Projects page

Picture of the game


Active: YES
Start: 2004-01-16
Platform: Mac OS X 10.2 and later
Language: Objective-C++
License: -
Last release: daily alphas
Participants: Anders Edqvist Magnus Smideman


NetRoj is a minesweep clone with the ability to play together with friends over the internet.


Rendezvous to connect to local servers.

Multiplayer gameplay. Play against others in different game modes such as cooperative, capture the flag and death match!

Themes for all tastes. Select a theme for the gameboard the fits you from themes such as Knights, Oldskool, Fantasy, Djungle, Space and many more!
More themes can be downloaded from the web and installing them is as easy as drag-n-drop.

Localized in a whole TWO languages!

Sounds are ofcourse there, including your favorites such as Anders' amazing fart intro!

Addressbook support for automatically selecting a picture for you!

Implementation state

Graphics are slow but VERY good looking.

Themes is working like a charm. There now are four independant themes and even more are on the way! Themes are selected in a menu in the menubar.

Networking is working great, Rendezvous is supported.

Playing is only half working, i.e. you can click and place flags, but there is no rules..

Sounds is just a lie.


Since the game is not functional you can only get the game through an ichat file transfer from Anders Edqvist.