Other things I enjoy, summarized:
- Listening to good music
Jean-Michel Jarre being the favorite, but also U2, Marillion, Duran
Duran, and Sisters of Mercy to mention a few. Electronic music such as
S.P.O.C.K, Covenant, Saft, Apoptygma Berzerk, Statemachine, and VNV
Nation is also interesting.
- Eating spicy food
Thai, Mexican, and Indian, perhaps. Sometimes even cooking myself
- Having a beer or two
This is a good one.
- Watching sci-fi movies
Some of my favorites would be Star Wars (all of them), Matrix, and
Terminator. When it comes to TV-series, Star Trek TNG, Voyager, or
X-Files will do.
- Skiing
Downhill in the winter, water-skiing in the summer (weather allowing,
that is...)
- Hiking
In the Swedish mountains this summer, but also in the surroundings of
- Soccer
I'm #13 in the Sectra team. I suck the big one, but it's great fun