This page explains in which ways you can use LysKOM.

Using a web-browser

Just point your web-browser to or and follow the instructions there. This is a slow and sometimes confusing way to use LysKOM.

Download a Windows-client

Download WinKOM or download both Emacs and the Emacs-client.

Using the Emacs-client

If Emacs is installed on your systems, hopefully, you just have to start Emacs and type "M-x lyskom" which starts the Elsip-client for LysKOM. You may have to write "M-x load-library lyskom" before that. Put this in .emacs or similar file to avoid that:
(autoload 'lyskom "lyskom" "Run LysKOM" t)

If there are another user on the system that has been using the Elisp-client, there is probably a file somewhere like "/home/foo/lyskom/lyskom.elc". You can use this file by typing "M-x load-fileFILENAME".

Otherwise, you have to install the Elisp-client by yourself. See the elisp-client-page.

This page is maintained by Henrik 'Hedda' Wallin.