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define index *- construct a secondary index


define [archive] index index-name
 on classname using am-name
 ( attname-1 type_class-1 { , attname-i type_class-i } )


This command constructs an index called index-name. If the archive keyword is absent, the classname class is indexed. When archive is present, an index is created on the archive class associated with the classname class.

Am-name is the name of the access method which is used for the index.

The key fields for the index are specified as a collection of attribute names and associated "operator classes" . An operator class is used to specify the operators to be used for a particular index. For example, a btree index on four-byte integers would use the int4_ops class; this operator class includes comparison functions for four-byte integers.

POSTGRES Version 4.0 provides btree and rtree access methods for secondary indices. The operator classes defined on btrees are

int2_ops char_ops
int4_ops char16_ops
int24_ops oid_ops
int42_ops text_ops
floag4_ops abstime_ops
The int24_ops operator class is useful for constructing indices on int2 data, and doing comparisons against int4 data in query qualifications. Similarly, int42_ops support indices on int4 data that is to be compared against int2 data in queries.

The POSTGRES query optimizer will consider using b-tree indices in a scan whenever an indexed attribute is involved in a comparison using one of

<    <=    =    >=    >

The operator classes defined on rtrees are

box_ops poly_ops
Both of these support indices on the box datatype in POSTGRES. The difference between them is that bigbox_ops scales box coordinates down, to avoid floating point exceptions from doing multiplication, addition, and subtraction on very large floating-point coordinates. If the field on which your rectangles lie is about 20,000 units square or larger, you should use bigbox_ops . The poly_ops operator class supports rtree indices on polygon data.

The POSTGRES query optimizer will consider using an r-tree index whenever an indexed attribute is involved in a comparison using one of

<<    &<    &>    >>    @    ~=    &&


Create a btree index on the emp class using the age attribute.

define index empindex on emp using btree (age int4_ops)

Create a btree index on employee name.

define index empname
 on emp using btree (name char16_ops)

Create an rtree index on the bounding rectangle of cities.

define index cityrect
 on city using rtree (boundbox box_ops)


Archive indices are not supported in Version 4.0.

There should be an access method designers guide.

Indices may only be defined on a single key.