3rd dan ju-jutsu techniques

For my upcoming 3rd dan grading in ju-jutsu, I have made my own program of some 30 techniques. Unfortunately, I lack good Japanese names for some of the techniques. Can you help? Please write to me if you can.

Defense against forehand stick swing

Tori ducks the swing and simultaneously steps in close to uke's body. Using the force of the swing to his advantage, tori throws uke over his right shoulder.

I currently call this throw "ushiro guruma" but does it have a proper name?

Defense against high knife slash

Tori blocks the knife arm (right, in this case) with both hands (morote jodan uke) and grabs the wrist and elbow. He quickly ducks below uke's arm while pivoting counter-clockwise, maintaing the grip on wrist and elbow. He can now force uke down by applying pressure on the elbow.

In our system, the elbow technique you see in the image (ude osae, although positioned in front of uke rather than beside) is called "kuzure ude osae" but I believe that to be a misnomer. Is there a better name?

Two opponents attack with knife and stick

This technique is a show-off for the audience, not to be confused with realistic self-defense.

Tori faces uke with knife. Uke with stick stands behind. Tori makes a double jumping kick, tobi mika tsuki geri immediately followed by tobi yoko geri, towards uke with knife. Tori then lands straight down and makes a break fall while uke with stick swings and misses (presumably due to the unexpected manœuvre). Tori spins around and takes uke down with his legs.

The question is: What is the double leg takedown called? A friend of mine suggested "hasame gaeshi", which I currently use. (Thanks, Mattias!)

Defense against lifting waistlock over the arms from behind

Tori holds his legs straight out in front of the body to cause uke to loose her balance. As he starts to come down he sets down his feet so that his left foot is placed behind uke's left foot. He lifts his foot forward and up while releasing the grip by forcing his arms outwards.

I currently call the foot sweep "ashi soto gake", but I am not sure if that is the proper term.

Defense against o soto otoshi

Uke attacks with o soto otoshi. Tori is caught off balance and cannot start acting until halfway thrown down. He then twists his body and pushes his right hand against uke's hip, causing uke to be thrown over tori's outstretched right leg.

The throw is similar to "yoko wakare", which is the term I now use. There must be a better name.

Combination defense against jodan uraken

Uke attacks with a back fist to the head (jodan uraken). Tori blocks morote jodan uke and attempts to counter with ude osae. Uke makes the ude osae impossible by pulling the arm towards her body. Tori then shifts his grip from wrist to lapel. Spinning, he drops to his knee and throws uke with his hands.

I currently call this throw "eri seoi otoshi", which is perhaps not a perfect description. Suggestions?

Technique design and tori: Fredrik Ekman
Ukes: Lisa Arvidsson and Mikael Ögren
Photos and image processing: Anna Torstensson