head 1.9; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.9 date 2007.; author bellman; state Exp; branches; next 1.8; 1.8 date 2006.; author bellman; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date 2006.; author bellman; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date 2006.; author bellman; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date 2006.; author bellman; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date 2005.; author bellman; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date 2005.; author bellman; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date 2005.; author bellman; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2005.; author bellman; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.9 log @* Added licensing blurb; this module is licensed under GNU GPL v3 or later. * Added __all__. @ text @#! /usr/bin/env python # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # The text of the license conditions can be read at # # or at . __rcsId__ = """$Id: asyncproc.py,v 1.8 2006/07/21 22:54:31 bellman Exp bellman $""" __author__ = "Thomas Bellman " __url__ = "http://www.lysator.liu.se/~bellman/download/" __licence__ = "GNU General Publice License version 3 or later" import os import time import errno import signal import threading import subprocess __all__ = [ 'Process', 'with_timeout', 'Timeout' ] class Timeout(Exception): """Exception raised by with_timeout() when the operation takes too long. """ pass def with_timeout(timeout, func, *args, **kwargs): """Call a function, allowing it only to take a certain amount of time. Parameters: - timeout The time, in seconds, the function is allowed to spend. This must be an integer, due to limitations in the SIGALRM handling. - func The function to call. - *args Non-keyword arguments to pass to func. - **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to func. Upon successful completion, with_timeout() returns the return value from func. If a timeout occurs, the Timeout exception will be raised. If an alarm is pending when with_timeout() is called, with_timeout() tries to restore that alarm as well as possible, and call the SIGALRM signal handler if it would have expired during the execution of func. This may cause that signal handler to be executed later than it would normally do. In particular, calling with_timeout() from within a with_timeout() call with a shorter timeout, won't interrupt the inner call. I.e., with_timeout(5, with_timeout, 60, time.sleep, 120) won't interrupt the time.sleep() call until after 60 seconds. """ class SigAlarm(Exception): """Internal exception used only within with_timeout(). """ pass def alarm_handler(signum, frame): raise SigAlarm() oldalarm = signal.alarm(0) oldhandler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler) try: try: t0 = time.time() signal.alarm(timeout) retval = func(*args, **kwargs) except SigAlarm: raise Timeout("Function call took too long", func, timeout) finally: signal.alarm(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, oldhandler) if oldalarm != 0: t1 = time.time() remaining = oldalarm - int(t1 - t0 + 0.5) if remaining <= 0: # The old alarm has expired. os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGALRM) else: signal.alarm(remaining) return retval class Process(object): """Manager for an asynchronous process. The process will be run in the background, and its standard output and standard error will be collected asynchronously. Since the collection of output happens asynchronously (handled by threads), the process won't block even if it outputs large amounts of data and you do not call Process.read*(). Similarly, it is possible to send data to the standard input of the process using the write() method, and the caller of write() won't block even if the process does not drain its input. On the other hand, this can consume large amounts of memory, potentially even exhausting all memory available. Parameters are identical to subprocess.Popen(), except that stdin, stdout and stderr default to subprocess.PIPE instead of to None. Note that if you set stdout or stderr to anything but PIPE, the Process object won't collect that output, and the read*() methods will always return empty strings. Also, setting stdin to something other than PIPE will make the write() method raise an exception. """ def __init__(self, *params, **kwparams): if len(params) <= 3: kwparams.setdefault('stdin', subprocess.PIPE) if len(params) <= 4: kwparams.setdefault('stdout', subprocess.PIPE) if len(params) <= 5: kwparams.setdefault('stderr', subprocess.PIPE) self.__pending_input = [] self.__collected_outdata = [] self.__collected_errdata = [] self.__exitstatus = None self.__lock = threading.Lock() self.__inputsem = threading.Semaphore(0) # Flag telling feeder threads to quit self.__quit = False self.__process = subprocess.Popen(*params, **kwparams) if self.__process.stdin: self.__stdin_thread = threading.Thread( name="stdin-thread", target=self.__feeder, args=(self.__pending_input, self.__process.stdin)) self.__stdin_thread.setDaemon(True) self.__stdin_thread.start() if self.__process.stdout: self.__stdout_thread = threading.Thread( name="stdout-thread", target=self.__reader, args=(self.__collected_outdata, self.__process.stdout)) self.__stdout_thread.setDaemon(True) self.__stdout_thread.start() if self.__process.stderr: self.__stderr_thread = threading.Thread( name="stderr-thread", target=self.__reader, args=(self.__collected_errdata, self.__process.stderr)) self.__stderr_thread.setDaemon(True) self.__stderr_thread.start() def __del__(self, __killer=os.kill, __sigkill=signal.SIGKILL): if self.__exitstatus is None: __killer(self.pid(), __sigkill) def pid(self): """Return the process id of the process. Note that if the process has died (and successfully been waited for), that process id may have been re-used by the operating system. """ return self.__process.pid def kill(self, signal): """Send a signal to the process. Raises OSError, with errno set to ECHILD, if the process is no longer running. """ if self.__exitstatus is not None: # Throwing ECHILD is perhaps not the most kosher thing to do... # ESRCH might be considered more proper. raise OSError(errno.ECHILD, os.strerror(errno.ECHILD)) os.kill(self.pid(), signal) def wait(self, flags=0): """Return the process' termination status. If bitmask parameter 'flags' contains os.WNOHANG, wait() will return None if the process hasn't terminated. Otherwise it will wait until the process dies. It is permitted to call wait() several times, even after it has succeeded; the Process instance will remember the exit status from the first successful call, and return that on subsequent calls. """ if self.__exitstatus is not None: return self.__exitstatus pid,exitstatus = os.waitpid(self.pid(), flags) if pid == 0: return None if os.WIFEXITED(exitstatus) or os.WIFSIGNALED(exitstatus): self.__exitstatus = exitstatus # If the process has stopped, we have to make sure to stop # our threads. The reader threads will stop automatically # (assuming the process hasn't forked), but the feeder thread # must be signalled to stop. if self.__process.stdin: self.closeinput() # We must wait for the reader threads to finish, so that we # can guarantee that all the output from the subprocess is # available to the .read*() methods. # And by the way, it is the responsibility of the reader threads # to close the pipes from the subprocess, not our. if self.__process.stdout: self.__stdout_thread.join() if self.__process.stderr: self.__stderr_thread.join() return exitstatus def terminate(self, graceperiod=1): """Terminate the process, with escalating force as needed. First try gently, but increase the force if it doesn't respond to persuassion. The levels tried are, in order: - close the standard input of the process, so it gets an EOF. - send SIGTERM to the process. - send SIGKILL to the process. terminate() waits up to GRACEPERIOD seconds (default 1) before escalating the level of force. As there are three levels, a total of (3-1)*GRACEPERIOD is allowed before the process is SIGKILL:ed. GRACEPERIOD must be an integer, and must be at least 1. If the process was started with stdin not set to PIPE, the first level (closing stdin) is skipped. """ if self.__process.stdin: # This is rather meaningless when stdin != PIPE. self.closeinput() try: return with_timeout(graceperiod, self.wait) except Timeout: pass self.kill(signal.SIGTERM) try: return with_timeout(graceperiod, self.wait) except Timeout: pass self.kill(signal.SIGKILL) return self.wait() def __reader(self, collector, source): """Read data from source until EOF, adding it to collector. """ while True: data = os.read(source.fileno(), 65536) self.__lock.acquire() collector.append(data) self.__lock.release() if data == "": source.close() break return def __feeder(self, pending, drain): """Feed data from the list pending to the file drain. """ while True: self.__inputsem.acquire() self.__lock.acquire() if not pending and self.__quit: drain.close() self.__lock.release() break data = pending.pop(0) self.__lock.release() drain.write(data) def read(self): """Read data written by the process to its standard output. """ self.__lock.acquire() outdata = "".join(self.__collected_outdata) del self.__collected_outdata[:] self.__lock.release() return outdata def readerr(self): """Read data written by the process to its standard error. """ self.__lock.acquire() errdata = "".join(self.__collected_errdata) del self.__collected_errdata[:] self.__lock.release() return errdata def readboth(self): """Read data written by the process to its standard output and error. Return value is a two-tuple ( stdout-data, stderr-data ). WARNING! The name of this method is ugly, and may change in future versions! """ self.__lock.acquire() outdata = "".join(self.__collected_outdata) del self.__collected_outdata[:] errdata = "".join(self.__collected_errdata) del self.__collected_errdata[:] self.__lock.release() return outdata,errdata def _peek(self): self.__lock.acquire() output = "".join(self.__collected_outdata) error = "".join(self.__collected_errdata) self.__lock.release() return output,error def write(self, data): """Send data to a process's standard input. """ if self.__process.stdin is None: raise ValueError("Writing to process with stdin not a pipe") self.__lock.acquire() self.__pending_input.append(data) self.__inputsem.release() self.__lock.release() def closeinput(self): """Close the standard input of a process, so it receives EOF. """ self.__lock.acquire() self.__quit = True self.__inputsem.release() self.__lock.release() class ProcessManager(object): """Manager for asynchronous processes. This class is intended for use in a server that wants to expose the asyncproc.Process API to clients. Within a single process, it is usually better to just keep track of the Process objects directly instead of hiding them behind this. It probably shouldn't have been made part of the asyncproc module in the first place. """ def __init__(self): self.__last_id = 0 self.__procs = {} def start(self, args, executable=None, shell=False, cwd=None, env=None): """Start a program in the background, collecting its output. Returns an integer identifying the process. (Note that this integer is *not* the OS process id of the actuall running process.) """ proc = Process(args=args, executable=executable, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, env=env) self.__last_id += 1 self.__procs[self.__last_id] = proc return self.__last_id def kill(self, procid, signal): return self.__procs[procid].kill(signal) def terminate(self, procid, graceperiod=1): return self.__procs[procid].terminate(graceperiod) def write(self, procid, data): return self.__procs[procid].write(data) def closeinput(self, procid): return self.__procs[procid].closeinput() def read(self, procid): return self.__procs[procid].read() def readerr(self, procid): return self.__procs[procid].readerr() def readboth(self, procid): return self.__procs[procid].readboth() def wait(self, procid, flags=0): """ Unlike the os.wait() function, the process will be available even after ProcessManager.wait() has returned successfully, in order for the process' output to be retrieved. Use the reap() method for removing dead processes. """ return self.__procs[procid].wait(flags) def reap(self, procid): """Remove a process. If the process is still running, it is killed with no pardon. The process will become unaccessible, and its identifier may be reused immediately. """ if self.wait(procid, os.WNOHANG) is None: self.kill(procid, signal.SIGKILL) self.wait(procid) del self.__procs[procid] def reapall(self): """Remove all processes. Running processes are killed without pardon. """ # Since reap() modifies __procs, we have to iterate over a copy # of the keys in it. Thus, do not remove the .keys() call. for procid in self.__procs.keys(): self.reap(procid) def _P1(): return Process(["tcpconnect", "-irv", "localhost", "6923"]) def _P2(): return Process(["tcplisten", "-irv", "6923"]) @ 1.8 log @Fix race conditions at subprocess termination. Thanks to Jordan Breeding for detecting the problem and helping in realising what the bug was: * (Process.wait): Don't close the stdout and stderr pipes, since that will cause EBADF in the reader threads; closing is the responsibility of Process.__reader(). * (Process.wait): Wait for the reader threads to exit, so we know that all output from the subprocess has been collected when wait() returns. This avoids race in 'p.wait(); p.read()'. @ text @d3 13 d17 2 a18 1 __rcsId__ = """$Id: asyncproc.py,v 1.7 2006/07/21 11:38:00 bellman Exp bellman $""" d21 1 d32 3 @ 1.7 log @* (Process.terminate): Don't needlessly try to close standard input of the process if it wasn't started with stdin=PIPE. Change request and patch from Jordan Breeding . @ text @d4 1 a4 1 __rcsId__ = """$Id: asyncproc.py,v 1.6 2006/07/17 18:53:53 bellman Exp bellman $""" d192 5 d198 1 a198 1 self.__process.stdout.close() d200 1 a200 1 self.__process.stderr.close() @ 1.6 log @Improved doc-strings: * (Process): Mention that lots of memory can be consumed. * (ProcessManager): Document the intended use for the class. @ text @d4 1 a4 1 __rcsId__ = """$Id: asyncproc.py,v 1.5 2006/03/19 11:20:06 bellman Exp bellman $""" d209 2 d212 7 a218 5 self.closeinput() try: return with_timeout(graceperiod, self.wait) except Timeout: pass @ 1.5 log @Fix cut-and-paste error in ProcessManager: * (ProcessManager.readerr): Call readerr() method, not read(). * (ProcessManager.readboth): Call readboth() method, not read(). @ text @d4 1 a4 1 __rcsId__ = """$Id: asyncproc.py,v 1.4 2005/07/01 11:53:08 bellman Exp bellman $""" d93 3 d313 5 @ 1.4 log @Better handling of old alarms in with_timeout(): * (with_timeout): Send ourselves a SIGALRM signal if the old alarm has expired, instead of manually calling the old alarm handler. @ text @d4 1 a4 1 __rcsId__ = """$Id: asyncproc.py,v 1.3 2005/02/02 10:48:00 bellman Exp bellman $""" d344 1 a344 1 return self.__procs[procid].read() d347 1 a347 1 return self.__procs[procid].read() @ 1.3 log @Handle all arguments that subprocess.Popen() handles: * (Process.__init__): Take generic positional and keyword parameters and pass them all on to subprocess.Popen(), but set stdin, stdout and stderr to subprocess.PIPE if not set explicitly. * (Process.__init__): Only start threads for those of stdin, stdout and stderr that are pipes. * (Process.wait): Only close those of stdin, stdout and stderr that are pipes to the process. * (Process.write): Raise ValueError if stdin is not a pipe to the process. * (Process): Documented what happens when stdin, stdout or stderr are set to something other than PIPE. Changed API for reading process output: * (Process.read): Changed to only return output from standard output. * (Process.readerr): New method, returning output from standard error. * (Process.readboth): New method, returning output from both standard output and standard error. Name is ugly, though, and may change. * (ProcessManager.read, .readerr, .readboth): Updated/new to reflect the changes in Process. @ text @d4 1 a4 1 __rcsId__ = """$Id: asyncproc.py,v 1.2 2005/02/02 08:44:55 bellman Exp bellman $""" d6 1 d72 1 a72 1 oldhandler(signal.SIGALRM, None) @ 1.2 log @* Changed name from processmgr.py to asyncproc.py. * Fixed Tab/Space breakage. @ text @d4 1 a4 1 __rcsId__ = """$Id: asyncproc.py,v 1.1 2005/01/31 14:01:00 bellman Exp bellman $""" d80 1 a80 1 """Manager for a single asynchronous process. d86 1 a86 1 of data and you do not call Process.read(). d91 7 d100 7 a106 1 def __init__(self, args, executable=None, shell=False, cwd=None, env=None): d116 23 a138 23 self.__process = subprocess.Popen( args, executable=executable, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, env=env, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.__stdin_thread = threading.Thread( name="stdin-thread", target=self.__feeder, args=(self.__pending_input, self.__process.stdin)) self.__stdin_thread.setDaemon(True) self.__stdin_thread.start() self.__stdout_thread = threading.Thread( name="stdout-thread", target=self.__reader, args=(self.__collected_outdata, self.__process.stdout)) self.__stdout_thread.setDaemon(True) self.__stdout_thread.start() self.__stderr_thread = threading.Thread( name="stderr-thread", target=self.__reader, args=(self.__collected_errdata, self.__process.stderr)) self.__stderr_thread.setDaemon(True) self.__stderr_thread.start() d186 6 a191 3 self.closeinput() self.__process.stdout.close() self.__process.stderr.close() d249 18 d269 3 d274 1 a274 1 output = "".join(self.__collected_outdata) d276 1 a276 1 error = "".join(self.__collected_errdata) d279 1 a279 1 return output,error d291 2 d342 6 d378 1 a378 1 def _P(): d380 4 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d4 1 a4 1 __rcsId__ = """$Id$""" d128 2 a129 2 if self.__exitstatus is None: __killer(self.pid(), __sigkill) d174 2 a175 2 self.__process.stdout.close() self.__process.stderr.close() d224 1 a224 1 if not pending and self.__quit: d278 1 a278 1 Returns an integer identifying the process. (Note that this d327 2 a328 2 # Since reap() modifies __procs, we have to iterate over a copy # of the keys in it. Thus, do not remove the .keys() call. @