You are visitor number 644 since November 2019.
The rules presented are intended for any RPG. Because of the
variance between games, the mechanics used in this guide are explained
The guide uses eight attributes for a character. These attributes
are as followed:
- Physical Strength - physical power.
- Intelligence - knowledge and wit.
- Wisdom - judgement and common sense.
- Constitution - heartiness and "spirit".
- Charisma - allure, charm, and leadership.
- Dexterity - prowess and quickness.
- Luck - fortune and fate.
- Attractiveness - comeliness and physical looks.
Number references to attributes use the 3 to 18 scale which is common
among RPGs. Some RPGs use a percentile scale for attributes, if this is
desired merely multiple the number listed by 5.56 to get the
Most systems have some system for characters to get out or save
themselves from dangerous situations. Systems vary but the following
categories are used here:
- paralyzation, poison, death magic, demon/deity power and other
really nasty stuff.
- rod, staff, wand, and other powerful magic-items (no artifacts).
- petrifaction, polymorph, and other magics that severely alter the
- breath weapon and other powerful natural attacks.
- spells, and other common magical effects.
Spell levels are only provide as a measure for the spells in this
guide. The spell levels don't represent spell levels of any given RPG
system. Compare the power of the spells presented in this guide with
the level of spells in your game system and adjust the level
A sub-class is a standard class that provides more specific
detail. The sub-class sections have the following info:
- Introduction/Description/Role
- Information.
- Qualifications
- Requirements.
- Specialty
- Another name for the class.
- Preferred Schools/Barred Schools
- For clerics and mages, these
are the magic schools. There are a variety of schools in many
systems so the most popular ones are used here. Schools are
necromancy, alteration, enchantment, invocation, evocation,
conjuring/summoning/thaumaturgy, illusion, deviation, abjuration.
- Chosen Disciplines/Sciences/Devotions
- Most psionics in RPGs are
broken down into a hierarchy of powers. In this guide devotions
are the powers at the bottom.
- Secondary Skills
- Other abilities.
- Weapon Skill
- Requirements and suggestions for weapons.
- Nonweapon Skill
- Requirements and suggestions for non-weapon
- Equipment
- Suggested and banned equipment.
- Special Benefits/Special Hindrances
- The mechanics that make the
- Wealth Options
- Monetary information.
- Races
- Races allowed.