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Hi my name is Anders Edqvist, if you've come here you probably know that already. You probably also know that I am a student in my early twenties and is really into computers. On this page I've compiled some great know-how about me, enjoy!

Facts - Interests - Education - Pets -


Born: 3 april, 1981
Lives: Linköping, Sweden
Languages: Svenska, English, Deutsch


Going to the gym.

Cooking is fun

i used to take care of some plants but they're all dead now :-(

programming, mostly simple mac games


Located in Stockholm, I studied (played/grew up) there for 9 years.

Brännkyrka gymnasium
Located in Stockholm, I studied there for 3 years.

Linköpings universitet
Now I have finished all my courses and only need to spend a week to finish up my master thesis before I can recive my MSCS.
Through my four years here I have taken fun classes such as:
- Logic programming
- Compiler Construction
- Advanced Compiler Construction (graduate)
- Logic, Advanced Course
- Advanced Computer Architecture.


My cat Doris My cat Ceasar

Currently I've got two pets, they are two wonderful cats named Doris and Ceasar. Both of them live entirely indoors.