These are the operators availailable in LPC. They are listed in the order or precedence (low priority first):
expr1 , expr2	Evaluate 'expr1' and then 'expr2'. The returned value is
		the result of 'expr2'. The returned value of 'expr1' is thrown

var = expr	Evaluate 'expr', and assign the value to 'var'. The new value
		of 'var' is the result.

var += expr	Assign the value of 'expr' + 'var' to 'var'. This is
		equivalente to "var = var + expr".

var -= expr	Similar to '+=' above.
var &= expr
var |= expr
var ^= expr
var <<= expr
var >>= expr
var *= expr
var %= expr
var /= expr

expr1 || expr2	The result is true if 'expr1' or 'expr2' is true. 'expr2' is
		not evaluated if 'expr1' was true.

expr1 && expr2	The result is true i 'expr1' and 'expr2' is true. 'expr2' is
		not evaluated if 'expr1' was false.

expr1 | expr2	The result is the bitwise or of 'expr1' and 'expr2'.

expr1 ^ expr2	The result is the bitwise xor of 'expr1' and 'expr2'.

expr1 & expr2	The result is the bitwise and of 'expr1' and 'expr2'.

expr1 == expr2	Compare values. Valid for strings and numbers.

expr1 != expr1	Compare values. Valid for strings and numbers.

expr1 > expr2	Valid for strings and numbers.

expr1 >= expr2	Valid for strings and numbers.

expr1 < expr2	Valid for strings and numbers.

expr1 <= expr2	Valid for strings and numbers.

expr1 << expr2	Shift 'expr1' left 'expr2' bits.

expr1 >> expr2	Shift 'expr1' right 'expr2' bits.

expr1 + expr2	Add 'expr1' and 'expr2'. If numbers, then arithmetic addition
		is used. If one of the expressions are a string, then that
		string is concatenated with the other value.

expr1 - expr2	Subtract 'expr2' from 'expr1'. Only valid for numeric values.

expr1 * expr2	Multiply 'expr1' with 'expr2'.

expr1 % expr2	The modulo operator of numeric arguments.

expr1 / expr2	Integer division.

++ var		Icrement the value of variable 'var', and return the new

-- var		Decrement the value of variable 'var', and return the new

- var		Compute the negative value of 'var'.

! var		Compute the logical 'not' of an integer.

~ var		The boolean 'not' of an integer.

var++		Increment the value of variable 'var', and return the old

var--		Decrement the value of variable 'var', and return the old

expr1[expr2]	The array given by 'expr1' is indexed by 'expr2'.

expr1->name(...) 'expr1' gives either an object or a string which is converted
		to an object, and calls the function 'name' in this object.