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Last update: October 2004

John Olsson

My name is John Olsson and I was born the 2nd of April 1972. I'm studying Computer Science and Engeneering (which is also called the D programme) here at Linköpings Tekniska Högskola (LiTH) since 1991. If you translate Linköpings Tekniska Högskolan into english, you get something like Linköping Institute of Technology. I'm from the town Vänersborg (map of Sweden), which is situated at the south tip of the biggest lake in Sweden, Vänern. 10Km from Vänersborg lies the town Trollhättan, where the SAAB/GM car factory lies and SAAB's headquaters are. My parents now live in the city Helsingborg, but my older brother (who is 36 years old :) are still living in Vänersborg with his girlfriend.

Some of my interests are:

Some of my friends have WWW-pages:

Alexander Larsson
Karl-Johan Karlsson
Per Magnusson
Morgan Nilsson
Rikard Strand, University of Skovde
Jacob Löfvenberg
Anders Kamperin
Yoshi Sugahara
Sigrún Olofsdottir
Tommy Pettersson
Daniel Boestad

The following people have links to my pages:

Digital Dream
K Foundation Web
Discographies at Nibble's
Mikes Page
Assorted AD&D stuff!
woodelf, or, My Own Little Slice of Braggadocio
Welcome to Barovia, realm of terror
Lord Phantos' (Chris Brooks') Home Page
Edward Robert Friedlander, M.D.
Hoody's Home Page
Petr Mitosinka
The Flick Pages
Ezra's Home Page
Elizabeth Luck
Glenn's Akoustic Web
Morph's Home Page

Since it became to tedious to have links here to all who linked to my page(s), you can search with Alta Vista by clicking HERE... :)


NIC.FUNET.FI - Table Of Contents
Internet Movie Database
My personal Bookmarks

Last update: October 2004 CET by John Olsson

Graphics created with Pixelsight