You are visitor number 1464 since November 2019.
Die Roll | Insanity |
1 | Bitchamania |
2 | Coprophilia |
3 | Exhibitionism |
4 | Fetishism |
5 | Foulmouthia |
6 | Geroniophilla |
7 | Innecrophilia |
8 | Masochism |
9 | Mirusmania |
10 | Necrophilia |
11 | Nymphomania |
12 | Pedophilia |
13 | Periculuphilia |
14 | Pigmalionism |
15 | Sadism |
16 | Sexaphobia |
17 | Unus-????mania |
18 | Uridpsomania |
19 | Voyeurism |
20 | Zoophilia |
21+ | REROLL |
A phobia is a fear of something. The phobias presented here fears that are related to sex in some way.
There are two tables for this section, Male and Female. If the character is homosexual or bisexual, then go to the appropriate sex 90% of the time and the opposite sex of the character the remaining 10% of the time. If a character rolls an impossibility (a male rolls a strictly female phobia), then reroll on the table appropriate to the character's sex.
Die Roll | Female Sexual Phobias | Fear of |
01-03 | Agaraphobia | Sexual Abuse |
04-06 | Algophobia | Sexual Pain |
07-12 | Androphobia | Men |
13-14 | Anuptophobia | Being single |
15-17 | Aphenphobia | Physical Contact |
18-22 | Coitophobia | Sex |
23-24 | Coitus More Ferarum | Doggy-style sex |
25-29 | Coitus Oralis | Oral sex |
30-35 | Cypridophobia | Venerial Diseases |
36-38 | Dyspareunia | Painful vaginal sex |
39-41 | Esodophobia | Virginity |
42-44 | Gamophobia | Marriage |
45-47 | Gymnophobia | Naked bodies |
48-50 | Hedonophobia | Pleasure |
51 | Heterophobia | Heterosexuals |
52-57 | Homphobia | Homosexuals |
58-60 | Ithyphallophobia | Erect penises |
61-63 | Maieusiophobia | Childbirth |
64-65 | Malaxophobia | Flirting |
66-67 | Medectophobia | Contour of a penis which is visible through clothing |
68-69 | Menophobia | Menstration |
70-74 | Merinthophobia | Being bound |
75-77 | Necrophobia | Sex with the dead |
78-79 | Oneirogmophobia | Wet dreams |
80-82 | Paraphobia | Sexual Perversions |
83-84 | Phallophobia | Male genitalia |
85-87 | Primeisodophobia | Losing one's virginity |
88-90 | Proctophobia | Rectal intercourse |
91 | Sarmassophobia | Foreplay |
92-93 | Sexophobia | Opposite Sex |
94 | Spermophobia | Semen |
95-96 | Teratophobia | Bearing a monster |
97-100 | Virgivitiphobia | Rape |
Die Roll | Male Sexual Phobias | Fear of |
01-03 | Agrophobia | Sexual Abuse |
04-06 | Algophobia | Sexual Pain |
07-09 | Anuptophobia | Being single |
10-11 | Aphenophobia | Physical Contact |
12-14 | Coitophobia | Sex |
15-17 | Coitus Oralis | Oral sex |
18-20 | Cyprianophobia | Prostitutes |
21-23 | Cypridophobia | Venerial Disease |
24-25 | Ejacuphobia | Ejaculation |
26-28 | Esodophobia | Virginity |
29-31 | Eurotophobia | Female Genetalia |
32-37 | Gamophobia | Marriage |
38-39 | Gymnophobia | Naked Bodies |
40-44 | Gynophobia | Women |
45-48 | Hedonophobia | Pleasure |
49-53 | Malaxophobia | Flirting |
54-59 | Medomalacophobia | Losing an erection |
60-62 | Merinthophobia | Being bound |
63-67 | Necrophobia | Sex with the dead |
68-71 | Oneirogmophobia | Wet dreams |
72-76 | Paraphobia | Sexual perversions |
77-80 | Parenthenophobia | Young girls, usually virgins |
81-85 | Penis Captivas | Having one's penis held tightly be vaginal muscles |
86-89 | Primeisodophobia | Losing one's virginity |
90-92 | Proctophobia | Rectal intercourse |
93-95 | Sarmassophobia | Foreplay |
96-97 | Sexophobia | Opposite sex |
98-100 | Venustaphobia | Beautiful women |
Roll | Mania Name (????) | Type of Creature |
1 | Daemon | Demons * |
2 | Dimidiuselfe | Half-elves |
3 | Divus | Dieties, Demigods, etc |
4 | Draco | Dragons * |
5 | Druidae | Druids |
6 | Elfe | Elves * |
7 | Giant | Giants * |
8 | Gnome | Gnomes |
9 | Gobla | Goblins |
10 | Gole | Golems * |
11 | Halfline | Halflings |
12 | Homo | Humans * |
13 | Lycanthrope | Lycanthropes * |
14 | Magus | Mages |
15 | Nanus | Dwarfs * |
16 | Nequam | Rogues |
17 | Ogra | Ogres |
18 | Pugna | Fighters |
19 | Sacerdos | Clerics |
20 | Vates | Bards |
* can be specific type
Example: A person with unus-sacerdosmania insanity will have a desire to have sex with clerics. When having sex with cleric, he/she might want the cleric to pray. A person with unus-pugnamania will only have sex with fighters and might want the fighter to punch, scratch, and wrestle during sex. A person with unus-vatesmania will only have sex with bards and might want the bard to sing during sex.
Roll | Animal | Roll Animal | |
1 | dog | 11 | mule |
2 | horse | 12 | wolverine |
3 | pig | 13 | rhinoceros |
4 | cat | 14 | hippopotamus |
5 | monkey | 15 | boar |
6 | bear | 16 | bull |
7 | elephant | 17 | buffalo |
8 | skunk | 18 | goat |
9 | camel | 19 | sheep |
10 | lion | 20 | roll twice -ignore this |