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Last update: October 2004
On this page you'll find the latest versions of the guides by The Guide Creator!
Do you by any chance have some text (regarding RPG rule extensions) which you want others to be able to access, but you can't publish it on the net? I might be able to offer a home for it! Or, if you have such a text published already and you think it would be nice to have a link to it from this page, drop me a line, and I might add it... :)
The Complete Guide To Metallica
You know it's sad but true
Here is the long sought after "The Complete Guide To Metallica For Fantasy
Roleplaying Games" sent to me directly from the authors harddisk!
The Carnal Guide
Gwynn Kirkaldy has kindly made an HTML version of the Carnal Guide available.
Peter Singewald contacted me and told me about a project he is involved in where they are converting the rules to D&D 3rd Edition. You can find the project page here.
The latest version from 1996 in plain text:
I have started to convert the plain text version from 1996 to HTML (unfortunatly this seems to take longer time than I expected... :( ):
The Complete Guide To Alcohol
The Highlander Guide
The (More or Less) Complete Guide To Hygiene
The Complete Guide To Sanity
The Complete Guide To RPG Technology
The Fantasy Guide To Star Trek
New Organizations
New Ability Scores
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies
Rules Regarding Death and Here-After
Wonderful Items
Weapon quality
Other guide sites on the net
PLEASE let me know if you have any problems with downloading any of these files!
Back to my RPG page.
Last update: October 2004 CET by John Olsson
Graphics created with Pixelsight