Who I Am

Well, this is me (on the right). As you can tell from the nifty logo (above), my name is Erik Isaksson. I'm Swedish, born in the town of Örebro on February 26, 1972. I spent the earlier years of my life in a small place called Malung, with my parents and my older sister. At the age of three, we moved to Grödby. This Grödby-place is situated somewhere in the dark forests between Sweden’s largest city and capital, Stockholm, and another really nice place on the east-coast, Nynäshamn. In August '91 I moved my butt to Linköping to study and I'm still here.

During my studies I lived together with seven other students in "the corridor" and had lots of fun. Since May '97 I got a place of my own though, in "downtown" Linköping.

Between ’93 and ’94 I spent 11 months doing my military service in Luleå in the northern (and rather cold) parts of Sweden.

On June 21, 2002, at a midsummer’s party at a friend’s place in the southern parts of Sweden, I met this girl Katrin (on the left). Today I’m proud to call her my girlfriend; unfortunately she lives on the west-coast (or best-coast as she keeps telling me), in a place called Fjärås, which also is a rather small place situated 35 kilometers south of Sweden’s second-largest city, Gothenburg. It’s some 300 kilometers between Linköping and Fjärås, which means we don’t see each other that often.


What I Do For a Living

I'm a software engineer at Sectra Communications AB in Linköping (to the right), and have been working there since September '97.

Recently I've been involved in a project to make a combined GSM and DECT phone equipped with military strength encryption for the Swedish defense. This means I get to do some embedded systems programming, mostly low level C and Assembler. And I get paid to do it! It's really neat! To the left is a 3D Studio MAX model of the phone, or Tiger as it's called.


What I used to do

Before I came to Sectra, I've been studying for a M.Sc degree in Computer Science and Engineering at Linköping Institute of Technology for some five years. As you could guess, I still have an account there at Lysator.

My graduate project, with the title A 3D Studio MAX plug-in for frame-by-frame recording of uncompressed video, was carried out at Pääbo Consulting Group (PCG AB), a small computer graphics company here in Linköping. If you're interested in 3D Studio MAX or other Autodesk or Kinetix products, take a look at PCG OnLine.

Another interesting company where I've helped with some programming, is Innitor AB in Hultsfred. If you're interested in Computer and Network security applications, visit them at Innitor AB.


How to Find Me

Electronic mail:
exon@remove.lysator.liu.se (home)
eis@remove.sectra.se (work)

(Remove 'remove.' when mailing.)

If you're into the habit
of writing snail-mails, try:
Erik Isaksson
Drottninggatan 44
SE-582 27 Linköping


Or, if you have a phone:
+46 13 133172 (home)
+46 13 235622 (work)
+46 703 178798 (mobile)


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