth of the Phoenix
Type: Text only
Written 1981 by Paul Berker.
Runs on:
Comments: Tutorial adventure. It's just an ordinary (easy) treasure
hunting for the beginner, much different than the other
popular tutorial of the time, Mission: Asteroid from Sierra.
Dodge City
Type: Bitmap graphics/Multiple choice
Written 1984 by Fraser Orr.
Runs on:
Notes: I have seen claims that it was published by Phoenix Software Ltd, Middlesex.
Comments: You must complete arcade on A to get code for adventure on B.
Here is a review of Dodge City
Queen of Phobos
Type: DG (black and white)
Written 1982 by Paul Berker and Bill Crawford.
Runs on:
Comments: Travel on board a Martian spacecraft to locate the mask of
Kuh-Thu-Lu, while avoiding the ship's evil occupants, in this
science fiction adventure.
Sherwood Forest
Type: G (some animation)
Written 1982 by Dale Johnson and Dav Holle [graphics].
Runs on:
Notes: Advertised as "Sof-toon #1" but it might have been the only one.
Probably only for Apple II.
Comments: Parody of Robin Hood, and featuring Friar Tuck, Maid Marian and
Little John. Hardly any plot, but still amusing and well drawn,
for the time.
Type: Bitmap graphics
Written 1983 by Dale Johnson and Rick Incrocci [graphics].
Runs on:
Notes: Distributed by All American Adventures. There was a $1000 prize
for the first person to solve it. The $1000 prize was a parody
of the treasure-hunt prize offered by Kit Williams' book of
the same name, which after mass hysteria over three years, had
finally been solved shortly before this game game out. I have
also seen this game as by American Eagle. The graphics were
done using Penguin's Graphics Magician.
Comments: Private eye is set up against knife-throwing bad guys and bombed
hotels - as well as toilets for using bad language! - while
exploring a zoo and more.
Fraktured Faebles
Type: BG (some animation)
Written 1985 by Dale Johnson and Rick Incrocci [graphics].
Runs on:
Comments: Parody of fables and other bedtime story stuff. You get to
meet Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, one of the 3 Little Pigs, the
rabbit, the Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter from Alice in
Wonderland, Little Red Riding, the Wolf and Grandma, all with
essentially no plot at all!