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DorisLisp 2

Active: NO
Start: 2003-09-09
Platform: -
Language: C++
License: -
Last release: not packeted yet


DorisLisp 2 is a "scheme" interpreter, it's main purpose is to serve as a scripting-engine to RAGG and therefore needs to handle objc stuff.

Implementation state

pairs, strings, procedure objects, primitive procedure objects, symbols and real numbers.

Constructs: if, begin, application, define, lambda, set! and quotes work.
cond, and, or is not supported.

Garbage collection
Uses the mark-and-sweep algorithm. Works but needs improvements.

Implemented primitives

car cdr cons pair? string? symbol? null? number? + - * number->string symbol->string and more..


One cell lisp. Mark-and-sweep garbage collection. Parsing is done with an objective-c framework. Case-sensitive. Primitive procedures are created using callback functions.