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Auxiliary Information

        Aux-No   ::=    INT32;

        Aux-Item ::=
              ( aux-no      :       Aux-No;
                tag         :       INT32;
                creator     :       Pers-No;
                created-at  :       Time;
                flags       :       Aux-Item-Flags;
                inherit-limit :     INT32;
                data        :       HOLLERITH;

        Aux-Item-Input ::=
              ( tag         :       INT32;
                flags       :       Aux-Item-Flags;
                inherit-limit :     INT32;
                data        :       HOLLERITH;

        Aux-Item-Flags ::= BITSTRING
              ( deleted;

Aux-Item-Input contains a subset of the fields of an Aux-Item. It is used when the client wants to send an Aux-Item to the server, and it only contains the elements that the client can affect. The fields in Aux-Item and Aux-Item-Input have the following meaning:

The number of the item within the list where it is found. This number together with a conference or text number uniquely identifies a particular aux-item. (There is also a global list of Aux-Items for the server. That list is manipulated via the modify-system-info request, and when using that request the aux-no is enough to uniquely identify the aux-item.)

This field is not present in Aux-Item-Input. It is assigned by the server.

The item tag. The tag determines what the data means.
The person who created the item, or zero if the item was created anonymously or if the owner is being withheld.

This field is not present in Aux-Item-Input. It is assigned by the server.

The time when the item was created.

This field is not present in Aux-Item-Input. It is assigned by the server.

The item flags (see below).
Determines how many times (how deep) an item may be inherited. If zero, the item is inherited an unlimited number of times. If nonzero it is one more than the number of additional times the item may be inherited. Thus, 1 means that inheritance will be blocked and 2 means that the item will be inherited only to the next level.
The item data.

The flags that can be set on an aux-item have the following meaning:

The item has been deleted, and should not be used for anything.
The item will be inherited (if the inherit-limit field allows it.)
The item will not be revealed to anyone but the item's creator and supervisors of the creator.
The item creator will be withheld from everyone but the item's creator and supervisors of the creator.
The object the item is set on will not be garbage-collected.