The protocol module subpackage implements LysKOM types as well as a parser and writer for encoding/decoding.
- class pyskom.protocol.base.AsyncMessage(*args, **kwargs)¶
- exception pyskom.protocol.base.KomError(ref_id: int, status: int | None = None)¶
- class pyskom.protocol.base.KomType(*args, **kwargs)¶
- exception pyskom.protocol.base.MessageError¶
- exception pyskom.protocol.base.MiscInfoOutOfOrderError¶
Raised when Misc-Info is parsed out of order (
- exception pyskom.protocol.base.ParseError¶
- class pyskom.protocol.base.SimpleType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
Message Writer & Parser¶
- class pyskom.protocol.MessageParser(message: bytes, encoding='iso-8859-1', cursor: int = 0)¶
- property cursor: int¶
- read_array(child_type: SimpleType)¶
- read_array_end() bool ¶
Return true if a array with items is found otherwise return False, if no array is found raise
- read_array_start() bool ¶
Return true if a array with items is found otherwise return False, if no array is found raise
- read_array_type(type_constructor: Callable[[MessageParser], Any])¶
- read_bool()¶
- read_bytes() bytes ¶
- read_element()¶
- read_float()¶
- read_int() int ¶
- read_int16()¶
- read_int32()¶
- read_int8()¶
- read_reply() int | None ¶
- read_str() str ¶
LysKOM types¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AuxItem(aux_no: AuxNo, tag: KomInt32, creator: PersNo, created_at: Time, flags: AuxItemFlags, inherit_limit: KomInt32, data: KomStr)¶
- aux_no: AuxNo¶
- tag: KomInt32¶
- creator: PersNo¶
- flags: AuxItemFlags¶
- inherit_limit: KomInt32¶
- data: KomStr¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AuxItemFlags(deleted: KomBool, inherit: KomBool, secret: KomBool, hide_creator: KomBool, dont_garb: KomBool, reserved2: KomBool, reserved3: KomBool, reserved4: KomBool)¶
- deleted: KomBool¶
- inherit: KomBool¶
- secret: KomBool¶
- hide_creator: KomBool¶
- dont_garb: KomBool¶
- reserved2: KomBool¶
- reserved3: KomBool¶
- reserved4: KomBool¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AuxItemInput(tag: KomInt32, flags: AuxItemFlags, inherit_limit: KomInt32, data: KomStr)¶
- tag: KomInt32¶
- flags: AuxItemFlags¶
- inherit_limit: KomInt32¶
- data: KomStr¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.ConfType(rd_prot: KomBool, original: KomBool, secret: KomBool, letterbox: KomBool)¶
- rd_prot: KomBool¶
- original: KomBool¶
- secret: KomBool¶
- letterbox: KomBool¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.ConfZInfo(name: KomStr, type: ConfType, conf_no: ConfNo)¶
- name: KomStr¶
- conf_no: ConfNo¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.Conference(name: KomStr, type: ExtendedConfType, creation_time: Time, last_written: Time, creator: PersNo, presentation: TextNo, supervisor: ConfNo, permitted_submitters: ConfNo, super_conf: ConfNo, msg_of_day: TextNo, nice: GarbNice, keep_commented: GarbNice, no_of_members: KomInt16, first_local_no: LocalTextNo, no_of_texts: KomInt32, expire: GarbNice, aux_items: list[AuxItem])¶
- name: KomStr¶
- type: ExtendedConfType¶
- creator: PersNo¶
- presentation: TextNo¶
- supervisor: ConfNo¶
- permitted_submitters: ConfNo¶
- super_conf: ConfNo¶
- msg_of_day: TextNo¶
- nice: GarbNice¶
- keep_commented: GarbNice¶
- no_of_members: KomInt16¶
- first_local_no: LocalTextNo¶
- no_of_texts: KomInt32¶
- expire: GarbNice¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.DynamicSessionInfo(session: SessionNo, person: PersNo, working_conference: ConfNo, idle_time: KomInt32, flags: SessionFlags, what_am_i_doing: KomStr)¶
- session: SessionNo¶
- person: PersNo¶
- working_conference: ConfNo¶
- idle_time: KomInt32¶
- flags: SessionFlags¶
- what_am_i_doing: KomStr¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.ExtendedConfType(rd_prot: KomBool, original: KomBool, secret: KomBool, letterbox: KomBool, allow_anonymous: KomBool, forbid_secret: KomBool, reserved2: KomBool, reserved3: KomBool)¶
- rd_prot: KomBool¶
- original: KomBool¶
- secret: KomBool¶
- letterbox: KomBool¶
- allow_anonymous: KomBool¶
- forbid_secret: KomBool¶
- reserved2: KomBool¶
- reserved3: KomBool¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.Info(version: KomInt32, conf_pres_conf: ConfNo, pers_pres_conf: ConfNo, motd_conf: ConfNo, kom_news_conf: ConfNo, motd_of_lyskom: TextNo, aux_item_list: list[AuxItem])¶
- version: KomInt32¶
- conf_pres_conf: ConfNo¶
- pers_pres_conf: ConfNo¶
- motd_conf: ConfNo¶
- kom_news_conf: ConfNo¶
- motd_of_lyskom: TextNo¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.InfoOld(version: KomInt32, conf_pres_conf: ConfNo, pers_pres_conf: ConfNo, motd_conf: ConfNo, kom_news_conf: ConfNo, motd_of_lyskom: TextNo)¶
- version: KomInt32¶
- conf_pres_conf: ConfNo¶
- pers_pres_conf: ConfNo¶
- motd_conf: ConfNo¶
- kom_news_conf: ConfNo¶
- motd_of_lyskom: TextNo¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.InfoType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- recipient = '0'¶
- cc_recipient = '1'¶
- comment_to = '2'¶
- commented_in = '3'¶
- footnote_to = '4'¶
- footnoted_in = '5'¶
- local_no = '6'¶
- received_at = '7'¶
- sender = '8'¶
- sent_at = '9'¶
- bcc_recipient = '15'¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.LocalToGlobalBlock(selection: int, value: Any)¶
- SPARSE_BLOCK: ClassVar[int] = 0¶
- DENSE_BLOCK: ClassVar[int] = 1¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.Mark(text_no: TextNo, type: KomInt8)¶
- text_no: TextNo¶
- type: KomInt8¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.Member(member: PersNo, added_by: PersNo, added_at: Time, type: MembershipType)¶
- member: PersNo¶
- added_by: PersNo¶
- type: MembershipType¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.Membership(position: KomInt32, last_time_read: Time, conference: ConfNo, priority: KomInt8, read_ranges: list[ReadRange], added_by: PersNo, added_at: Time, type: MembershipType)¶
- position: KomInt32¶
- conference: ConfNo¶
- priority: KomInt8¶
- added_by: PersNo¶
- type: MembershipType¶
- property read_range_list: list[tuple[int, int]]¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.MembershipType(invitation: KomBool, passive: KomBool, secret: KomBool, passive_message_invert: KomBool, reserved2: KomBool, reserved3: KomBool, reserved4: KomBool, reserved5: KomBool)¶
- invitation: KomBool¶
- passive: KomBool¶
- secret: KomBool¶
- passive_message_invert: KomBool¶
- reserved2: KomBool¶
- reserved3: KomBool¶
- reserved4: KomBool¶
- reserved5: KomBool¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.MiscInfo(selection: int, value: Any)¶
- RECIPIENT: ClassVar[int] = 0¶
- CC_RECIPIENT: ClassVar[int] = 1¶
- COMMENT_TO: ClassVar[int] = 2¶
- COMMENTED_IN: ClassVar[int] = 3¶
- FOOTNOTE_TO: ClassVar[int] = 4¶
- FOOTNOTED_IN: ClassVar[int] = 5¶
- LOCAL_NO: ClassVar[int] = 6¶
- RECEIVED_AT: ClassVar[int] = 7¶
- SENDER: ClassVar[int] = 8¶
- SENT_AT: ClassVar[int] = 9¶
- BCC_RECIPIENT: ClassVar[int] = 15¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.Person(username: KomStr, privileges: PrivBits, flags: PersonalFlags, last_login: Time, user_area: TextNo, total_time_present: KomInt32, sessions: KomInt32, created_lines: KomInt32, created_bytes: KomInt32, read_texts: KomInt32, no_of_text_fetches: KomInt32, created_persons: KomInt16, created_confs: KomInt16, first_created_local_no: KomInt32, no_of_created_texts: KomInt32, no_of_marks: KomInt16, no_of_confs: KomInt16)¶
- username: KomStr¶
- flags: PersonalFlags¶
- user_area: TextNo¶
- total_time_present: KomInt32¶
- sessions: KomInt32¶
- created_lines: KomInt32¶
- created_bytes: KomInt32¶
- read_texts: KomInt32¶
- no_of_text_fetches: KomInt32¶
- created_persons: KomInt16¶
- created_confs: KomInt16¶
- first_created_local_no: KomInt32¶
- no_of_created_texts: KomInt32¶
- no_of_marks: KomInt16¶
- no_of_confs: KomInt16¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.PersonalFlags(unread_is_secret: KomBool, flg2: KomBool, flg3: KomBool, flg4: KomBool, flg5: KomBool, flg6: KomBool, flg7: KomBool, flg8: KomBool)¶
- unread_is_secret: KomBool¶
- flg2: KomBool¶
- flg3: KomBool¶
- flg4: KomBool¶
- flg5: KomBool¶
- flg6: KomBool¶
- flg7: KomBool¶
- flg8: KomBool¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.PrivBits(wheel: KomBool, admin: KomBool, statistic: KomBool, create_pers: KomBool, create_conf: KomBool, change_name: KomBool, flg7: KomBool, flg8: KomBool, flg9: KomBool, flg10: KomBool, flg11: KomBool, flg12: KomBool, flg13: KomBool, flg14: KomBool, flg15: KomBool, flg16: KomBool)¶
- wheel: KomBool¶
- admin: KomBool¶
- statistic: KomBool¶
- create_pers: KomBool¶
- create_conf: KomBool¶
- change_name: KomBool¶
- flg7: KomBool¶
- flg8: KomBool¶
- flg9: KomBool¶
- flg10: KomBool¶
- flg11: KomBool¶
- flg12: KomBool¶
- flg13: KomBool¶
- flg14: KomBool¶
- flg15: KomBool¶
- flg16: KomBool¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.ReadRange(first_read: LocalTextNo, last_read: LocalTextNo)¶
- first_read: LocalTextNo¶
- last_read: LocalTextNo¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.SessionFlags(invisible: KomBool, user_active_used: KomBool, user_absent: KomBool, reserved3: KomBool, reserved4: KomBool, reserved5: KomBool, reserved6: KomBool, reserved7: KomBool)¶
- invisible: KomBool¶
- user_active_used: KomBool¶
- user_absent: KomBool¶
- reserved3: KomBool¶
- reserved4: KomBool¶
- reserved5: KomBool¶
- reserved6: KomBool¶
- reserved7: KomBool¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.StaticServerInfo(boot_time: Time, save_time: Time, db_status: KomStr, existing_texts: KomInt32, highest_text_no: TextNo, existing_confs: KomInt32, existing_persons: KomInt32, highest_conf_no: ConfNo)¶
- db_status: KomStr¶
- existing_texts: KomInt32¶
- highest_text_no: TextNo¶
- existing_confs: KomInt32¶
- existing_persons: KomInt32¶
- highest_conf_no: ConfNo¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.StaticSessionInfo(username: KomStr, hostname: KomStr, ident_user: KomStr, connection_time: Time)¶
- username: KomStr¶
- hostname: KomStr¶
- ident_user: KomStr¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.Stats(average: KomFloat, ascent_rate: KomFloat, descent_rate: KomFloat)¶
- average: KomFloat¶
- ascent_rate: KomFloat¶
- descent_rate: KomFloat¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.StatsDescription(what: list[KomStr], when: list[KomInt32])¶
- what: list[KomStr]¶
- when: list[KomInt32]¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.TextList(first_local_no: LocalTextNo, texts: list[TextNo])¶
- first_local_no: LocalTextNo¶
- texts: list[TextNo]¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.TextMapping(range_begin: LocalTextNo, range_end: LocalTextNo, more_texts_exists: KomBool, block: LocalToGlobalBlock)¶
- range_begin: LocalTextNo¶
- range_end: LocalTextNo¶
- more_texts_exists: KomBool¶
- block: LocalToGlobalBlock¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.TextNumberPair(local_number: LocalTextNo, global_number: TextNo)¶
- local_number: LocalTextNo¶
- global_number: TextNo¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.TextStat(creation_time: Time, author: PersNo, no_of_lines: KomInt32, no_of_chars: KomInt32, no_of_marks: KomInt16, misc_info: list[MiscInfo], aux_items: list[AuxItem])¶
- author: PersNo¶
- no_of_lines: KomInt32¶
- no_of_chars: KomInt32¶
- no_of_marks: KomInt16¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.Time(seconds: KomInt32, minutes: KomInt32, hours: KomInt32, day: KomInt32, month: KomInt32, year: KomInt32, day_of_week: KomInt32, day_of_year: KomInt32, is_dst: KomBool)¶
- seconds: KomInt32¶
- minutes: KomInt32¶
- hours: KomInt32¶
- day: KomInt32¶
- month: KomInt32¶
- year: KomInt32¶
- day_of_week: KomInt32¶
- day_of_year: KomInt32¶
- is_dst: KomBool¶
- property datetime: datetime¶
- property timestamp: int¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.Uconference(name: KomStr, type: ExtendedConfType, highest_local_no: LocalTextNo, nice: GarbNice)¶
- name: KomStr¶
- type: ExtendedConfType¶
- highest_local_no: LocalTextNo¶
- nice: GarbNice¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.VersionInfo(protocol_version: KomInt32, server_software: KomStr, software_version: KomStr)¶
- protocol_version: KomInt32¶
- server_software: KomStr¶
- software_version: KomStr¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.WhoInfo(person: PersNo, working_conference: ConfNo, session: SessionNo, what_am_i_doing: KomStr, username: KomStr)¶
- person: PersNo¶
- working_conference: ConfNo¶
- session: SessionNo¶
- what_am_i_doing: KomStr¶
- username: KomStr¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- classmethod parse_array(parser: MessageParser) list[Self] ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncNewName(conf_no: 'ConfNo', old_name: KomStr, new_name: KomStr)¶
- conf_no: ConfNo¶
- old_name: KomStr¶
- new_name: KomStr¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 5¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncIAmOn(info: 'WhoInfo')¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 6¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncSyncDb¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 7¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncLeaveConf(conf_no: 'ConfNo')¶
- conf_no: ConfNo¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 8¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncLogin(pers_no: 'PersNo', session_no: 'SessionNo')¶
- pers_no: PersNo¶
- session_no: SessionNo¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 9¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncRejectedConnection¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 11¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncSendMessage(recipient: 'ConfNo', sender: 'PersNo', message: KomStr)¶
- recipient: ConfNo¶
- sender: PersNo¶
- message: KomStr¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 12¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncLogout(pers_no: 'PersNo', session_no: 'SessionNo')¶
- pers_no: PersNo¶
- session_no: SessionNo¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 13¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncDeletedText(text_no: 'TextNo', text_stat: 'TextStat')¶
- text_no: TextNo¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 14¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncNewText(text_no: 'TextNo', text_stat: 'TextStat')¶
- text_no: TextNo¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 15¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncNewRecipient(text_no: 'TextNo', conf_no: 'ConfNo', type: 'InfoType')¶
- text_no: TextNo¶
- conf_no: ConfNo¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 16¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncSubRecipient(text_no: 'TextNo', conf_no: 'ConfNo', type: 'InfoType')¶
- text_no: TextNo¶
- conf_no: ConfNo¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 17¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncNewMembership(pers_no: 'PersNo', conf_no: 'ConfNo')¶
- pers_no: PersNo¶
- conf_no: ConfNo¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 18¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncNewUserArea(pers_no: 'PersNo', old_user_area: 'TextNo', new_user_area: 'TextNo')¶
- pers_no: PersNo¶
- old_user_area: TextNo¶
- new_user_area: TextNo¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 19¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncNewPresentation(conf_no: 'ConfNo', old_presentation: 'TextNo', new_presentation: 'TextNo')¶
- conf_no: ConfNo¶
- old_presentation: TextNo¶
- new_presentation: TextNo¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 20¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncNewMotd(conf_no: 'ConfNo', old_motd: 'TextNo', new_motd: 'TextNo')¶
- conf_no: ConfNo¶
- old_motd: TextNo¶
- new_motd: TextNo¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 21¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncTextAuxChanged(text_no: 'TextNo', deleted: list['AuxItem'], added: list['AuxItem'])¶
- text_no: TextNo¶
- message_nr: ClassVar[int] = 22¶
- write(writer: MessageWriter)¶
- classmethod parse(parser: MessageParser) Self ¶
- class pyskom.protocol.kom_types.AsyncMessageNr¶
- NEW_NAME = 5¶
- I_AM_ON = 6¶
- SYNC_DB = 7¶
- LOGIN = 9¶
- LOGOUT = 13¶
- NEW_TEXT = 15¶
- NEW_MOTD = 21¶