Berlin Huts, 5900m
Lat 32.38.26
Long 70.01.27
Berlin is a nice place about 2 hours from Nido. there are three huts
which might provide some shelter in really bad whether, but don't count
on them, since they might be crowded by others with the same thought.
Usually however, pleople bring tents here. This is where most people
seem to start their summit attempt. No facilities (except for the huts
of course). The place is full with garbage, probably from tents which
didn't stand the wind. According to hearsay, an expedition a few days
prior to ours came to Berlin Huts with 11 tents and returned with 4...
Personal experience
Jonas, Martin and Ragge stayed here the night before the summit attempt,
and also the night after, feeling fairly well all the time. Do remember
however, that we all ate medication (diamox) for the altitude. This was
the first time we experienced problems with the kitchens. if it was the
hight, the lack of oxygene or the cold is hard to know...