Fredag om:
RXML parse error: Cannot format tags with type text/*.
 | <countdown day="friday" display="hours" type="string">
 | <insert file="">
 | <eval>
  //   30 om:
RXML parse error: Cannot format tags with type text/*.
 | <countdown display="hours" iso="2008-10-19" type="string">
 | <insert file="">
 | <eval>
  //   65: null

andro{at}lysator - myinfo.html

Adress & sånt

Adress: Konsistoriegatan 24
582 34   Linköping
Telefon: N/A
Mobil telefon: +46 (0) 730 53 66 11
E-post: andro{at}lysator
PGP fingerprint: E9DC 1CAE 40D9 80BB 9465 49C7 FA95 BE88 D29C 8141
PGP key: keyfile  .txt för Roxen inte fattar "type="

This page was last modified November 2006 and has been visited 183 times.