How the make-up was applied by the end of the movie

Up early in the mornings to put on the basic make-up.
Some scenes which only took 15 seconds in the movie took three weeks to shoot.

The red eye of the terminator must work.
Flexes are put down the back of his head,
and hidden by a layer of make-up.

It took five hours to put the Terminator mask on, and one hour to remove it.
"How will anyone beat this?", Schwarzenegger wonders.

Arnold Schwarzenegger had to spend many hours in the make-up chair every morning:
"But you could always find something to do. One day I braught my daughter Katherine, 2 years, with me, and took pictures of us together. She thought it was very funny, that her father looked so awful, with fake blood in his face."

In the first movie Arnold had a torn face during three days.
The next time it was at least during 30 days. But he never complained. When he wrote the contract he knew he'd have to spend hundreds of hours in the make-up chair.

During the yearly Cannes-festival '91, Schwarzenegger appeared with a model of the Terminator.
He's well known for being a good PR-person.

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